
A warm welcome from Teaching and Learning

Welcome back to the 2019 academic year. We look forward to working with all our new students and their parents and will continue our academic care of returning students and parents. As a school always striving to improve, we have several developments in the teaching and learning space to advance your son’s academic development at the College.

2019 results

A huge congratulations go out to our graduating class of 2018 on their overall results. Collectively and as individuals, they showed commitment to their academic progress. They supported College initiatives to develop their AST results and worked equally hard completing assessments of a high standard. Our median ATAR of 70.05 was well deserved and a number we are proud of. Eighty three percent of our cohort achieved an ATAR above 60.

Our accredited students once again showed a solid performance with 38 VET qualifications awarded through a registered training organization. Certificates issued during 2019:

  • Certificate 1 in Building and Construction – 6
  • Certificate 2 in Sport and Recreation – 5
  • Certificate 1 in Tourism and hospitality – 20
  • Certificate 2 in Tourism and Hospitality – 13

New staff

We welcome a number of new staff to the academic team this year and wish them well with their journey at the College.

  • Arnold Choi (Music)
  • Anthony Pitt (Technology)
  • Matthew MacDonald (Mathematics)
  • Tanya Shegog (English)
  • Anouk Schroder (Languages)
  • Kylie Rose (Head of Humanities Faculty)
  • Ian Garrity (Mathematics)
  • Maryanne Larkin (Middle School)
  • Jeremy Taylor (Religious Studies)
  • Craig McMahon (Middle School)
  • Andrew Reithmuller (Technology)


Research shows us the importance of feedback to our students. Constructive and timely feedback has great benefits to learning and improvement. We made the following changes to our reporting system:

  • We have reduced the number of take-home assignments in Years 7-10 to two.
  • All assignments must be submitted and marked on Canvas.
  • Feedback and results will be provided on Canvas.
  • Interim reports at the end of Terms 1 and 3 will still be accessible through the parent portal and will indicate an interim result and application grade. There will no longer be comments on these reports.
  • End of semester reports will indicate the final academic result as well as an application grade.

We will be running several Canvas sessions for parents and we would encourage all parents to attend these. Canvas will become our main form of communication with parents around academic care and progress.

Marianne Geoghegan (Assistant Principal – Teaching and Learning)