
Enter, The Eddies Voices Committee

There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning
–  1 Corinthians 14:10

The above excerpt from 1 Corinthians delivers a simple yet compelling truth. We all have something to offer. St Edmund’s College Touchstones offer a fundamentalist view of what our College stands to promote and it is no secret that St Edmund’s College strives to be an Inclusive Community and a place of Justice and Solidarity. As users of the College’s services, we recognise that our students have a unique and invaluable insight into the effectiveness of the College’s functionality. As key stakeholders in the College, students need a place for their opinions and views to be heard, and we believe the College will benefit from our students’ direct input.

Enter, The Eddies Voices Committee, a platform for student input and place for all voices in our community to be heard. The Eddies Voices Committee or, EVC, will formally commence this week and will act as a forum where all students of St Edmund’s have the opportunity for their voices to be heard through a group of student representatives. Initially, the members of the EVC have been selected by their Heads of House to represent the diversity of their Houses and collectively, the diversity of the College. We understand that it is most important for ALL, not just some, voices to be heard and our aim is to ensure that our community is one of Inclusion, Justice and Solidarity.

The EVC aims to provide a place for student members to inform the relevant staff on the issues that are facing the student body. Whether that be in the classroom or in the real world. Additionally, the Committee aims to act as an insight into the student experience at St Edmund’s which will better inform key strategic decisions at the College. Furthermore, the EVC seeks to provide leadership opportunities for students who have a particular interest in perpetuating the betterment and growth of the College.

If you are interested in being a part of this initiative or would like some further information, please contact your Head of House or Mr. Chalker-Harris.

Take care and best wishes for the year ahead.

Jack Chalker-Harris
Head of Religious Education (Acting)