
NAPLAN Practice

In preparation for NAPLAN Online the College will be hold a Coordinated Practice for Years 5, 7 and 9. These practice sessions are designed to test the IT capacity of the College and national testing system, identify issues and familiarize students with the testing environment.

The details for these practice sessions are outlined below. Students in Years 7 and 9 will be required to have a fully charged device, preferably a laptop, which they will be required to download the NAPLAN Browser (this will be completed at school prior to the trial). All students will also require a set of headphones on the day.

If a suitable device is not available please contact the College NAPLAN Coordinator prior to the test day to arrange a College device. Year 5 students will be completing the trial and NAPLAN tests on College devices.

Trial Dates:
Monday 29 March- Year 9, Period 1 and 2
Monday 29 March – Year 7, Period 3 and 4
Tuesday 30 March – Year 5 (TBA in class time)

If you are considering or do not want your child to complete this trial please communicate this via email at dargall@stedmunds.act.edu.au for discussion and arrangements.

Dale Argall
NAPLAN Online Coordinator