
The Power of Reading

For a number of years, students in Years 4 – 10 participate in the Drop Everything and Read or DEAR initiative. For those of you who are not familiar with DEAR, the boys are to read for 20 minutes in Period 5 each day of the week unless there is an assessment scheduled for that time. They can read anything they like as long as they are reading.

We are aware that we have many boys with dyslexia, language difficulties, or English as a second language and we believe all students will benefit from reading for enjoyment. You can encourage your son to choose Graphic novels as they can try to read while using the pictures to help them to understand the written words. Graphic novels are a great springboard into the written word and provide students with an opportunity to explore a variety of genres and develop their love for escaping into a great story. The library has a well-developed collection of graphic novels in a variety of genres. What is important is not what they are reading but that they are reading.

The library has also subscribed to ePlatform by Wheelers which provides access to hundreds of audio books that the boys can use to support their reading. ePlatform can be accessed through the library page on Canvas.

There are many benefits of increasing the amount of time a student reads for pleasure. One of the benefits includes an increased vocabulary. If students are exposed to new words when they are reading they are likely to remember them and to incorporate them into their everyday speech.

Reading books is also vital for English as second language learners, as non-native speakers gain exposure to words used in context, it helps their speaking and writing fluency.

Students who participate in DEAR have also shown an improvement in their writing. Exposure to published, well-written work affects student’s writing, as observing the cadence, fluidity, and writing styles of other authors will invariably influence their writing.

Please encourage your son to visit the library for some inspiration as we are always adding to our collection. The team in Diverse Learning are also available to offer support in finding suitable reading material and in providing a variety of accessibility options.

Lisa Millar
Head of Diverse Learning