
AST Preparation 2018

Dear parents and Year 12 Tertiary students who are sitting the Australian Scaling Test on the 4rd and 5th of September 2018.

The following dates are important:

10thAugustPeriod 3Written response feedbackLeigh Pirie
17th AugustPeriod 4Quantitative (Various strategies)TBA
24th AugustPeriod 5Verbal (Various strategies)TBA
31st  August9 am till 3 pm ERCFocus on all aspects of AST.  Refreshments, morning tea and lunch provided.
4rd  and 5th  SeptemberAUSTRALIAN SCALING TEST, St Edmund’s College Hall.

8 am breakfast in the Edmund Rice Centre will be available both days for students before AST begins at 9 am.

In addition, Norman Foskett and Jack Dowling are running AST practice sessions each Wednesday morning from 8 till 8:50 am in the Edmund Rice Centre.

Parents, please be aware that if you son is unwell on either/both 4rd and 5th September they should not attempt the AST. A medical certificate will be required and your son will sit the second session on the 16th and 17th October.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at tcraze@stedmunds.act.edu.au.

Tracey Craze (Acting Director of Teaching and Learning)