
Week 5 Head On

With another week of Term 3 coming to an end, we get closer and closer to another set of holidays and the end of the year doesn’t seem so far away anymore. However, heading into Week 5 means that lots of boys across several year groups will have assignments to be handed in very soon-I advise to all boys around the school to try their best with their assignments and get the best marks possible.

With the Olympics being live for the past 2 weeks, Treacy House have used this as an idea to get its members  to participate in activities to get bronze, silver or gold medals for their Tutor group and to win a movie voucher. We have seen incredible participation from several boys in a variety of activities such as a 3 point contest, a singing performance and many more. As a Treacy boy, it has been great to participate and watch these activities and seeing every boy try their best and support other people in their Tutor groups.

Another great weekend of sport for all of our teams with our 1st XV rugby team getting another great win and our 1st XI soccer team also getting a great win, it is great to see all of the teams play with so much pride and discipline to win their game, but also to see them play with great sportsmanship as true Eddies boys.

A final message from me to all boys in the College is to pay attention in class and try your best with upcoming assessments and  to bring home a good report at the end of the term. In particular I strive for all Treacy boys to do this to get many House points as possible to bring home the House Shield at the end of the year.

Harry Davis
Treacy House Vice-Captain