
Captains Corner – Wrapping up Semester 1!

We have quickly reached what is the conclusion of the first semester. This is said with great sadness for the majority of our students as it feels like we only just got back to face to face learning. Nonetheless, I’m sure that everyone is looking forward to a well-earned rest after what has been a very draining semester. Even though we finish on Friday (26th of June), there is still several important events and activities happening at the college.

Last week, we finished all exams at the college. As a senior student with many exams, I can say that it was a huge burden released off my shoulders once I wrote the last answer to my last exam. I’m sure most of our students could say the same and that they are now looking forward to having a good, long break. We will also be receiving our end of semester results very shortly. This will be through the form of our reports which the staff at the College have been working tirelessly on.

This past Monday (22nd of June), we held our first ‘Experience Eddies Day’ for 2020. A number of students from both the Senior and Junior School Leadership Teams were there to help and showcase what Eddies is all about. Overall, the day was a huge success. All the boys who were from the ages of 8-12 years old engaged in fun activities which included PE, science, food technology, wood technology and IT. All of the boys left Eddies with a smile on their face and a number of them even made comments like “this is the best school I have ever been to”.

On the final day of the semester, this Friday, we are looking forward to having a barbeque for the entire high school. This is a show of thanks from the College because of the boy’s efforts throughout this semester. This barbeque will be run by the Heads of House and their respective House Captains.

I would like to thank a number of people on behalf of the Senior Leadership Team.

Firstly, the teachers. We understand how difficult this semester would have been, especially with the introduction of online learning. You made sure that we kept moving forward with our academic progress as well as looking after our headspace at the time. We might not show our appreciation in obvious ways, but we are very thankful.

Secondly, the parents and carers of our boys. Without your patience and understanding, it would have been impossible to move into the online learning program. We have recognised how difficult everyone has been this semester and being the proud school in the Edmund Rice tradition that we are, we hope that we successfully cared for our entire community.

Lastly, the boys. This semester was difficult, but we proved our desire to remain resilient as an entire school. We have missed out on so much valuable time in the classroom and on the sporting field, but we have always kept a positive mindset. A quote that I draw great amounts of inspiration from and that can be used to describe the situation we have seen ourselves in over the past semester, reads the following:

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”. Martin Luther King Jr.

I wanted to tie this quote back into us as an entire school. We showcased the school that we are during a time full of challenges and controversy. For that, we should continue to hold our heads up high and become more confident and prouder of ourselves.

I wish everyone a happy and safe break!

Sam Gibson
College Captain