
Junior School News: Term 4, Week 4, 2024

We are looking forward to celebrating recent, notable efforts inside the classroom at our Junior School assembly tomorrow. Congratulations to all those receiving academic recognition tomorrow. We also have some special awards to hand out for receiving a Distinction or above in the Australian Mathematics Competition. Congratulations to Oscar Bromhead (Year 4), Laith McPhan (Year 5), Max Bathgate, Elijah Bursell and Aiden Kennedy (all Year 6). We will also give out a special award to Tom Gibson (Year 5) for winning ACT age champion for Track & Field (11 Years).  

Thursday 7 November – Junior Academic Assembly at 11:30am in the RJ Wallace Hall. Please note families of students being recognised at this assembly have been notified. 

Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 November – Year 4 Camp at Warrambui.  
Students are asked to meet with their bags at the Grandstand from 8.30am. Parents/carers are asked to collect students from behind the Grandstand on Tuesday at 2.30pm.  

All information is available through the parent portal under excursions but has also been included below. Students are beginning to get excited about this opportunity. If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to your son’s classroom teacher. 

YEAR 4 CAMP – Warrambui (Murrumbateman) 11th – 12th November.   
Cost:  $285 and can be paid by visiting https://www.bpoint.com.au/pay/CHRISTIANBROTHERSCOLLEGESTEDMUNDS and selecting Excursions / Camps / Events from the drop down menu and following the prompts. 

Alternatively, payment by EFT can be made to the following details: 
BSB: 062 901 
Acct: 009 007 69 
Christian Bros; St Edmunds 
Reference: YR4 SURNAME 

A reminder that camp costs are NOT included in any scheduled payment arrangements with Edstart or SEC and are payable in full before the departure date. However, if you are having trouble in meeting this financial commitment, please contact finance@sec.act.edu.au to discuss alternative payment arrangements. Please note that final numbers are requested for catering purposes by 10/10/24. Any withdrawals after this date will still be invoiced. 

We plan to have a wonderful time at camp this year. Activities planned (including archery, bush walking, initiatives, survivor mission, obstacle courses, bush art, puzzle mania, frisbee golf, etc.) will be run by fully qualified staff and teachers will also be supervising. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Kelly if you are unclear on any matter contained in this form. Please see below some student guidelines for safe participation in this year’s camp. 

  3. RESPECT – Students are expected to RESPECT themselves, other students and all adults whilst on Camp. 
  4. PARTICIPATION – Students are expected to participate fully in all camp activities. 

CONSEQUENCES: The consequences of students choosing to ignore camp guidelines may include; 

  • A student missing an activity 
  • A student may be required to be accompanied by a teacher on further activities 
  • A student may be sent home 


  1. Incidents of a serious nature may need to be dealt with at school following the camp 
  2. Should a student be sent home from camp, the student’s parents may be required to collect the student or pay the costs incurred in returning the student to the College. 



Monday 11 November 

Arrive at school at 8.30am and meet at the Grandstand. Teachers will be present to mark the roll and collect medication. Once your son is marked off with the class teacher, there is no requirement for you to stay until the bus leaves. Buses will depart at 9.30am. 


Tuesday 12 November 

The Year 4 camp buses will return at approximately 2.30pm on Tuesday. Students are to be collected at 2.30pm from behind the grandstand. Any changes to arrival time will be notified through social media posts. 

What to pack 

  • Hat 
  • Sunscreen (MUST be applied repeatedly throughout the day)
  • Water Bottle with your name clearly labelled on it.
  • 2 T- shirts: no offensive language, images, or singlets 
  • 2 pairs of shorts/tracksuit pants 
  • 1 jumper
  • Socks, underwear and pyjamas 
  • Toiletries – no aerosol cans 
  • Insect repellent – no aerosol cans 
  • Raincoat/jacket with hood/plastic poncho
  • 1 towels 
  • Pillow, pillowcase, a single flat sheet and sleeping bag. 
  • Sneakers/Runners – sneakers/covered shoes are required for all outdoor activities. 
  • Paper/pencils, playing cards, a book to read for quiet time and mornings. 
  • 1 large plastic garbage bag for dirty clothes and towel 
  • Tissues or handkerchiefs 
  • Medication, if required, clearly labelled with instructions/name to be given to the teacher on the morning of Camp 
  • Thongs or crocs – these shoes are only to be worn in the showers 

Please ensure that your son’s teacher is made aware of any medication requirements with a handwritten note that clearly states how & when the medication is to be administered. Include this note with the medication in a zip-lock bag. 

In addition please notify your son’s teacher of any dietary requirements by the end of Week 9, Term 3.  
The Camp provides 

  • All meals 
  • Sport equipment 

Do NOT bring 

  • Food (lollies, drinks or little treats) – water is fine. 
  • Ipads. iPhones, portable games or other electronic devices 
  • Expensive Cameras (The Camp & College will not take any responsibility for any cameras taken with the children) 

Week 8 – Junior School Activity Day. Please note our regular activity day option of Big Splash Waterpark is not available due to construction work. Rest assured our team is working feverishly to find a suitable alternative. Activity Day is due to occur on the Friday of Week 8 but may occur on a different day pending suitable options and availability. 

Year 4-6 After School Homework Club – Homework Club will run Tuesdays and Wednesdays Week 2 – Week 7 Term 4 after school 3.30pm – 4.30pm with Mrs Ellem. This occurs in the Junior School library. Parents/carers are asked to sign up to Homework Club through Clipboard.  

Year 6 Runners Program – As a part of our Year 6 into High School transition program, we will be enlisting the assistance of Year 6 students to help as runners. As runners, the students will get to know the school layout very well ahead of Year 7. The students will work in pairs for a full day (learning remotely between jobs).  

Hair Policy – Thank you to all parents/carers for keeping your son/s haircuts in line with the school’s uniform and hair policy. At times barbers may make mistakes. If they are informed of their mistake, many will fix the haircut (in line with our policy) at no extra charge. Could I please ask that all parents/carers familiarise themselves with the hair policy so that students can get about their daily work without teacher’s asking them about their haircuts. Thank you for your assistance with this. 

  • Hair should be kept neat, tidy and clean at all times and not grown or styled into an extreme or exaggerated fashion. 
  • Hair should be above the shoulder in length (above the bottom of the shirt collar) and no shorter than a number ‘two’. 
  • Students are not allowed to have lines or designs shaved into their hair nor grow long sections of hair that can be fashioned into ‘top buns’, plaits, undercuts, braids, ‘rats tails’, ‘mohawks’ or ‘mullets’ etc. 
  • Hair should be evenly graded and/or blended, of natural colour, worn off the face and should not obstruct sight. Hair requiring to be tied back off the face may be necessary but only as a ‘low bun’. 
  • Length of sideburns should be no lower than middle of the ear and students should be clean shaven daily. 
  • If a haircut, hairstyle or hair colouring does not meet school expectations then the student will be asked to adjust it accordingly. 
  • In extreme cases the student may be asked to go home until the hair/style/colour has been changed to meet College requirements. 
  • No visible body adornment or art such as body piercings, jewellery, keepers or tattoos are permitted. Earrings and studs of any kind are not acceptable. Covering a piercing with a keeper of band-aid is unacceptable. 

The College has final say on what is deemed acceptable in regard to these guidelines. 

Student Drop Off and Pick Up – Please do not use the staff carpark (off Canberra Avenue) to drop or collect students before and after school. This is a dangerous place for our students to be moving through and we would like to keep this area for staff only. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe. 

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School