
Character Flaws to Graduation Bell

I loved the character flaws in it, the bugs that had shaped it, it was rough to look at but I knew there was some beauty within.

I am a very proud and biased Design and Technology teacher here at the college and it was my absolute pleasure to build the new Graduation Bell Stand to honour our young men when they left the college last Friday, and graduations for years to come.

Firstly what is the difference between recycled timber and reclaimed timber?
Recycled timber has been salvaged from an existing structure. It is typically sourced from demolished factories, buildings, schools, decks, bridges or jetties. Whereas, reclaimed timber has been sourced from the forest floor.

Recycled and reclaimed timbers help to minimize your carbon footprint while adding one-of-a-kind character to the projects within the department. Whenever possible, we use materials that have been reused, reclaimed or recycled, I believe after a little bit of hard work, clever design, machining and some skills the boys have learnt along the way the end products that go home are amazing. They offer warmth, character and features you can’t get any other way.

What I love about recycled timber is the story that is inside of it, the history that these pieces of timber have seen. Dating back longer than we have been around. The Jarrah used in the Graduation Bell Stand exact source is unknown within the school. But we were lucky enough to find it outside of our department in a pile of scrap hardwoods from a school refurbishment a few years ago. In the pile hardwood was quite a bit of Silky Oak and Victorian Ash, but also a little bit of the Jarrah.

The Oak and the Ash was quickly used in project rotations but the Jarrah I have had stashed away for a project worthy of it use. I loved the character flaws in it, the bugs that had shaped it, it was rough to look at but I knew there was some beauty within, and it was going to be perfect one day. It reminded me of the boys here and was the perfect material to use for their Graduation Bell.



Sources of the reclaimed material can include old barns, pallets, decommissioned buildings, school refurbishments, home renovations and more.

From an economic and environmental standpoint, reclaimed timber makes sense. By being smart about the wood you reuse or repurpose, you can enjoy the benefits of the reclaimed material without consequence. Keep your eye out for timbers that have potential, most do and if you cannot use it drop it off to me. Your boys will love it.


Jason Moore
Head of Design and Technology