Clancy House is named after Br. F. E. Clancy who was the Superior General of the Christian Brothers from 1948 to 1966 and so was Superior General when St Edmund’s was built and opened.
House Motto
Nothing is difficult to the Strong
House Colour

Haydon House is named after Monsignor Patrick Haydon – the first parish priest of Canberra. Father Haydon was ordained in 1912 and was working in Queanbeyan when this diocese was formed in 1917. In 1928 he was appointed first parish priest of Canberra – a post he held with distinction until his death in 1949. St Christopher’s Cathedral, Manuka is a lasting memorial to this great man.
House Motto
Swift and Bold
House Colour

Mulrooney House: Mr John Mulrooney MVO, MBE was educated by the Christian Brothers at St. Kilda in Melbourne. Mr Mulrooney was a prominent business figure in Canberra and worked in many government departments, including, the Prime Minister’s Department. He was the Christian Brother’s trusted representative in Canberra and was a driving force behind the establishment of St Edmund’s College.
House Motto
Willing and Able
House Colour
Sky Blue

O’Brien House is named after Archbishop Eris O’Brien. Archbishop O’Brien was noted as an eminent scholar and Historian. He was Archbishop of the Canberra and Goulburn Archdiocese when St Edmund’s was opened in 1954. As Archbishop he showed a deep interest in everything to do with St Edmund’s until his retirement in 1967 due to ill health. He died in Sydney in 1974.
House Motto
Ready for the Contest
House Colour

Rice House is named after Br. Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers. He was born in Callan in Ireland in 1762. After being a successful business man, he gave up his business in 1802 to establish a school for poor boys in Waterford. He and six companions took religious vows in 1808 to become the first community of Christian Brothers.
House Motto
I Achieved What I was Able to
House Colour

Treacy House is named after Br. F. A. Treacy who brought the first community of Christian Brothers to establish themselves permanently in Australia. They settled in Melbourne in 1868, and established their first school the following year. He worked hard for the next thirty years and when he was recalled to Dublin in 1900 he left in Australia thirty flourishing communities of brothers.
House Motto
Bravely, Devotedly, Successfully
House Colour
Royal Blue