
Stories leave their mark…

As we begin to return to face to face teaching, we are reminded that there will be many stories that are passed down from the corona virus and we each have an important role to play in the telling of these. There are many aspects that could shape our stories, the sadness associated with the loss of life, the socially isolating nature of the pandemic, or the loss of jobs that many have faced. Alternatively, we could choose to focus on the frontline and essential service workers and their tireless work ethic, the technology use in breaking down social distancing or the generosity of individuals to assist others with care packages and much needed food deliveries. There are many anecdotes that we could select from, that could tell part of the story though would miss the larger narrative that we are facing.

Our scriptural theme for 2020 is “Whatever you have learned, received or heard from Christ—put it into practice.” Philippians 4:9 and the EREA touchstone (https://www.erea.edu.au/who-we-are/the-charter/) that it aligns with, is that of liberating education. We acknowledge within our community that life is to be cherished and that we seek to find the truth of what liberates us and that which frees us during this time, just as much as that which we find challenging. We are called to tell the whole story not just in the parts that can be trivialised or those which can be taken for granted.

To work in a Catholic school is to work in a place that is hope filled and that as is outlined in our College prayer “seeking truth in all we search for”. We hope that out of this time there are many learnings that we have received or heard from others that shines truth on our lives guided by Christs light. In sharing our understanding of this virus and all that is associated with it, we are passing on who we are through our learnings and these help us to define our identity and illustrate how we should respond.

Within our College the staff have banded together with students to make the most of this situation and this has been evidenced through the creative ways that learning is occurring online. There is no doubt that people have at times been troubled because of the virus and at times the challenge has been in rethinking and reconceptualising the whole situation rather than making practical changes.

Our Year 12 boys have shown their appreciation in the form of a banner that was found hung at the College just prior to their return last week. This reflects the theme of ‘being grateful’ that which Formation classes in years 7-12 have been focusing on this term. Eddies is community that cherishes what it has and by being grateful this allows our students to show great displays of generosity. This has been illustrated by the staff that have assisted boys academically, socially and spiritually over the last five weeks online. We thank staff and students for their hope filled response to the challenge of this pandemic.

Dear Lord,

We pray that we may look to you as a shining light in our daily lives.
That through your actions and words your story has been told and passed on to this day and we are grateful for this.
May we use your example to help guide our lives and the stories that we pass on to others.

We pray that we may be drawn to your eternally loving witness that is full of hope and sacrifice.
We pray that the virus comes to a swift and safe end and that a cure is found quickly.

Blessed Edmund Rice …Pray for us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts…Forever.


Reflection questions:

  • What are the stories that have come out of this time of pandemic? For us individually and collectively as a community?
  • What convictions/ behaviours have been changed as a result of this unique time? Has anything changed for us?
  • What are we focusing on during this time? Where is our energies being drawn to?
  • What is my/our prayer intention?

Michael Monagle
Assistant Principal- Mission and Identity