
Captain’s Corner – Hit the Ground Running

It’s been great being back here at school and this first week and a half has flown by.

We were welcomed back to school with renovated classrooms and freshly painted corridors that have definitely livened up the atmosphere in and outside the classroom, adding a needed colour to the walls. This combined with last year’s repaired roof from the hail damage, have updated the school’s look and I am excited to see what else will come – although I will miss the towers of scaffolding that once fenced our school.

Returning from holidays it has been amazing seeing all the smiling faces of new students around the school whether that be in tutor group, out at lunch and recess or even as they walk (or sprint) past me in the corridors.  It’s been great getting to know these young men and I look forward to getting to know them more as I can already tell from this short time, they are great additions to the spirit and energy of the school. This energy and positive attitude also extends to the junior school with many of those young men greeting me around the school and having fun on the ovals with many not waiting for me to introduce myself but instead approaching me and starting the conversation, demonstrating not only their friendliness but their acceptance of the brotherhood here. It’s also been wonderful seeing the new and old students get around each other and fitting in and working so well together.

A fine display of the community and brotherhood introduced to us as students was exemplified on Tuesday evening at the Brumbies trial game where I was astounded by the sheer amount of past and present Eddie’s boys, cheering for old boys Harry Lloyd and in particular Junior Tupou.

Not only are there plenty of new students running about here, but the school has quite a few new staff members who have already in this short time, demonstrated what wonderful assets they are to not only our education but our culture and atmosphere here. Shout out to Ms Devlin. Additionally, the students have welcomed back returning staff Mr Manley and Ms Ireland who have fitted back in gracefully into Eddie’s life and is awesome to see return.

At the beginning of last week, we had a full school assembly that welcomed everyone to the school and effectively set a high tone and standard for the year that already the students have risen to. The Eddies PRIDE statement was also explored and introduced to the new students and reminded to the current boys.

As we’ve started classes again there have been some notable changes to the timetable such as the different timings for Personal Formation and Elevated Learning, however the biggest change being that tutor group is now after period 2. For some of us older souls it will take time to adjust to these new schedules, however they are a symbol of our dynamic school that is forever developing and changing to benefit us, the students.

Although it’s only been a week of classes many of the students are looking forward to their well-deserved break next week from Wednesday to Friday, which takes the form of Year 7 & 10 camp, and Year 12 retreat. Year 7 will be visiting Birrigai, Year 10 Belanglo Forest and the Year 12’s will be in Jindabyne. These camps will be fun experiences for the boys which will not only help us develop our skills, friendships and connections in the relaxed but jampacked setting of camp, but also give us a taste of that holiday feeling we’ve missed. Hopefully the school won’t be too quiet with us gone and that Year 8, 9 and 11’s will take solace in the belief we will be having enough fun for everyone and that they can use this quiet time to their advantage inside the school.

On Friday we will have our Academic Assembly in which we will celebrate the accomplishments of last year, particularly that of the graduating class with the top achievers returning to be formally congratulated. This assembly will also be a perfect example to not only myself but the boys of the College demonstrating how your application and dedication to your schoolwork can truly pay off. I also look forward to this day as a reunion with these Old Boys who I haven’t seen since last school year. 

The 2021 school year has started well with wonderful additions to our school environment, and I look forward to working with all the students and teachers to make this the best year possible. Edmunds to the fore!

Baden Godfrey
College Captain