
Captain’s Corner – Exams and Walkathon

Begin studying and raising money before it’s too late!

As the end of semester exams approaches fast, it is vital that you began to prepare yourself. It is a time where you need to clear distractions and allow yourself to become prepared for the exam period ahead. To prepare well for exams, it is valuable that you give yourself enough time to study and ask your teacher for extra resources that will assist you in those studies.

If you do the work assigned to you in class, the less work you will have to do in your own time. If you find yourself struggling with the content you’ve been provided with, I recommend you let your class teacher know now or visit the library after school where tutoring is held for most classes throughout the week.

Students have been notified of the Walkathon coming up next term. Within the next couple of weeks, the boys will receive their Walkathon Card which will guide them in gaining their sponsorship money. The Walkathon Cards are encouraged to be filled out by the end of the term, with a minimum of $30 is expected from each student.

Last year, we raised a total of $18,000, this and other fundraising events created the funds used to paint and fix the hall up in the holidays. It is important that all students get involved and do their part in giving back to our college. This initiative will showcase the pride and ownership that the boys have.

The project has not yet been decided in which the money will go to. We have another initiative fundraising that is about to go underway with a 10 cent bottle scheme, there will be several points around the college and at the front near the entrance where students, staff and parents will be able to donate their bottles to us, all proceeds will be added to the funds from the Walkathon.

Harry Buckley (Vice Captain)