
Literacy in Science

Over the last six months there has been an increase in science reporting in the media. From natural disasters, to space launches and now the daily news of a global pandemic, the once niche area of science communication has spring boarded into the mainstream mass media.

Good science communication skills are an art form and in today’s world they are more valuable than ever. As a community we have been introduced to a vast array of new scientific concepts in rapid succession and not always with clarity.

This year the Science Faculty’s literacy goal is focused on developing our student’s use of scientific terminology with the view of improving their communication skills in both the written and verbal domains. We have introduced a range of formative and summative assessments that are aimed at developing student’s communication of the scientific concepts they are learning about in class. One such example is Year 9 students who have been delivering their oral presentations on endocrine disorders over the last week. The feedback from teachers has been overwhelmingly positive.

With the semester break rapidly approaching the Science Faculty staff encourage students to maintain their interest in all things science. There are wonderful resources that can be accessed via the College library as well as a number of free science podcasts such as ABC Science and Health Reports as well as magazines such as New Scientist.  From all the Science faculty staff, have a safe and restful semester break.

Frances Sargeant
Head of Science