
Captain’s Corner – Back in the swing of it

We’re back! The boys of the College have returned prepared for the colder months swapping shorts for long pants and adding a blazer on top. The staff and boys of the College are welcomed back, and we are ready to continue the success of Term 1 through this term and onwards.

Having the past two weeks off from school I’m sure many of the boys used the time to relax and unwind from their dedication to first term and are refreshed and ready to go again.

In the break the College’s Opens Rugby Program returned to Tuross with a squad of 40 boys and a team of coaches led by Mr Roberts for four days of training. Here the boys not only experienced the gruelling yet fulfilling rugby training set before them but also the relaxation of the coastal setting. The four days of camp were full of learning, fun, team bonding, rugby and table tennis, and included the wonderful food of The Pines enjoyed by all including the iconic chicken and gravy rolls that many of us have missed. Big thanks to The Pines staff, College, coaches and boys for the great time that will stick with us.

With a return to school, we will see a return to schoolwork. Much like last term I know the boys will approach this term with resilience and an openness to learn and grow that will reward their efforts. As well as this return to schoolwork the boys will return to the immersion in College life. Winter sports are approaching with many to start in the coming weeks where we will no doubt see players, students, families and spectators all get around each other supporting their endeavours in the blue and white. I’ve already experienced this support with a rally of boys coming out to school last weekend to support the footy players against visiting school Waverley College from Sydney.

Although the swimming and athletics carnivals have already been enjoyed this year, the school will see many more events in the near future with Founders Day fast approaching in Week 3. The College will also be hosting an Experience Eddies Day next week on Tuesday April 27th where it will be great to share our school’s atmosphere and culture with prospective students that I look forward to meeting. Additionally, next week Saturday (May 1st) the College Open Day will be in full swing for prospective families to come and enjoy what the College has to offer.

Already it can be seen Term 2 will be a great time at the College and I’m looking forward to the boys putting their all into this term inside and out of the classroom and all they seek to accomplish.

Edmunds to the Fore.

Baden Godfrey
College Captain