
Academic Celebrations – 2020

Recently, as part of the Year 12 Graduation events, the College celebrated the academic successes across all subjects of the graduating cohort. Mr Zavone set the tone for acknowledging the many exceptionally talented students in Year 12 during his Principal’s Address, identifying the amazing depth and breadth of these and the commitment to which the boys demonstrate towards them.

The Academic Awards are presented to students on the completion of a Major in a course of study with some criteria dependant on the number of students enrolled and their overall grade. As such in 2020 the College distributed 76 Year 12 Academic Awards to 42 different students in both Tertiary and Accredited courses with student receiving their medals and certificates from the College Leadership Team.

Congratulations to all students on their awards in what demonstrates focussed effort and achievement across their two years as a senior student and thank you for the example you have set regarding academics.

On Tuesday 8 December the College is looking forward to celebrating the similar successes of Year 7 – 11 students at the Academic Awards assembly to be held in the Brother Wallace Hall. Invitations to attend this event are being emailed to recipients and their families at the end of Week 8 which, due to current restrictions and the number of award winners, will be limited to 1 family member per awardee.

Congratulations again to those students who have or will receive an Academic Award in 2020, a year like no other that contained numerous hurdles and challenges to overcome.

Year 12 Academic Awards 2020

Unit nameLevel AchievedFirst NameSurname
Biology TFirst RoyWallace
Biology TSecond WilsonWallace
Business TFirst StevenQuilliam
Business TSecond SamuelGibson
Chemistry TFirst DanielFisher
Chemistry TSecond BenjamanMorris
Design and Emerging Technologies TFirst Te Karara AdamMurray
Drama TFirst LachlanBrayshaw
Drama TSecond BrendanO’Sullivan
Economics TFirst RichardAlvarez Baumann
Economics TSecond NoyalSaji
English Essential AFirst BenjaminMorrison
English Essential ASecond JakeMaszaro
English Essential AThirdLewisBuckman
English TFirst PatrickMcFarlane
English TSecond BenjaminFrancis
English TThird NoyalSaji
Exercise Science AFirst KeeganVucetic
Exercise Science TFirst AndreLopilato
Exercise Science TSecond AdamDa Silva
French Continuing TFirst RichardAlvarez Baumann
Furniture Construction AFirst AedanRyan
Furniture Construction ASecond AdrianMorosin
Furniture Construction AThird MitchellHolst
History Ancient TFirst AngusJones
History Modern TFirst JackBrown
Hospitality AFirst BenjaminMorrison
Hospitality ASecond AdrianMorosin
Hospitality TFirst BaileyBrown
Information Technology TFirst NoyalSaji
Information Technology TSecond JayHoran
Japanese Beginning AFirst BenjaminMorrison
Japanese Continuing TFirst PatrickMcFarlane
Legal Studies TFirst JackBrown
Literature TFirst DanielFisher
Mathematical Methods TFirst LawsonBurn
Mathematical Methods TSecond RichardAlvarez Baumann
Mathematics Applications TFirst WilliamConroy
Mathematics Applications TSecond RyanHoare
Mathematics Applications TThird KaiBower
Mathematics Essential AFirst BenjaminNicoletti
Mathematics Essential ASecond JacobFeeney
Media TFirst LeoMarris
Media TSecond BrendanO’Sullivan
Media TThird TristanFox
Metal Products AFirst AedanRyan
Music TFirst BenjaminFrancis
Music TSecond LeoMarris
Music TThird BrendanO’Sullivan
Physical Education AFirst DanielShaw
Physical Education ASecond ThomasLachlan
Physics TFirst JayHoran
Physics TSecond LawsonBurn
Psychology TFirst LawsonBurn
Psychology TSecond WilliamConroy
Religious Studies AFirst LukeNazor
Religious Studies TFirst NoyalSaji
Religious Studies TSecond RichardAlvarez Baumann
Religious Studies TThird MatthewMcGaughey
Specialist Mathematical Methods TFirst JayHoran
Specialist Mathematical Methods TSecond BenjaminFrancis
Specialist Mathematics TFirst JayHoran
Specialist Mathematics TSecond BenjaminFrancis
Sport and Recreation AFirst ThomasTracy
Sport and Recreation ASecond TylerChan
Sports Development AFirst ThomasLachlan
Sports Development TEqual Second KaiBower
Sports Development TEqual Second RyanHoare
Sports Development TFirst TylerChan
Timber Products AFirst DanielFisher
Timber Products ASecond Te Karara AdamMurray
Timber Products AThird BaileyBrown
Visual Art Graphics TFirst CharlesPescador
Visual Art TFirst CharlesPescador
Visual Art TSecond IanYumul

Dale Argall
Teaching and Learning Coordinator