
In Real Life

What a treasure trove of news is out at the moment. We can use what is happening in real life in Humanities in almost every classroom. While not all news is good news, we can still learn from it.

Linda Meulen and her senior Global Studies class have almost too much news to keep up with. They have been delving into the Australian election – where will Australia’s focus now be? Will we start to have more positive relations with China? How does the war in Ukraine impact Australia? Students can tell us all sorts of information from the news, but gaining the analysis or the higher order thinking, requires students to stop and ask why, so what, or therefore?

Business students were able to put into motion the marketing tools we have been learning all year and apply them to Founder’s Day earlier this semester. It was great to see the boys get behind Founder’s Day, create and run stalls to raise a good amount of money on the day. Some stalls were too busy, such as Bubble Soccer, and the boys had to learn how to control the crowds and perhaps learn a lesson for next time.

Economics students have been asking about why inflation is so high and trying to make sense of wage growth, or lack thereof. Our studies of monopolies and other market structures have the boys not only learning the theory, but then the analysis – therefore, so what or because. If our electricity providers are a monopoly, what does this mean for us as consumers? This is the important details that provide students with a deeper understanding of the world around them.

When you are talking with your sons at home, please ask them what they learnt at school, and then ask – what does this mean? Why is this important? Or why does this matter?

Head of Humanities & Social Sciences