
Captain’s Corner

The last week has shown the best of the College’s vibrant spirit, and inclusive community. It marked the first of many buddy program sessions, run by the house and school captains, as well as the Year 12 cohort. Wednesday saw the captains visiting a junior school classroom to assist students in learning, and helping strengthen the bond between the junior and senior school. These classes help the captains strengthen their communication skills, and gain an inside into what it’s like to teach others. My program included reading aloud with the junior boys, as well as helping them develop their character description skills for their upcoming myth assignment. We’ve also been given the opportunity to create and teach our own lessons. A program like this will be very beneficial for the captains, as well as the junior boys. By continually participating in these junior classes, I believe we can be a positive influence on these boys for many years to come.

This week also saw the start of the buddy personal formation program for the Year 12 cohort. Paired up with Year 4, 5 and 6 students, this formation period further influenced the bond we are aiming to create. This lesson provided a chance to get to know the younger boys in a more controlled environment, with a senior student buddied up with 1 to 2 junior boys. After chatting with the junior school teachers, we’ve heard taken some feedback on board and hope this program can be strengthened in the future.

The college highlighted International Women’s Day, with a personal story being delivered by our mission captain, Eden Mordike. This story was a great way to understand the meaning of International Women’s Day and Eden did a great job keeping the audience captivated and keeping the content meaningful. It’s important for us to recognise the women in our lives and the massive role they play in forming us as young men.

With many assignment due dates quickly approaching, I wish all students good luck in managing your time efficiently. If any assignments are a little too challenging, or you want some extra help with studying, remember that after school tutoring is always available. I also encourage you to start thinking of ideas for house themes for the athletics carnival and share them with your house captains. We’ve seen how the swimming carnival changed the house rankings, so let’s see what the athletics carnival can do!

Edmund’s to the Fore.

Jack Hodges
College Vice Captain Academic