
Captain’s Corner – Lights, Camera, Rock!

On Thursday the 30th of May, students from both St Edmunds and St Clare’s collaborated together to perform at our 2019 cabaret ‘Rock of Eddies’. The evening consisted of multiple performances, ranging from the combined college band, solo singing pieces, dramas, group dances, jazz band and multiple rock bands. Tickets sold out quickly, with many parents, guests, alumni, friends and students eager to watch the showcase. With the overall theme being rock music, the students were very creative in their own expression of rock throughout all their performances. The combined college band set the tempo of the evening, playing a medley of Queen’s best songs. Followed by some solo pieces sung by the girls from St Clare’s, putting on a vocal showcase. What to do when you’ve run out of ideas for a drama performance? A drama performance about trying to come up with a drama performance! A great showcase from our year 10 boys, with some killer punchlines that got some good laughs out of the crowd. How about a fantastic piano performance by Sam Daniher (Year 12), his extensive skills in piano, drum pads and keyboards sure whipped up for one cracker of a performance. The power trio of Andrew Barr (Year 12), Lachlan McLeod (Year12) and Armand Gouws (Year 12) who call themselves ‘I’m in me mums band’ sure killed it with their rock medley performance, a fantastic showcase of musical talent. The boys from ‘SLAB’ or ‘TSLAB’ sure know how to make a great entrance, an exhilarating performance of ‘My Sharona’. With many more fantastic acts, dramas and songs, nothing beats experiencing the cabaret live at the hall. Only fitting to conclude the evening with ‘We are the champions’, the boys and girls put on a fantastic evening of theatrics and music. Many thanks to everyone who participated and watched the 2019 cabaret, especially to Mr Palfreman, Mrs Thomas and to all the staff that helped make the evening possible.

Heading into week 6, our last assignment deadlines are coming close and exam preparation is something that everyone should be considering. Let’s make sure we all stay focused and on task especially within these weeks, as there are some major assessments that are going to be done within this time frame. The best thing we can all do, is ensure we are all aware of our deadlines and exam dates and stay on top of our things. Preparation is key especially during exam period, the more time we allocate to ensuring we are prepared for our exams, the better chance we have at getting good marks. Most importantly however, is doing your best, so let’s make sure that the results of these upcoming exams are ones that we will be proud of. If you are however struggling with any work, there is tutoring available after school in the library from Tuesdays to Fridays (may vary) with staff ready to help you as best they can. Some senior students may soon be around to help you out too.

Something worth considering within this concluding period of the semester is prayer! Even though everyone is very busy with co-curriculars, exams and school life, having a little bit of downtime and reflection is also important. It gives us an opportunity to seek guidance throughout this period of time. I understand not everyone is as connected with their faith like other people, but it is something that the college offers and it sure something worthwhile.

Good luck to everyone with their exam preparations and studies. Enjoy the rest of your term.

Symon Refuerzo (College Captain)