
Captain’s Corner

In a time where the world is becoming more socially aware of the footprint that humankind is leaving on the globe, the school is bringing forward new ideas to make the College more sustainable and environmentally friendly. As a part of our fortnightly leadership meetings, the College leaders have been discussing current initiatives and coming up with new ways to promote recycling. The ACT Container Deposit Scheme was brought up by the 2018 College leaders as a possible initiative that the school could take apart in. The current leaders are looking to promote this same idea. There are currently two deposit points located around the school welcome for students and parents to return their bottles during school hours. Currently the bins are located near the front of the junior school, at the canteen and at the front steps of the College. The containers that are eligible for 10 cent collection can be seen in the images attached bellow. The containers that we collect will be gathered and taken to the drop off point in Fyshwick for counting. Each container is worth 10 cents and the money that we raise will go towards the College fundraiser for that term. Through this initiative, we are hoping to create less waste and as a result, set a platform for other schools around the ACT to follow. In addition to this, lids will be collected from this and will go towards the Envision Project. The plastic from the lids will be used to create prosthetic limbs in third world countries. There will be collection points attached to the bins for the containers as well.

From a co-curricular standpoint, the College has been excelling in all aspects. As of the 15th of June, the First XV Rugby team is undefeated and the First XI Football team had an outstanding 5-2 win on the weekend. The combined St Edmund’s and St Clare’s Cabaret performed at a sold-out show at the College on May 30th and left everyone gob-smacked with the talent they showed. Aside from this, semester one exam week is now upon us and I’m sure most of the senior school is currently working hard to achieve the best results possible. Following on from this, the 24th to the 28th of June represents work experience week for all of Year 11 and 12. Personally I believe that this is a great way to get an idea of what work might be like in an industry that you are looking to get into outside of school in the next couple of years.

A reminder to keep raising money for the Walkathon which is held in term 3 and what a fantastic way to spend the first semester of 2019 this has been. Thank you to the boys, staff and community for making all these things possible.

Thanks again, Edmunds to the fore.

Mason Evans (College Vice-Captain)