
Practicing good hygiene and staying connected while maintaining physical distancing

As we enter another week of COVID-19 restrictions, it’s important that we continue to follow practical advice from trusted sources and focus on the things that we can control, such as practicing good hygiene and staying connected while maintaining physical distancing.

I recommend thoroughly the following linked resource which may be of use to you and your son(s).


As we move into unknown territory, we strongly believe that routine, structure and consistency will play an important role in your son(s) wellbeing. The St Edmund’s College care network will continue to support you and your son(s).

All parents/carers and students are always free to make contact with Tutors/Heads of House/College Counsellor to seek advice, to check-in, to make a time to meet (in line with prevailing protocols) or to seek advice concerning external referral. Your son’s Head of House and Tutor are available via email as per normal.

There are many things on everyone’s mind, not least the health and wellbeing of our own families and those closest to us. Please do not be afraid to contact the College at any time should you need some further support in and around the care of your son(s).

Hopefully the break over Easter is a restful time for all of us.


Pat Langtry

Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing