
Is School a Place for Everybody?

Having taught in schools for over 20 years and having been through the education system myself, my opinion about school is, that it is not a place for everyone. Different people need different approaches to life and different and various lives need various approaches. To say the same approach works for all people would be Ludacris.

According to the National Centre for Education Statistics, students who excel academically are more likely to have better job prospects and higher earnings later in life (NCES, 2018). While some students may have natural abilities that make academic success come easier to them, there are many strategies that all students can use to excel in school. This report outlines some key tips for achieving academic success, based on current research and best practices.

Tips for Excelling in School:
• Develop Good Study Habits: Research shows that developing good study habits is one of the most important factors in academic success. According to a study by the Journal of Educational Psychology, students who use effective study strategies such as summarizing and self-quizzing are more likely to perform well on exams (Dunlosky et al., 2013).

• Stay Organised: Staying organised is another crucial factor in academic success. According to a study by the Journal of Advanced Academics, students who use organizational strategies such as keeping a planner or calendar are more likely to manage their time effectively and complete assignments on time (Kuo & Hooper, 2018).

• Participate in Class: Active class participation is a key indicator of academic success. According to a study by the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, students who actively participate in class are more likely to retain information and develop critical thinking skills (Fakolade, 2017).

• Seek Help When Needed:
Effective students are not afraid to ask for help when they need it. According to a study by the Journal of Education and Practice, students who seek help from teachers and tutors are more likely to improve their academic performance (Vishnumolakala & Rakesh, 2016).

• Prioritize Time: Effective time management is essential for academic success. According to a study by the Journal of College Reading and Learning, students who use time management strategies such as setting priorities and creating a schedule are more likely to achieve their academic goals (Garcia & Zelaya, 2015).

• Practice Good Self-Care: Finally, taking care of oneself is a key factor in academic success. According to a study by the Journal of American College Health, students who prioritize their physical and mental health are more likely to have higher GPAs and graduate on time (Levitt & Nida, 2015).

In summary, as one study suggests, “The most successful students are those who adopt effective learning strategies and manage their time well, while also prioritizing their physical and mental health” (Dunlosky et al., 2013).

Achieving academic success is a multifaceted process that depends on a range of factors, including natural ability, hard work, and effective strategies.

By developing good study habits, staying organized, participating in class, seeking help when needed, prioritizing time, and practicing good self-care, students can set themselves up for academic success.

These tips, supported by research and best practices, can serve as a helpful starting point for all students from all walks of life, and in doing so; school can and is a place for everyone.

Tim MacArthur –
Head of Rice House