
A time of waiting…Advent!

God meets us where we are, He comes in the Child we now await in joyful hope. And this changes everything! In this way, our whole life is an Advent, a preparation. My hope for you in this beautiful season, is that you encounter Christ in a way that you have never before. Let us not be distracted by the passing world and its worries, but comforted and strengthen by the One who comes to us in that same world. For the tinsel of Christmas is never enough for the human heart…but this Child is. A Blessed Advent to all.

Fr Trenton van Reesch

The word ‘Advent‘ comes from Latin and means “coming” or “victory” its purpose is to look forward to the coming of Christ to Earth; it is a season that focused on waiting. So, “Advent means something new is coming. The dawn of a new and better era. This is really what the Christmas season is all about, isn’t it? It’s the celebration of the ADVENT of a new era. God broke into time and space and entered our world”

Through prayer, we can enter into God’s world and ask Him to prepare our hearts the way He prepared all of history to receive the gift of His Son. Ask the Father to use this time during Advent to cut away the distractions and make your life a place of warmth and openness.

During Advent:

“Dear Lord, I Pray for….”

  1. Pray for attentiveness to what truly matters, without being distracted by trivial things.
  2. Pray for opportunities to learn something new regularly.
  3. Pray for discernment of how God would like you to set your priorities and the ability to focus on them consistently to fulfill His purposes in your life.
  4. Pray for the grace to be able to rest, become aware of God’s presence, and enjoy it.
  5. Pray for strong relationships with other people in the bond of loving community.
  6. Pray for peace in all situations, no matter what the circumstances.
  7. Pray for an enlivened imagination that helps you contribute to the world in creative ways.
  8. Pray for freedom from all that burdens you – past mistakes, fears, destructive habits, hurts other people have inflicted, and more.
  9. Pray for joy and a sense of humour.
  10. Pray for confidence in God’s love for you and trust in His power to work things out for the best in your life.
  11. Pray for a clear mind and the ability to clearly communicate what you value to others.
  12. Pray for purity so you can grow as a person and encounter God more fully.
  13. Pray for openness to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
  14. Pray for a genuine awareness of God’s grace in your life and the humility to extend grace to others.
  15. Pray for a passion to pursue justice.


Blessed Edmund Rice…Pray for us.

Live Jesus in our Hearts …Forever.


Michael Monagle (Assistant Principal- Mission and Identity)