
Building Leaders for our Future

Ask yourself, what makes a good leader? As quoted by President John Quincy Adams, if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

Here at St Edmund’s College Canberra we pride ourselves in instilling our students with the confidence, ability and desire to take the opportunity to formally represent the school in leadership positions. The leadership roles include College Captain, College Vice Captain – Justice and Solidarity, College Vice Captain – Liberating Education, College Vice Captain – Gospel Spirituality, House Captain (one for each of the 6 houses) and House Vice Captain (one for each of the 6 houses). These are all available to apply for in Year 11 when the selection process takes place, in order for them to represent these roles in Year 12.

Our 2023 prospective leaders have been asked to begin applying and submitting their applications.  College Leader applicants will present to their cohort in week 6 – 26th August during their retreat. Following the selection and announcement of College leaders, House applicants present to their house group during Formation class in week 7 on the 31st August.  The college community will be notified formally at the College assembly in week 9 – 14th September.

Leadership is one of the five key elements of the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework required to foster a whole school community that promotes student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships.

The effective practices of selection of school leaders are based directly off the National Safe Schools Framework. These include:

  • Develop the school’s vision and values (Eddies Pride), building on existing strengths, to enhance student learning and sustain the safety and wellbeing of the whole school community
  • Actively seek and incorporate students’ perspectives about safety and wellbeing in order to promote positive learning outcomes
  • Communicate the priorities for student learning, safety and wellbeing and encourage collaborative partnerships to enact the school’s vision and values
  • Collaboratively develop whole school policies, plans and structures for protecting the safety and promoting the wellbeing of staff, students, and families
  • Regularly monitor and review school capacity to address the safety and wellbeing of the whole school community in order to identify areas of strength and those requiring improvement

“Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile.” – Vince Lombardi, American Football Coach & NFL executive.

Alana Beard
Head of Haydon House