
Food for Thought

Nutrition affects mental health and wellbeing.

Healthy eating helps children and young people manage their emotions, deal with stress and get better sleep. All of which are needed to assist their learning.

Emerging research on children and young people has found that there is a relationship between poor nutrition and mental health outcomes. There is evidence to suggest that an unhealthy diet can be a risk factor for depression and anxiety.

Children and young people need support to establish healthy eating patterns.

Tips to encourage healthy eating:
Make mealtimes as relaxed and comfortable as possible.
Talk positively about the healthy foods that they are having.
Be a good role model with the foods you eat.
Eat together.
Provide opportunities for cooking and food preparation.
Avoid using food as a reward.
Plant a vegetable garden.
Increase fruit and vegetable intake and reduce foods high in sugar, salt and fat.

Linda James
College Counsellor