
Inclusion in Action

St Edmund’s approach to diverse learners follows a philosophy of inclusive education and tailored individual learning. We seek to support students, families, and staff in finding the best programs for the individual, whether that be through learning support, extension, enrichment and/or acceleration. Our flexible learning pathways have been successful for students at a variety of ability levels, and we continue to be open to new approaches to supporting the learning needs of all students in our community.

Eddies has a long history of inclusivity and support for students with disability and diverse learning needs. At a recent staff briefing, Pat Langtry spoke about his attendance at the reunion of students from 2002. He was so proud of the boys in that cohort who 20 years on, are still supporting their mate with a disability. This is not an isolated story and our boys have always been supportive and protective of those students in our community who live with different challenges. The positive influence of having students with diverse learning needs in the college has an impact on all our students, both in and out of the classroom.

The use of scaffolding, assistive technologies like voice to text and immersive readers, developed to support students with diverse learning needs can also be of benefit to all students. These technologies and scaffolding offer a variety of access points to the curriculum allowing all students, regardless of their learning needs to achieve to their potential.

As we approach the end of each school year, we can’t help but reflect upon the Year 12 students that are leaving St Edmund’s to start their next stage of life. This year is no different as we say farewell to a Year 12 student who has provided us all with a lesson in the importance of having people with diverse abilities and learning needs in our community.

Eric came to St Edmund’s at the beginning of 2020 when he joined the Year 11 cohort. He is a twice exceptional student who had been accelerated, and he came to us with a variety of educational experiences. Eric very quickly became part of the fabric of our community – demonstrating perseverance in overcoming challenges and developing resilience in learning when things didn’t quite go to plan. Eric’s journey through Years 11 and 12 has been very flexible, allowing him to study a variety of subjects that cater to his strengths and interests.

Eric has had an impact on all members of the college community. He has been an example of diversity in action, demonstrating to other students in the school that you can succeed because of any diverse needs and abilities if you have the flexibility and support required. His interactions with High School students as part of the STEAM co-curricular was inspirational as he was able to support their learning in new and interesting ways. Eric has been fully included in all aspects of College Life and his classmates are there to support him in any way they can. In Eric’s words, ‘I am really proud to be an example of how St Eddies is an inclusive community’.

Lisa Millar
Head of Diverse Learning