
Mathematics Information 2020

This year we have been pleased to welcome back Janine Srkbinsek and to welcome a newly qualified teacher Tanha Elliott. Both teachers have been employed on a permanent basis, thereby adding a level of stability for the future.

This year we have an increased number of Advanced Mathematics classes where students undertake the curriculum of the next year. While this is an exciting development and shows progress in our standards, we offer good support for those who struggle in the subject. For example, Tuesday to Thursday afternoon tutoring has started in the Library. It runs from 3:30 to 5:00pm with a Maths teacher rostered on for each session. All we need is for students to be proactive by turning up with work they need help with and by having the right equipment. Help is also available from myself on Friday mornings in M1. This is only for Year 9 and 10 Advanced students who need additional help. Year 11 and 12s are also welcome at those sessions.

Finally, we are still using Maths Pathways for all classes in Years 7 and 8 except for the Advanced classes who are working with textbooks. We are conducting research into the effectiveness of the program by monitoring the progress of Year 7s using it compared with those who are using texts. This will be done by comparing standardised test results from tests conducted at the beginning of the semester with those at the end of semester. Maths Pathway is also used for students undertaking Essential Mathematics in Years 9 and 10. An information evening will be held shortly to demonstrate the features of Maths Pathway.

Ed Mickleburgh
Head of Mathematics