
Principal’s Message: Term 2, Week 10, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Community Praise
Last week I received a lovely email from Toby McNamara, a parent of a female student at Canberra Grammar and an old boy of St Edmund’s (Class of 1987). Toby wrote to both myself and the Principal of Canberra Grammar, affirming and praising the actions of some of our cricketing students in a game played in Term 1. With Toby’s permission I have shared his message with you:

“Dear Dr Garrick and Mr Zavone,

I just wanted to contact you both about a not so recent cricket game between CGS and SEC played on Friday 1 March 2024. I apologise for the delay in sending this email, which I wrote at the time of the game but sadly neglected to send. I still think the essence of the topic is worth sharing with you both.

This particular game was the last of the year for my daughter and her team, the Stage 1 Friday night CGS Renegades. They were playing the SEC Stage 1 Friday White.

This has been my daughter’s, and most of her teammates, first year of cricket. This game typified why sport is such a rewarding microcosm of life. SEC outplayed CGS by a significant margin but the game was played in wonderful spirit. I umpired the game along with two SEC current students and I have to say the sportsmanship of the SEC boys was amazing. My daughter was praised for her bowling my two SEC batters while they were at the crease. To say she got a boost from this is an understatement. There were numerous other examples of the SEC boys displaying great sportsmanship which warmed my heart.

From the CGS perspective half the team were girls, and they were outstanding in everything they did, especially considering it was their first year of cricket and most started the season being only 8 years old. We hope to get a full team of girls for next year’s competition and surely this year has been a great foundation for the years to come.

As a former SEC student and First XI cricketer if you were to tell me 30+ years ago that I would be watching my daughter play for CGS against SEC on Lonergan Oval on an idyllic, balmy Friday afternoon I would have doubted your sanity. That it was a game played in such great spirit made me proud to be associated with both schools.

I hope you can pass on my warm regards to the cricketers and coaches of both these teams for playing sport as it is surely intended to be played.”

How encouraging and heart-warming it was to receive this message, particularly in light of the next article I am sharing with you around the spirituality of sport. The words we use and the actions we take, no matter how small, can have such a significant and lasting impact. I extend my thanks and gratitude to our cricketers for their encouraging behaviour and making such a positive difference to members of the opposing side.

The Spirituality Of Sport
This week I am sharing with you another brief extract from The Australian Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry document entitled “Open the Way to Christ: Fostering a Pastoral Ministry of Sport” (full text found here: https://nce.catholic.au/s/sport)  The document reveals that the sporting field is an opportunity to put Catholic Social Teachings into practice, to consider how we can serve others and work towards building a level playing field for all.  This extract is entitled A Rich Harvest (the conclusion to the document):

“St Irenaeus famously wrote: “The glory of God is a human being fully alive.” Sport is a human activity that reflects the beauty, splendour and wonder of God’s creation. It will continue to attract people around the world because there is undoubtedly something inherently good about it. Crowds of people will continue to flock to major sporting events in Australia, from football Grand Finals to the 2032 Olympics in Brisbane, where athletes from around the world compete for the highest sporting prize – an Olympic gold medal. But while athletes and sports enthusiasts look forward to such momentous competitions, people of faith will remain committed to lifelong training in the “spiritual gymnasium,” eagerly striving for the “imperishable crown” of eternal life (1 Corinthians 9:25).

Throughout its long association with sport, the Church has always maintained hope in a renewed focus on sport’s true dignity, value and purpose. With so many involved in sport around the country, there is a wonderful opportunity for people of faith to contribute to this renewal by exemplifying the virtues sport can foster, and in doing so, witnessing to the Gospel and opening the way to Christ. We encourage individuals, families, parishes, and dioceses to prayerfully consider how they can best engage in this vibrant mission field.”

In Loving Memory
We pray for the soul of Janet Lole, the mother of Ms Rachel Rasmussen, Head of Creative Performing Arts, who passed away last week and whose funeral is being celebrated this coming Friday. We keep our prayers with Ms Rasmussen and her family at this time.

Eternal rest grant unto Janet, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Co-curricular Review
We are conducting a formal review of our Co-curricular program at St Edmund’s College to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our community. This review will evaluate the range of activities on offer, student participation, financial aspects, staff demands, as well as the benefits to students, staff, and the wider community. We will also examine the effectiveness of the program’s management and structure, and compare it with similar schools. Students and parents will have the opportunity to share their thoughts on the program through surveys and forums. Your feedback will play a crucial role in helping us enhance the program’s effectiveness, efficiency, and inclusivity. More information about how you can participate in this review will be sent out at the start next term.

Deputy Principal
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Margaret Maher, our Acting Deputy Principal, for her marvellous work over the past 12 weeks. It has been an absolute pleasure working alongside Ms Maher and being enthused by her energy and insights. We welcome back Mr Ian Garrity from long service leave as he recommences with us at the beginning of Term 3.

Mid-year Academic Reports
By this time parents should have received or will shortly receive mid-year academic reports for students. These reports provide a snapshot of a student academic performance midway through the year, helping students, parents, and teachers understand how well students are progressing toward their 2024 academic goals. Identifying academic or behavioural issues at this time allows for timely intervention, with teachers and parents working together to provide the necessary support. Mid-year reports help students set or adjust their academic goals for the rest of the year. They provide a clear picture of strengths and areas for improvement, motivating students to focus on specific subjects or skills and working to strengthen weaknesses or consolidate strengths.

I encourage parents to engage in a meaningful, robust discussion with their sons about academic progress, challenges, plans for improvement and directions for Semester Two.

Holiday Message
Our students have already commenced their holiday break as this Vortex edition is published. We have had a wonderful Semester One.  I hope all our students have an enjoyable mid-year break and make the most of the time given to them to relax and re-energise.

Prayer for the holidays
Loving God,
At the end of Semester One
we thank you for times of refreshment and opportunities to have a holiday,
so that we may be renewed in body, soul and spirit.
We thank you for the gift of enjoying different and new experiences.
May our time away from school be one that is filled with fun and the joy of friendship.
May our hearts be filled with happiness and peace and may we laugh often.
We praise you for this special gift,

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 2, Week 8, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

I had the very good fortune to accompany our Year 12 Tertiary English students to a performance of the Bell Shakespeare Company’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Canberra Theatre Centre last Thursday evening. We had a wonderful night at the theatre, immersing ourselves in the great tradition of Shakespeare and the richness of the story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  It took me back to my days as an English teacher in Sydney where I would often take students to the theatre to view a production of a text we were studying, or just to enjoy a night at the theatre.  Similarly, I have greatly enjoyed being back in the classroom teaching Year 9 English this term (can you believe the last time I taught junior high school English was 1996!).  I never realised how much I had missed teaching English until I commenced with this class, studying Australian identity through a close study of David Williamson’s play The Club, and looking at related texts such as Banjo Patterson’s ballad Clancy of the Overflow. Not only has it been an enriching experience for me (and hopefully for my Year 9 students) but it has such a enriching experience to have in my final year of working in schools prior to my retirement.

As our Year 11 and 12 students approach their examinations this week and continuing into next week, I would like to wish each and every one of them the very best of luck. This is a time to showcase the hard work and dedication they have put in throughout the semester.  We remind our senior students to believe in themselves and their abilities. They have all the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed. It is important to remind them take a deep breath, stay calm, and remember that they are capable of achieving great things.

The Spirituality Of Sport
Those of you are read Vortex regularly will know that I have a great interest in the spirituality of sport. The Australian Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry has just released a document entitled “Open the Way to Christ: Fostering a Pastoral Ministry of Sport” (full text found here: https://nce.catholic.au/s/sport)  The document reveals that the sporting field is an opportunity to put Catholic Social Teachings into practice, to consider how we can serve others and work towards building a level playing field for all.  It is a very rich and powerful document, and I would like to share with you extracts from the document over the coming weeks.  I encourage you to please take the time to read this carefully and perhaps share it with your sons and members of the family who have in interest in sport. My keenness to share this with you also comes within the very sad context that the most significant problems we have here at St Edmund’s with poor sportsmanship is not with our students but rather has unfortunately been with a handful of parents. This extract is entitled Grace On The Sporting Field:

“Sport often arouses a range of strong feelings and emotions within those who are involved. Sometimes, for players, officials, parents or spectators, these emotions can spur on performance or evoke a sense of awe and wonder; at other times they can be expressed in aggressive or abusive behaviour. For people of faith there exists a great responsibility to act with grace and respect, both on and off the field. This means going beyond simply abiding by the laws of the game, which often make no comment about poor sportsmanship. Instead, we are called to demonstrate an ethical and charitable attitude towards all involved, always playing within the true ‘spirit of the game’.

Before developing character, sport first reveals it. Competitors are called to rejoice in their gifts, to acknowledge their limitations and to recognise and applaud the skills of their opponents, rather than viewing them as an ‘enemy’. Although there is joy in victory, defeat should also be accepted graciously; and there should be a spirit of camaraderie between opponents after the final whistle. For spectators, there is a need to gracefully accept all decisions made by coaches and officials. Sport teaches us that life is not always fair, but we are encouraged to pick ourselves up in a spirit of perseverance, to learn and to commit wholeheartedly to the next contest.

The sporting field is an opportunity to put Catholic Social Teachings into practice; that is, to consider how we can serve others and work towards building a level playing field for all. How might we offer a voice, a caring enquiry or a discreet action to assist those overlooked or excluded due to socio-economic circumstance, race, religion, or sexual orientation? What changes might we seek to initiate when the dignity of another is undermined? How might we foster efforts to enhance our club’s or competition’s contribution to the good of the wider community?

The potential for individual growth in virtue present in sport is especially important when considering junior sports and school competitions. Such settings provide an ideal platform to build lifelong virtues in children and young people, and to demonstrate that the goal of all human activity is to bring people closer to God. Pope Benedict XVI wrote that, for young people, sport can become a “school of formation in the human and spiritual values, a privileged means for personal growth and contact with society”

Sport also reflects the synodal model of the Church encouraged by Pope Francis. Through sharing our gifts in a way that glorifies God, while observing and listening to others, mutual enrichment is realised. By working, listening and growing together, and by recognising that each person has something to contribute, division can be overcome, wounds can be healed and a shared goal can be achieved. In fact, the importance of working together was recognised by the International Olympic Committee in 2021, when it adjusted its 140-year-old motto of ‘Faster, Higher Stronger’ to include the word ‘Together’.

The sporting field is not a church, but both are places of encounter … a love of sport can offer opportunities for deeper relationships characterised by learning, prayer, and support in joy and sorrow.”

College Building Fund
As you may be aware, voluntary contributions to the building fund are tax deductible. Contributions to our building fund are vital in enhancing our facilities and creating a better learning environment for our students.
As we approach the end of the financial year, we would be grateful if you could consider making a tax-deductible contribution to our building fund.  We thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to St Edmund’s College. Your support truly makes a difference to the College’s growth and development. Please use this link to make a donation to our building fund.

Congratulations to …
Phillip MacNamara (Year 8, Mulrooney), Kyler Peisley (Year 9, Mulrooney), Darcy Davis (Year 9, Haydon) and Ethan Guthrie (Year 12, Mulrooney) who have been selected to represent School Sport ACT at the School Sport Australia Championship, as part of the School Sport Australia Games, 27 – 31 July on the Gold Coast.

Brayden Kent (Year 8, Haydon), Kaleb Matthews (Year 8, O’Brien), Taniela Mapapalangi (Year 8, Clancy), Harry Borton (Year 9, Mulrooney), Ezra Taiatini (Year 9, Rice), Cooper Stevenson (Year 9, Treacy), Karney Kelly (Year 9, Haydon), Altas Lomitusi Atilua (Year 10, Treacy), Campbell Lloyd (Year 10, Haydon) and Sonny Lauvao (Year 10, Mulrooney) for being been selected in the ACT U15’s Schoolboys Rugby League final team for 2024. The team will be heading to Port Macquarie to compete in the Australian Secondary Schools Rugby League Championships, 29 June – 5 July.

Prayer for students sitting exams
Loving God,
As our students prepare to take their exams,
we come before You to ask for Your guidance and support.
Grant them peace of mind and the confidence to face each test with courage and clarity.
Help them to remember all they have studied and to apply their knowledge wisely.
Give them the focus to stay calm and composed, trusting in their abilities and in the hard work they have put in.
Bless them with the strength to overcome any anxiety or fear,
and the resilience to persevere through any challenges they may encounter.
Surround them with Your love and protection,
and let them feel Your presence during this time.

We pray for their success
and for Your wisdom to be with them in every moment.
In Your holy name, we pray.
Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 2, Week 6, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Last week we enjoyed a public holiday here in the ACT in recognition of Reconciliation Day, a part of National Reconciliation Week.  I sincerely hope that members of our community recognised the day as more than just a day off work and school.  National Reconciliation Week (NRW) began in 1993 as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation, supported by Australia’s major faith communities. In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched the first official NRW, and in 2001, Reconciliation Australia was established to continue national leadership in reconciliation efforts.

In 2001, around 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge to support reconciliation, an event mirrored in cities and towns nationwide. I was privileged to join the walk across Sydney Harbour Bridge with many colleagues and students from the school in which I was working at that time.  The energy and motivation for change was palpable.  The following information is adapted from the Reconciliation Australia website:

Today, NRW is celebrated nationwide in workplaces, schools, community organizations, and by individuals from 27 May to 3 June, marking the 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision.

Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds, and actions of all Australians. We all have a role in building respectful relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The 2024 NRW theme, “Now More Than Ever”, reminds us that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people must continue. Despite divisive moments, disengagement is not an option. We need to tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation. Reconciliation supporters must defend the rights of First Nations peoples, call out racism, and amplify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices.  This is an essential foundation of the St Edmund’s College Reconciliation Action Plan.

Careers Expo & Year 11 Information Night
Many thanks to Mr. Trent Masters (Careers and VET Coordinator) and Mr. Tim Bibbens (Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning) for organising these two significant events. It is crucial for our students to be well-informed and aware of their options, and I hope these events will inspire them to consider their future opportunities and identify the appropriate pathways to achieve their goals.

Our senior school boasts a robust and diverse program where both tertiary and accredited learning pathways are equally valued, supported and encouraged by our dedicated teaching staff. Our partnership with the University of Canberra through the St. Edmund’s Sports Academy further enriches these pathways, offering students the opportunity to study a suite of subjects that lead to direct, non-ATAR entry into selected undergraduate courses at UC. Additionally, our collaboration with the Canberra Raiders provides yet another avenue for tailored learning during Years 11 and 12. These partnerships enhance the already strong academic program we provide in our senior years.

We welcome enrolments at the senior school level, so if you know of families interested in having their son join us at the beginning of Year 11, please encourage them to contact our Enrolments Officer as soon as possible.

Congratulations to …
Beau Gibson (Year 8, Mulrooney) recently represented the ACT at the Australian Gymnastics Championships for Level 8 Under 14. The ACT team secured the Gold medal over NSW and Victoria. Individually, Beau excelled by winning the bronze medal for the all-around category. He also achieved success in specific events, earning a silver medal on the pommel and vault, and bronze medals on the floor and high bar.

Henry Rettig (Year 7, Rice) for recently earning his black belt in Taekwondo. Henry has dedicated several years to practicing Taekwondo, training multiple days a week. He is now excited to further develop his skills and aspires to become a Taekwondo instructor at his club.

2025 Enrolments
If you are aware of families contemplating St Edmund’s College for their sons’ education next year, regardless of the year group, I encourage you to direct them to our Enrolments Officer, Ms. Rhiannon Muir, as our places tend to fill quickly (last year, we had waiting lists across several year groups).

Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents are not to use the staff carpark (off Canberra Avenue) to drop or collect students before and after school. This is a dangerous place for our students to be moving through and we would like to keep this area for staff only. There is plenty of room around the perimeters of the school for drop off and pick up, especially Barrallier Street, Frome Street, Blaxland Cresent, and Wills Street (not McMillan Crescent).
Afternoon pickups from the front driveway are also problematic with cars blocking McMillan Crescent from Canberra Avenue. Again, I would ask these parents to consider organising your son to wait for you at a suitable place around the perimeter of the school. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Prayer for Reconciliation
God of all creation,
As we journey together in this Great Southern Land,
we pray for healing, forgiveness and unity,
creating a path of good will, with justice and compassion.
Jesus, through the power of your love, you have given us the courage, wisdom and strength to share our gifts and talents in humility;
in peace and understanding we reconcile with each other.
Creator Spirit, we come together in prayer and thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received. Allow your Spirit to wash over us and give us strength to walk together as one.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 2, Week 4, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

We held a beautiful Mother’s Day Mass at school on Friday 10 May. It was a heartfelt occasion where we came together as a community to honour and celebrate the invaluable role of mothers and mother figures in our lives. It is so lovely to see how our young men interact with their mothers on this event. The atmosphere was filled with love, gratitude, and reverence as students, mothers, grandmothers and special individuals gathered to pay tribute to the nurturing presence of mothers. Many thanks to Ms Bridget Cusack and Fr Chris Eaton for making the event so special, and of course my thanks to the great numbers of family members who attended.

Winter Sports Season
Now that we are well and truly into our winter sports season with basketball, football and rugby union, I would like to share with you a message about sportsmanship written by Waylon Murray Director of Sport at Kearsney College in Outer West Durban, South Africa.  I recently came across this on social media and reached out to Waylon to seek his permission to reprint his article for our community. Waylon has summed up beautifully the significance of sportsmanship, which clearly reflects the values of sportsmanship we hold here at St Edmund’s. The article focuses on rugby, but the underlying message can be applied to any sport.

“People often lose sight of the bigger picture when it comes to high school rugby matches. Winning games becomes the ultimate goal for many, overshadowing the importance of developing true sportsmen and focusing on the journey of growth and learning. It is crucial to understand that great projects, like building a strong sports culture, take time and consistency. It is about instilling values, discipline, teamwork, and respect rather than just chasing victories. High performance setups in high schools are competitive by nature, no coaches or students strive to lose sporting fixtures , we lose perspective that we reside in an educational sphere not a professional sporting body, our mandate to our students will always be to develop a well-rounded students that have opportunities to grow holistically in their academic environment.

Placing excessive emphasis on winning can lead to a toxic environment where players, coaches, and even spectators become obsessed with the outcome rather than the process. This not only hampers the overall development of the individuals involved but also disregards the essence of sportsmanship and fair play.

Creating a positive sporting culture requires the right people who are committed to the vision of nurturing individuals both on and off the field. Coaches play a significant role in shaping athletes not only as players but as individuals with integrity and character. Their guidance and mentorship should focus on developing skills, fostering a sense of community, and promoting a healthy competitive spirit.

Criticism and competitiveness are expected in sports, but there is a fine line between constructive feedback and being hateful or malicious. No one has the right to engage in behaviour that undermines the values of sportsmanship and respect. Treating opponents, teammates, and officials with dignity and honour is fundamental in creating a positive sporting environment that nurtures growth and mutual respect.

It is essential to shift the focus from just winning high school rugby matches to developing well-rounded sportsmen through a strong sporting culture. Emphasising values, teamwork, and personal growth will not only benefit individuals in their sporting pursuits but also in their lives beyond the field. Let’s remember that true victory lies in the journey of self-improvement and building a community of athletes who strive for excellence with integrity and respect”.

Gospel Reflection, John 20:19-23
Last week’s Gospel reading centred on the theme of Pentecost:
In the evening of that same day, the first day of the week, the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, ‘Peace be with you,’ and, after saying this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord, and he said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. ‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’ After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone’s sins, they are retained’.

When Pentecost comes to mind, our thoughts often turn to the famous account in the Acts of the Apostles (which was last week’s First Reading) with the rush of a violent wind, the tongues of fire descending on the apostles, and their miraculous ability to speak in other languages. Last week’s Gospel reading presents us with a different perspective on Pentecost – one that is quieter yet equally profound. It teaches us that the Holy Spirit manifests in diverse ways, often in ways less dramatic than the events of the renowned day of Pentecost.

In the reading, Jesus appears among the apostles, offering peace, and then breathes on them, saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” He commissions them, saying, “As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.” The bestowing of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples is a Pentecost moment, but it is a quieter, less theatrical Pentecost.

For many of us, this is closer to our experience of the Holy Spirit: God coming to us in times of need, when we are lost, scared, or confused. The Holy Spirit does not arrive with a roar but in a gentle whisper, offering peace in moments of anxiety. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, often comes to us when we need him most, albeit not in a loud, conspicuous manner. It is typically through subtle gestures – a friend’s note or gesture, a meaningful song, a seemingly coincidental occurrence, or a timely scripture passage – that we sense the Holy Spirit’s presence in our lives. These quiet Pentecost moments reaffirm Jesus’s promise to be with us always and remind us of God’s real, albeit often understated, presence in our lives.

However, these Pentecost moments can slip by unnoticed. We must be attentive to them, observing and listening with the eyes and ears of faith. We need to slow down, pray, and find ways in our lives to rediscover the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Congratulations to …

  • the two Eddies teams for their success at the High School Oztag Gala Day last week. The Year 7/8 team defeated Daramalan College, and the Year 9/10 team defeated Melba Copland School. It was a wonderful day for both teams and the feedback regarding the teams’ behaviour and sportsmanship was very positive.
  • the premiership-winning Stage 2 Gold Cricket team who received their medals and trophy last week at the Cricket ACT presentation night. The boys had a great season and receiving their awards was a great culmination to the season. Thanks to parent Eamon O’Donoghue for his time and efforts coaching the boys.
  • Harley Reid (Year 9, Clancy) and Harry Cattle (Year 8, O’Brien) on their selection in the 15 & Under Canberra Dolphins Water Polo squad for the Water Polo Victoria East Coast Challenge. Best of luck to Harley and Harry as they travel to Melbourne for this event.
  • all of our Eddies teams (from the Junior School) who played in the Matt Giteau Cup (rugby union) last week. All divisions had success on the day.
  • Steve Nealon (Year 11, Haydon) on his selection in the Australian 16s Schoolboys Football team in the game against the touring New Zealand 16s Schoolboys side, which took place in Sydney during the school holidays. The Australian team side won 3-0, with Steve scoring one goal and one assist.
  • All students who attended the First XV Rugby match against Marist College at GIO Stadium last Saturday. Their behaviour and appearance were exemplary and they proved to be fine representatives of the College.

A reminder for all high school students that during Terms 2 and 3, it is mandatory to have a blazer as part of your daily attire. While the puffer jacket is offered as an optional choice for warmth, the blazer remains a compulsory component of our dress code. Please ensure that the blazer is worn to and from school each day. Please adhere to the following guideline in terms of layering for warmth: the jumper serves as the first layer, followed by the blazer as the second layer, with the optional puffer jacket as the third layer. It is important to note that the puffer jacket should not be worn independently of the blazer. The beanie is also an optional item of winter clothing that should be worn outside only.

Any additional items for warmth beyond these specified layers are not considered acceptable parts of the College uniform. As stated to the boys, if an item cannot be bought from the Uniform Shop, it cannot be worn. A simple message and easy to remember.

2025 Enrolments
If you are aware of families contemplating Eddies for their sons’ education next year, regardless of the year group, I encourage you to direct them to our Enrolments Officer, Ms. Rhiannon Muir, as our places tend to fill quicky (last year, we had waiting lists across several year groups).

Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents are not to use the staff carpark (off Canberra Avenue) to drop or collect students before and after school. This is a dangerous place for our students to be moving through and we would like to keep this area for staff only. There is plenty of room around the perimeters of the school for drop off and pick up, especially Barrallier Street, Frome Street, Blaxland Cresent, and Wills Street (not McMillan Crescent).
Afternoon pickups from the front driveway are also problematic with cars blocking McMillan Crescent from Canberra Avenue. Again, I would ask these parents to consider organising your son to wait for you at a suitable place around the perimeter of the school. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Pentecost Prayer
Come Holy Spirit
Come Spirit like rain, refresh, renew, revitalise.
Come Spirit like fire, embolden, enlighten, enable.
Come Spirit like a mighty wind, move, challenge, enkindle.
Come Spirit like wave, move, tear down, lift up.
Come Spirit, come Breath, draw us close, make song, bring intimacy.
Come Spirit, come Love, make one, make justice, make peace.
Come Spirit, come Kingdom, come Love.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 2, Week 2, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Term 2 has certainly commenced in a big way.  We have had many significant events mark the commencement of Term 2, and I will try to do them justice in this Vortex report.

On Tuesday 30 April we held our ANZAC Commemorative Assembly. It was an honour to once again welcome the Australian Federation Guard Catafalque Party who graced our gathering with their presence. Additionally, we were incredibly privileged to host Captain Carlie Gibson as our guest speaker. Carlie, who serves as the Military Public Affairs Officer for the Land Combat College at the esteemed Royal Military College – Duntroon, not only brings professional expertise but also a personal connection as a mother to two of our students and a great supporter of the College. During her address, Carlie shared a poignant narrative, highlighting the valour and sacrifice of a young 14 year old who bravely enlisted in World War One. The story deeply resonated with our students, capturing their attention and stirring reflection. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Carlie for generously sharing her time and inspiring us with her words. We also extend our appreciation to the defence families who joined us.  Many thanks to Ms Kylie Rose for organising our ANZAC Day Commemorative Assembly.

On Wednesday 1 April our Performing Arts Faculty organised a special concert for International Jazz Day (a UNESCO initiative). The concert consisted of a performance by our combined St Edmund’s & St Clare’s band, with several local primary schools in the audience. I thank Ms Rachel Rasmussen and Ms Leanne Thomas for their work in organising this wonderful and educational afternoon of jazz music (my favourite was the traditional Spiderman theme – great piece of music!).

Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights last week saw the culmination of months of rehearsal in the performance of our school musical, School of Rock. Through the guidance and encouragement of Rachel Rasmussen, Leanne Thomas and Rhys Hekimian, our students were empowered to step out of their comfort zones, embrace their talents, and shine on and off stage. A huge thank you to these teachers as well to all our performers for their hard work and tireless efforts. Many thanks to the small band of lead performers from St Edmund’s for sharing their talents with us – Lachlan Nicholls (Year 12, O’Brien) and Liam Burke (Year 12, O’Brien), Nicholas Isherwood (Year 9, O’Brien), Dale Fisher (Year 8, Haydon), William Childs (Year 5, Mulrooney) and William O’Sullivan (Year 5, Haydon).

We celebrated Founder’s Day on Friday 3 May. This was the feast day of Blessed Edmund Rice, a day on which we not only celebrated the life and times of Edmund Rice and the rich enduring legacy of his charism, but also the day on which we proudly celebrated the 70th anniversary of St Edmund’s College, the oldest continuing Catholic school in Canberra.   The Founder’s Day Mass was indeed a highlight of the year, with our boys conducting themselves in a reverent and appropriate manner.

We were very fortunate to have a large contingent of Christian Brothers attending our Mass, including the Deputy Provincial Leader Br Paul Conn, former Principal Br Bob Wallace, former Deputy Br John Giacon, and former member of staff and old boy Br Bernie Gartland.

We were also fortunate to have attending Dr Michael Slattery, President of EREA and Chair of the Trustees of EREA; Chris Woolley CEO of EREA Colleges Ltd; Dr Liam Smith National Executive Director and Peter Fullagar, our Regional Director of Education and former Principal of St Edmund’s.

I sincerely thank Mel Wilson and Bridget Cusack for organising the Founder’s Day Mass, as well as Margaret Thomas, Rachel Rasmussen and Leanne Thomas for guiding our students in the band and choir.  The boys enjoyed a great afternoon of fun and activities back at school after the Mass, organised by Kylie Rose and Monica Day.

Amongst all of our other special guests, I would like to single out one individual guest.  Mr Damian Borgia was a former member of staff and an old boy (Class of 1992) who now works at Merici College.  I originally worked with Damian at St Patrick’s College for Girls in Campbelltown in Sydney, where Damian and I became good friends.  At that time I was awe struck by Damian’s artistic ability; he is a brilliant artist, specialising in sketching.  I reached out to Damian last year with a special request for our 70th Anniversary.  I explained to Damian that nearly all Edmund Rice schools around the world have the same portraits of Edmund Rice.  I wanted a portrait of Blessed Edmund Rice that was unique to St Edmund’s College for our 70th celebrations, that no other Edmund Rice school anywhere in the world had.  I commissioned Damian with this task.

Damian’s portrait captures the younger spirit of Edmund Rice walking alongside two students of the College, students whose everyday actions are influenced and shaped by the life and character of Edmund Rice.  These students serve as embodiments of the collective spirit of all past, present, and future members of our College community. Radiating from the portrait is a captivating sense of light and optimism, infusing the artwork with a profound sense of beauty and positive energy.  I thank Damian so much for this very special enduring gift he has given our community.  It captures beautifully the vision of our College.  The framed original is hanging is our Reception area.

I felt disheartened by the number of parents who permitted their sons to be absent from school on Friday. I hold a firm belief that the absence of regular lessons on a particular day should not serve as justification for a small group of students to skip school altogether. Founder’s Day stands as the pinnacle of our community calendar, embodying our shared values and fostering a sense of belonging. It is regrettable that some students and parents chose not to partake in this important day, disregarding the essence of community spirit and engagement. Participation in events like Founder’s Day strengthens our bonds within the school community and cultivates a deeper appreciation for our heritage and values. It is vital to uphold the significance of such occasions and embrace them as opportunities for collective celebration and reflection.

At the Founder’s Day Mass we also acknowledged several people in two special groups of awards:

Acknowledgement of Staff Service Awards
We acknowledged the dedication and commitment of our staff members who have been an integral part of our community.  Their unwavering loyalty and hard work have not only contributed to the success of the school bit have also touched countless lives along the way.  Their journey with us represents not just a tenure but a testament to the passion and devotion to the College mission.  I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the following members of staff:

25 years of service: Sue Dowling (finance staff), Bridget Cusack (Junior School), Julia Roche (Junior School)
15 years of service: Tim Bibbens (Assistant Principal Teaching & Learning), Andrew Castrission (High School), Holly Ellem (Junior School), Linda Meulen (High School), Joel Richardson (Head of PHPE)
10 years of service: Alana Beard (High School, Head of House)

Br Matt McKeon Spirit and Service Awards
Mr Matt McKeon was a cherished member of the St Edmund’s College community for over two decades.  He epitomised the spirit and values of our tradition as a Christian Brothers school.  In honour of his legacy, the awards recognise staff, students and alumni who exemplify outstanding dedication to St Edmund’s College and / or the broader community through selfless service.

Staff recipients: Audra Martin (TAS assistant) and Lisa Millar (Head of Diverse Learning)
Student recipient: Jackson Hasler, Year 11
Old Boys recipient: Anthony Fainga’a and Saia Fainga’a (Class of 2004).

War Memorial
Much progress has been made on our War Memorial located at the front of the school. The plaques have undergone restoration or have been replaced entirely, and we are proud to unveil new signage adorning the memorial. This revitalization ensures that our memorial now stands as a fitting tribute to the members of the St Edmund’s community who served their country.

I extend my sincere gratitude to Will Collett, one of our parents, for spearheading and overseeing this endeavour. Will has also orchestrated the involvement of volunteers from Disaster Relief Australia, whose invaluable assistance has been instrumental in this undertaking.  The culmination of this work will be marked by a special blessing ceremony conducted by our chaplain, Fr. Chris Eaton, on Wednesday 8 May.

Father Son Weekend
In amongst all the other activities and events throughout last week, the College held a Father & Son Weekend. These weekends provide dedicated time away from daily distractions, allowing participants to focus on each other and build trust and understanding. Through shared activities and experiences, fathers serve as role models, imparting important values and life skills to their sons. Additionally, these weekends create opportunities for open communication, emotional support and positive influence, all of which contribute to healthy development of the father-son relationship, fostering a sense of community among families and strengthening the school’s social fabric. My thanks to David Kelly (Head of Junior School) for facilitating this important event.

A reminder for all high school students that during Terms 2 and 3, it is mandatory to have a blazer as part of your daily attire. While the puffer jacket is offered as an optional choice for warmth, the blazer remains a compulsory component of our dress code. Please ensure that the blazer is worn to and from school each day.  Please adhere to the following guideline in terms of layering for warmth: the jumper serves as the first layer, followed by the blazer as the second layer, with the optional puffer jacket as the third layer. It is important to note that the puffer jacket should not be worn independently of the blazer.  The beanie is also an optional item of winter clothing that should be worn outside only.

Any additional items for warmth beyond these specified layers are not considered acceptable parts of the College uniform. As stated to the boys, if an item cannot be bought from the uniform shop, it cannot be worn. A simple message.

2025 Enrolments
If you are aware of families contemplating Eddies for their sons’ education next year, regardless of the year group, I encourage you to direct them to our Enrolments Officer, Ms. Rhiannon Muir, as our places tend to fill quickly (last year, we had waiting lists across several year groups).

Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents are not to use the staff carpark (off Canberra Avenue) to drop or collect students before and after school. This is a dangerous place for our students to be moving through and we would like to keep this area for staff only. There is plenty of room around the perimeters of the school for drop off and pick up, especially Barrallier Street, Frome Street, Blaxland Cresent, and Wills Street (not McMillan Crescent).

Afternoon pickups from the front driveway are also problematic with cars blocking McMillan Crescent from Canberra Avenue. Again, I would ask these parents to consider organising your son to wait for you at a suitable place around the perimeter of the school. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Loving God, we thank you for the life of Blessed Edmund Rice.
He opened his heart to Christ present in those oppressed by poverty and injustice.
Grant us the courage and compassion of Edmund
as we seek to live lives of love and service.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 10, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Easter Reflection
I trust that the families within the St. Edmund’s community experienced a happy and holy Easter Sunday, and enjoyed the relaxation and leisure of the extended weekend.

It is a common misconception that Easter concludes once Easter Monday fades away. However, the truth couldn’t be more different. Easter holds profound significance in the Catholic faith, extending its season for fifty days, starting from Easter Sunday and culminating on Pentecost Sunday. Throughout this extended period, Catholics worldwide immerse themselves in a time of joy and celebration, deeply rooted in the sacred rhythm of the liturgical calendar. It is a time set aside to commemorate the pivotal moment of Jesus Christ’s resurrection and the subsequent outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon believers.

As the central event of the Christian faith, the resurrection of Jesus symbolises hope and new beginnings for believers, as symbolised in the liturgies for Junior School and the high school held last Thursday. It signifies the triumph of good over evil and is a reminder that death is not the end. The resurrection is a powerful symbol of the transformative power of faith and the promise of eternal life.  Moreover, the resurrection of Jesus represents the incredible sacrifice that he made for humanity. By dying on the cross, he paid the price for the sins of all people, and his resurrection offers the promise of salvation and redemption to all who believe in him. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for us to be reconciled with God and to live with him for eternity.

As a time of great joy and celebration, Easter is a period of renewed commitment. It is a time to reflect on the incredible love that Jesus has for us and to renew our dedication to follow him. Through Mass attendance, special devotions, and prayer, we can focus on the incredible love that God has for us and deepen our faith in him.

The significance of Easter is immense. It is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and reflect on the incredible sacrifice that he made for us. The resurrection offers us the promise of salvation and redemption, and it symbolises hope and new beginnings. May we always remember the true meaning of Easter and strive to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

2025 Enrolments
Tuesday evening of last week marked our Open Evening, an occasion where we welcomed a multitude of prospective students and parents to explore our school. Witnessing families strolling through the halls, engaging with staff and students, pondering whether St. Edmund’s College is the ideal fit for them next year, filled us with optimism. The increasing interest in our College year after year stands as a testament to the dedicated efforts of our staff and the remarkable spirit of our students.

If you are aware of families contemplating Eddies for their sons’ education next year, regardless of the year group, I encourage you to direct them to our Enrolments Officer, Ms. Rhiannon Muir, as our places tend to fill swiftly (last year, we had waiting lists across several year groups).

A heartfelt thank you extends to Ms. Kylie Rose, as well as our staff and the volunteer students whose contributions ensured the success of Open Evening.

Congratulations to Thomas Wragge (Year 10, Mulrooney) on being selected to represent the ACT as part of the School Sports Australia 18&U team at the Baseball National Championships.

Harmony Day
Tuesday 19 March saw us celebrate Harmony Day (as part of Harmony Week), celebrating and recognising our diversity and bringing together Australians from all different backgrounds.  We had a great number of students dress in traditional costume, with many other students dressed in orange, the symbolic colour of Harmony Week, signifying social communication and meaningful conversations. Of course the highlight of the day was the array of different cultural foods available to our boys. The money raised on Harmony Day is directed to our Term 1 focus on Caritas.

Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents are not to use the staff carpark (off Canberra Avenue) to drop or collect students before and after school. This is a dangerous place for our students to be moving through and we would like to keep this area for staff only. There is plenty of room around the perimeters of the school for drop off and pick up, especially Barallier Street, Frome Street, Blaxland Cresent, and Wills Street (not McMillan Crescent).

Afternoon pickups from the front driveway are also problematic with cars blocking McMillan Crescent from Canberra Avenue. Again, I would ask these parents to consider organising your son to wait for you at a suitable place around the perimeter of the school. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Prayer for the Easter Season
Draw us forth, God of all creation.
Draw us forward and away from limited certainty
into the immense world of your love.
Give us the capacity to even for a moment
taste the richness of the feast you give us.
Give us the peace to live with uncertainty,
with questions,
with doubts.
Help us to experience the resurrection anew
with open wonder and an increasing ability
to see you in the people of Easter.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.

Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 8, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Retirement Announcement
Last week, I shared with our community my intention to retire at the end of this year. This decision was influenced not only by the personal challenges of the past year, including the loss of two immediate family members, but also by the milestone of reaching my 40th year in education, coinciding with the 70th anniversary of the College. It really does feel like the right time.

After 40 years of service to Catholic school communities, I feel a great need to explore new avenues of giving back. I have long had a desire to volunteer with community organisations, lending a helping hand to those in need. Regrettably, the demands of a full-time position in education left little room for this pursuit. Now, as I approach retirement, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to our community in a different capacity. Additionally, it’s undeniable that after 40 years in the education, I am ready for a change of pace, seeking renewed purpose and direction (in other words, I am just very tired!).

Over the past seven years, I have collaborated with our staff in nurturing and strengthening our College community. I am proud to say that our efforts have borne fruit, evident in the strong spirit that now permeates St Edmund’s College. Our consistent growth in enrolments reflects the positive direction we’ve embarked upon. As we commence on the preliminary phases of our master plan this year, I am confident in the solid foundation we have laid.

However, as I reflect on the future of St Edmund’s College, I recognise the need for fresh perspectives and renewed energy in leadership. I genuinely believe the time has come for a new Principal to steer our College towards its next chapter of growth and excellence. While I will always remain an ardent advocate for St Edmund’s College, I believe it is paramount to pass its leadership to someone who can leverage our past achievements and propel us towards even greater success with a new set of eyes and a new energy.

I am deeply moved by the outpouring of support and kind words from the members of our community since my retirement announcement. Your messages have touched me profoundly and reinforced my conviction that the Eddies community is truly special and unique. I am grateful for your support throughout my time here, and I am honoured to have been a part of such a remarkable community. Thank you for your continued encouragement and for making this journey so memorable and rewarding. (This is now beginning to sound like a farewell speech! We still have about nine months together and there will be time for appropriate farewells much further down the track. We need to make the most of the time we have left to achieve our goals and strengthen our community further).
EREA Colleges Ltd will soon commence the process of recruitment for the new Principal.

Principal’s Award
It gave me great pleasure at the College assembly on Tuesday 12 March to present a special Principal’s Award to Eddie Brady (Year 10, Mulrooney).  The Principal’s Award is presented to a student, personally chosen by me, who has demonstrated an exceptional level of maturity and leadership, either on one single occasion or on an on-going basis. Eddie has demonstrated exceptional leadership on two separate occasions this year.

The first occasion took place near the beginning of the year and was witnessed by me. Eddie saw two boys in the quad who were in a heated argument with each other, and it looked like the situation was escalating. Before the situation had a chance to escalate to something more serious, Eddie stepped in to separate the two boys and diffuse the tense encounter. The second occasion took place at the high school swimming carnival a few weeks ago. Witnessing a fellow student struggling to exit the pool safely, Eddie wasted absolutely no time in jumping in to assist, ensuring the safety of the other student.

In both instances, Eddie exhibited commendable courage and a proactive approach to helping others, reflecting the values we aim to instil in our students, particularly the ethos of being an “Eddies boy”– young men who step in to right wrongs, to help and serve those in need and to be there for others.  Eddie has demonstrated the strong qualities of being an Eddies boy.
It was with immense pride and honour that I presented the Principal’s Award to Eddie Brady, a Year 10 student who exemplifies leadership, courage, alertness, and compassion.

Congratulations to the Stage 2 Sunday Gold Cricket team on their impressive 4 wicket victory over a spirited Marist team! Completing an undefeated season is a remarkable achievement and speaks volumes about the team’s dedication and skill.
This win was the result of a collective effort from every member of the team, showcasing their unity and teamwork on the field. Special recognition goes to the individuals who delivered outstanding performances, contributing to the team’s success.  A big thank you is also owed to Coach Eamon O’Donoghue for his guidance, support, and energy throughout the season.
Well done to the boys for their exceptional achievement, and may this victory serve as a memorable highlight in their cricketing journey.

Our Edmums event this year is being held on Friday 5 April at Highball Bar (London Circuit, Civic), which is an ideal location to enjoy an aperitif or two. A grazing table will be available for all guests, consisting of cheeses, cured meats, pickles, dips, fresh fruits, and sweets. Additionally, guests will be greeted with a Martini Prosecco upon their arrival. Our annual Edmums event is always very attended so I wold suggest you get in early to book your ticket.  Tickets can be purchased here  by clicking on this link.

2025 Enrolments
I cannot believe we have already commenced interviews for 2025 enrolments.  If you are considering enrolling your son in the College or are aware of a family who may be considering this, I would encourage you to get in early and complete the enrolment procedure. Our enrolments are increasing every year, and last year we had a waiting list for some year groups (which is a great problem to have, but certainly inconvenient for families involved).  Please contact our Enrolments Officer as soon as possible.

Experience Eddies Day is on Monday 25 March and Open Evening is Tuesday 26 March (4.30pm – 7.00pm). These are great events for those considering to enrol in 2025 to come along and experience the school up close.

Student Drop Off and Pick Up

Parents are not to use the staff carpark (off Canberra Avenue) to drop or collect students before and after school. This is a dangerous place for our students to be moving through and we would like to keep this area for staff only. There is plenty of room around the perimeters of the school for drop off and pick up, especially Barallier Street, Frome Street, Blaxland Cresent, and Wills Street (not McMillan Crescent).
Afternoon pickups from the front driveway are also problematic with cars blocking McMillan Crescent from Canberra Avenue. Again, I would ask these parents to consider organising your son to wait for you at a suitable place around the perimeter of the school. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Reflection on the Fifth Sunday of Lent

I would like to share with you a lovely reflection on the fifth Sunday of Lent by Sr Mary M. McGlone, a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet.

“When I was 4, I told my mother that I was running away and would never come back. She replied that any child of hers who ran away and never came back would receive a punishment she/he would never forget. Well, that was enough for me! (Logic was not my strong suit at that age.) At the same time, her dealings with us made it obvious that no child of hers could quash her motherly love — no matter what we did.

(In the first reading of last Sunday), Jeremiah gives us an image of a motherly God who wants nothing to do with punishment. When the people break their covenant with the God who freed them, what does God do? God turns to them to offer a better deal than they had known before. God had brought them out of Egypt; when they were unfaithful, God said, “I will make a new covenant with you. This covenant will join us heart to heart. It will affect you so deeply that our mutual love will teach the world all they need to know about me.”

Ours is a God who gambles on love — over and over again.

In the Gospel, Jesus explains the same dynamic in relation to his life and mission. Jesus revealed that, as God’s representative, he would prove the boundless power of love through vulnerability, becoming like a seed that falls to the ground and dies to produce fruit.

The most Godly thing about Jesus’ vulnerability was that, unlike our own weakness and limitations, it was freely chosen (John 10:18). The most amazing thing about it was that it revealed the true character of God as a divine lover who constantly tries to woo us beyond our broken covenants and our attempts to fashion the divine in our own image.

From Jesus, we learn that divine power is the most subversive force in all of creation. Rather than crush opponents, God’s power undermines evil and the violence it perpetrates. As Mahatma Gandhi explained, “Love is the strongest force the world possesses, yet it is the humblest imaginable.”

Ultimately, the greatest leap of faith Christians are invited to take is to believe in this entirely counterintuitive and countercultural idea that the forces of humility, generous love, and tender, nonviolent creativity are the instruments of world change. This is Jesus’ message. He taught that falling into the ground and dying lead to ousting the ruler of this world.

Christ’s ongoing offer is to draw everything to himself. To believe that is to have faith that when the forces of evil unleash their worst, they ultimately expose themselves impotent against love.

As we draw near Holy Week, our liturgy invites us to reassess the creed we really live by.

Do we look to Christ to be delivered from punishment or harm? If so, what does the cross tell us about that? Are we willing to gamble everything on the power of love? To the extent that we choose the latter, we are on our way to being drawn into the very heart of a motherly God”.

Prayer for the Fifth Sunday of Lent
Loving God,
it is so hard to love the world sometimes
and to love it the way Jesus did seems impossible.
Help us to be inspired by His love and
guided by His example.
Most of all, we need to accept that we cannot do it alone,
and that trying is an arrogance of self-centeredness.
We need you, dear God, to give us support in this journey.
Show us how to unlock our hearts
so that we are less selfish.
Let us be less fearful of the pain and darkness
that will be transformed by You into Easter joy.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 6, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Camps and Retreats
I had the great pleasure last week of spending some time with our Year 12 students on their retreat in Jindabyne. I was deeply encouraged by our students in the way they engaged with the activities.  The theme of the retreat was “thrive” – a highly relevant theme for our students at this very important time in their last year of secondary schooling. The activities presented to students asked then to reflect on important influences, milestones and pathways in their lives, the choices they have made or will make in the future and what informs these choices in terms of connections and relationships. My thanks to our Assistant Principal (Mission and Identity) Mrs Carmela Wilson for facilitating the retreat, and I also thank the staff attending for giving of their time and experience – Ms Anna Blore, Ms Monica Day, Ms Caroline Devlin, Mr Joachim Fatiaki, Ms Klara Manenica, Mr Trent Masters and our College Chaplain, Fr Chris Eaton.

Year 6 students participated in their camp on Monday 19 to Wednesday 21 February.  They enjoyed the camp at Tuross Head and engaged with the outdoor activities with great enthusiasm and vigour! Many thanks to Mr David Kelly (Head of Junior school) for facilitating the camp and to our staff for being with our boys and allowing them to have such a great opportunity, Mr Denzil Fox, Mrs Lisa Millar, Mr Martin O’Rourke and Mr Joseph Sidorko.

Acting Deputy Principal
Our Deputy Principal, Mr Ian Garrity, is taking some well-deserved leave soon.  Edmund Rice Education Australia has appointed Ms Margaret Maher as the Acting Deputy Principal during Mr Garrity’s absence (from April 2 to July 5).

High Achievers Assembly
At a special assembly held this Wednesday, we had the pleasure of welcoming back several of our top-performing students from the Class of 2023 to honour and applaud their remarkable accomplishments, particularly their impressive ATAR results and vocational success. Amidst the many activities throughout the year at the College, it is essential to remember that our primary focus always lies in learning and teaching, areas in which our high achievers have truly shone. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the following outstanding students from the Class of 2023, whom we recognised during this week’s assembly: Lachlan Vearing (Dux), Toby Francis (second ATAR), Tristan Borghouts (third ATAR), Jacob MacDonald, Sam Skvorc, Dylan Kolum, Tom Farrell, Joseph McBride, Roy Kuchel, Deveraux Tapelu, Charlie Sneddon, Ryan Goldsmid, Damian Jelfs-Smith, Aaron Ciuffetelli.

Swimming Carnivals
Thanks to the staff involved in organising the two swimming carnivals last Friday – Mr Denzil Fox (Junior School carnival) and Mr Joel Richardson (High School carnival).  The weather was perfect for a day of good competition and fun house events.  The boys were in very good spirits throughout the day and contributed to a great day all round.

Isaac Mitchell (Year 9, Clancy) recently entered three of his creations in the Lego Competition at the Royal Canberra Show. He came away with three first places along with Student Champion and Overall Lego Champion for his made-your-own creation piece. Congratulations to Isaac for this wonderful achievement, highlighting his creativity and innovation.

Rehearsals are well underway for this year’s school musical, House of Rock, in collaboration with Canberra Girls Grammar, Merici College and St Clare’s College. Please keep an eye out for details regarding the musical (with performances in early May) as tickets are sure to sell quickly.

Our Edmums event this year is being held on Friday 5 April at Highball Bar (London Circuit, Civic), which is an ideal location to enjoy an aperitif or two. A grazing table will be available for all guests, consisting of cheeses, cured meats, pickles, dips, fresh fruits, and sweets. Additionally, guests will be greeted with a Martini Prosecco upon their arrival. Our annual Edmums event is always very attended so I wold suggest you get in early to book your ticket.  Tickets can be purchased here  by clicking on this link.

2025 Enrolments
I cannot believe we have already commenced interviews for 2025 enrolments (this tells me we are no longer in the “beginning” of the year!).  If you are considering enrolling your son in the College or are aware of a family who may be considering this, I would encourage you to get in early and complete the enrolment procedure. Our enrolments are increasing every year, and last year we had a waiting list for some year groups (which is a great problem to have, but certainly inconvenient for families involved).  Please contact our Enrolments Officer as soon as possible.

Experience Eddies Day is on Monday 25 March and Open Evening is Tuesday 26 March (4.30pm – 7.00pm). These are great events for those considering to enrol in 2025 to come along and experience the school up close.

Afternoon bus procedures
We have changed our afternoon bus procedures by having students who catch the bus near the St Clare’s lawn to congregate on the lawn itself rather than wait on the footpath.  This has made this area much safer for students and supervising staff. Our students have been complying with this new procedure very well and I thank them for their co-operation.

Student Drop Off and Pick Up
Parents are not to use the staff carpark (off Canberra Avenue) to drop or collect students before and after school. This is a dangerous place for our students to be moving through and we would like to keep this area for staff only. There is plenty of room around the perimeters of the school for drop off and pick up, especially Barallier Street, Frome Street, Blaxland Crescent, and Wills Street (not McMillan Crescent).
Afternoon pickups from the front driveway are also problematic with cars blocking McMillan Crescent from Canberra Avenue. Again, I would ask these parents to consider organising your son to wait for you at a suitable place around the perimeter of the school. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Gospel Reading – Third Sunday of Lent (John 2:13-25)
Last Sunday’s Gospel sees Jesus enter the temple to clear out the corruption that had developed over the decades before. In this story we have a strong reflection on the simplicity of prayer and worship. I would like to share with you a commentary on the Gospel reading (source: https://westhills.org/blog/2022/05/10/john-2-13-25-study-guide-clearing-out-the-temple) which highlights this theme of the simplicity of prayer.
The temple was designed as a place for God’s people to gather to offer sacrifice and praise and to experience his presence. Over the years various outdoor courts were added to allow for more people to gather. The central part of the temple was the Holy of Holies was the place where God manifested his presence to the high priest who would enter once a year on the day of atonement. But various other courtyards were designed for people to gather and pray and offer sacrifice, including the court of the gentiles (as a number of gentiles were also believers, though not Jewish). Since people were travelling from all over the nation to come sacrifice, the law of God made provision for people to buy an animal for sacrifice instead of travelling for weeks with one to the city. Various merchants would set up shop down in the Kidron Valley outside the temple, but over the years these merchants moved closer and closer to the temple area, taking up residence in the court of the gentiles. Instead of being a place where you would hear prayers to Yahweh and people would make sacrifice for their sins, you would instead hear people haggling over sheep and the changing of money and it all took place in a location reserved for the gentiles to gather. To top this off, these merchants would jack up the prices of the animals and skim some money off the top for the money changing. Jesus does not specifically call out these shrewd business practices but he does condemn the taking over of the temple grounds for business. God’s heart for the outsider to worship him is on display here and their injustice towards the gentiles was something that outraged Jesus.

Jesus’ cleansing of the temple is intentional and purposeful. He makes his own whip and the language is forceful saying he “drove” them out. We may cringe at the thought of him making a whip, but this was done to move on the big animals, not to use the whip on people, as that would seem to cross an ethical line that is not fitting with Jesus’ character.
The temple is called a house of prayer for the gentiles and here the merchants and money changers were preventing the gentiles from being in the presence of God and offering prayer to him (in a sign of possible disrespect to the worshipping gentiles as they were not Jewish).
It would have been startling to see this take place. The temple leaders respond to Jesus by asking him what authority he had to clear out the temple. Jesus’ response directs them to the new temple, the new place where the presence of God was found: himself.
Jesus chose this place and time to point to the true and better temple in his body.  He is the place where heaven and earth meet and even though the disciples did not grasp what he said in that moment they would look back and connect the dots of what he said to what would happen on the cross and the empty tomb.
When Jesus came, he eliminated the need for a temple being in a single location. Christians became the temple of God, a house for his Holy Spirit. We have become a meeting place between heaven and earth to bring other people in to commune with God.
During Lent we reflect upon the meaning of this sign for us and for our world. We might take this opportunity to consider the quality of our prayer and worship. In our prayers we seek to deepen our relationship with the person of Christ. In our worship with the community, we gather to experience anew the passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus and its significance in our lives. Christ promises to be present with us when we gather for prayer.

Prayer for the Third Sunday of Lent
God of goodness and mercy,
Hear our prayers as we continue this Lenten journey with you.
Let us be honest with ourselves as we look into our heart and soul,
noticing the times we turn away from you.
Guide us as we humbly seek to repent and return to your love.
May humility guide our efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace. Transform us this Lent, heavenly Father.
Give us the strength to commit ourselves to grow closer to you each day.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 4, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Thursday 8 February was one of those rare days in a school where all things align beautifully to create meaningful, memorable and successful events. Schools very often talk about their “spirit,” but that spirit is sometimes elusive in the hustle of everyday school life. We experienced that sense of spirit and community in a very tangible and powerful way.

Our beautiful Opening Mass was a very fitting and poignant formal opening to the school year. The Opening Mass plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community, spiritual grounding, and shared purpose within St Edmund’s College. It contributes to creating a positive and supportive school environment, built upon the core foundation of the College. The emotion surrounding the student leaders’ induction was quite palpable, and the musicians and choir added greatly to the sacredness of the Mass.  Our students performed in an outstanding manner under the direction of our Performing Arts staff. My thanks to Fr Chris Eaton for celebrating the Mass with us. The Opening Mass served as out first official function to commence our 70th Anniversary celebrations, with every student and member of staff being given a special 70th Anniversary badge to wear for the year.

The Mass was followed by an afternoon of activities, further fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie amongst our boys.

We had our new families join us that afternoon for their welcome function, where they had the opportunity to mingle amongst our staff whilst enjoying some fine hospitality. This proved to be a resounding success, marked by the presence of numerous new families who shared positive feedback about their sons’ transition to the school. My thanks to members of staff who attended this function and made the newest members of our community feel welcome.

The day culminated with our community picnic, another event to mark our 70th Anniversary. This was a great success and surpassed all expectations.  We had no idea how successful this would be as it was the first time we had organised such an event.  We were all pleasantly surprised by the large number of families who attended the picnic.  There was a lovely atmosphere, and the weather was superb for a picnic afternoon/evening. Again, the feeling of community spirit here was very strong and unmistakable. Families and staff enjoyed their time on Owens Oval, listening to the music of our student musicians and partaking of their own picnic supplies or making use of the food vans or barbeque. Hopefully this will become an annual event. My most heartfelt thanks to the families who joined us for this event.

The events of Thursday 8 February served as a testament to the vibrancy, strength, and unwavering support of our community, leaving us all filled with pride.

Congratulations to Harrison Bond (Year 10, Clancy) who performed in the Tamworth Music Country Music Festival, held at the “Country Rocks the Park” show in late January. Well done Harrison – what an opportunity and experience for such a talented young man. Harrison also shone with his vocals during our Opening Mass.

Congratulations to Samuel Mitchell (Year 7, Clancy) on his nomination for a major cake industry award – Rising Star of the Year, in the 2024 Australasian Cake Oscar Awards. This is a great achievement and testament to Samuel’s wonderful ski and talent in this area. Hopefully we will continue to see more great creations from Samuel.

Parent Code of Conduct
St Edmund’s College comprises a wide variety of individuals who work together to educate our students to become confident, well-educated members of the community who are prepared to contribute as citizens, to cooperate with others and act reflectively and ethically. Our shared values and an understanding of acceptable behaviours enable the St Edmund’s College community to work together with respect and appreciation for each other.

At St Edmund’s College we recognise our legal obligation to ensure the ongoing health and safety of students, staff, and families within our community. We encourage parents and carers to support our educational environment that exemplifies our Edmund Rice Tradition, encouraging our students to grow into the fullness of their humanity where they feel welcomed, accepted and valued.

St Edmund’s College fulfils its mission in partnership with parents and carers who are the first educators of their children. We recognise that parents and carers are valuable participants in our community and we want to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide and support the safe and positive education and care of students.

The Parent and Carer Code of Conduct sets out the way the College expects parents and carers to conduct themselves in their interaction with all members of the College community including but not limited to all staff, students, other parents and carers and volunteers.

It is a requirement that all St Edmund’s College families adhere to principles and practices as outlined in the College’s Enrolment Policy and Conditions of Enrolment, as signed by parents.  The Parent And Care Code of Conduct can be found by clicking here.

We held two very special Ash Wednesday liturgies on Wednesday 14 February (in the Chapel for our Junior School and in the Hall for our high school students). Ash Wednesday is a solemn day for Christians, marking the beginning of a period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual preparation for Easter through practices such as fasting, prayer, and acts of charity. On Ash Wednesday, Christians attend church services where they receive ashes on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. These ashes are typically made by burning palm branches from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebrations. The ashes received on this day serve as a visible symbol of mortality, repentance, and the desire for spiritual renewal. As part of the high school liturgy led by our chaplain Fr Chris Eaton, our senior student leaders distributed the ashes to their peers.

The First Sunday of Lent marks the beginning of the Lenten season in the Christian liturgical calendar. This sacred time of reflection and preparation extends for forty days, leading up to Easter. The Lenten journey is a time of personal and spiritual growth. It provides an opportunity for believers to reflect on their lives, examine their hearts, and make meaningful changes. Through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, individuals are encouraged to confront their weaknesses, seek forgiveness, and develop virtues that bring them closer to God.

The Gospel Reading from last Sunday commences with this paragraph, “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the wilderness, and he remained there for forty days, and was tempted by Satan.  He was with the wild beasts, and the angels looked after him.”

What strikes me in this paragraph is that the Spirit “drove” Jesus out into the wilderness – this was not just a mild suggestion or a gentle encouragement. The word “drove” is quite an active word, with connotations of force. It was important for Jesus to go into the desert for his forty days of reflection and preparation of his ministry. He needed to remove himself from the distractions of daily life, in order to approach his ministry with a strong sense of clarity, vision and purpose.

Every Lent, the same Holy Spirit who drove Jesus into the desert wants to drive us into our own desert in order to renew and deepen our relationship with God. While God is not calling us all physically to go to the desert, he is calling us to remove ourselves from the distractions of life, so that in doing so, we can clearly hear and see him.

One of the central themes of Lent is prayer. Through prayer, believers can connect with God, seek His guidance, and find solace and strength during the Lenten journey. It is a time to listen to His voice, reflect on His teachings, and cultivate a deeper intimacy with Him.

Fasting is another important practice during Lent. By abstaining from certain foods or activities, believers exercise self-discipline and sacrifice. It is an opportunity to deny oneself and create space for God’s presence in their lives.  Fasting is not the simple act of giving up chocolate or coffee or alcohol, and then boasting about this so-called sacrifice to your friends or on social media – it is not abstaining from some foods just for the sake of it. Fasting serves as a reminder of Jesus’ forty days of fasting in the wilderness and helps individuals focus their attention on spiritual matters.

Almsgiving, the act of giving to those in need, is a fundamental aspect of Lent. It reflects God’s love and compassion for others and reminds believers of their call to serve and care for their neighbours. By engaging in acts of charity and generosity, believers embody the spirit of Christ, demonstrating their commitment to selflessness and compassion. Here at St Edmund’s, our focus on almsgiving will be within the context of Caritas Australia, the Catholic Church’s international aid and development agency in Australia. Caritas is committed to working alongside the most vulnerable and addressing the imbalance of power by including the people affected in the decisions impacting their lives.

Embracing the Lenten journey entails committing oneself to these themes and practices that define this sacred season. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving provide a framework for believers to deepen their faith, cultivate discipline, and live out the teachings of Jesus. By embracing these practices, individuals can experience personal transformation, drawing closer to God and becoming vessels of His love and grace.

Prayer for the First Sunday of Lent
Loving God,
You who breathed the spirit of life within me,
kindle within me the light and life you created.
Help me to strengthen my path to you.
Help me to use my life to illuminate your glory
and to serve others
as your Son Jesus did.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 2, 2024

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

2024 Scriptural Theme: “I have come so may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10)

Here we are at the commencement of another school year – the 70th year in the history of St Edmund’s College.  We are proudly the longest continuing Catholic school in Canberra, and this year sees our total enrolment figures increase yet again.  It is encouraging and exciting to see more and more families wanting their sons to be a part of our vibrant community, and I thank our current and new families for having us as their school of choice.

The school was abuzz with excitement last Wednesday when our new students arrived for their Orientation Day, and again the following day when we had all our students return.  The energy was palpable.  My sincere hope is for each student to find success and fulfillment in the months ahead.

During the Opening Assembly, I delivered a simple yet crucial message to our students: we are a unified community, strengthened by our diversity. Embracing students from various backgrounds, faiths, abilities, and interests enriches our collective experience. These differences are what makes us strong; we acknowledge and celebrate these differences within our student body.  I emphasised with students that we have an expectation that we treat all people well because we all matter. This might take the form of current students acknowledging our new students and making them feel welcome whether it be in their classroom or during a break; it might also take the form of our older boys looking out for our younger boys and making them feel safe and comfortable.

I also explained to students that communities need structures, otherwise they fall apart.  We have some very important features that work to structure our community – in many cases this structure takes the form of our rules, procedures and expectations; we have the Statement of Eddie’s Pride which guides our students towards the goals and expectations of an Eddies boy; we have our classroom structures where students are expected to allow themselves and other students to learn well and allow their teachers to teach well.  We also have firm expectatins around our appearance and grooming.  These structures are important to a community, providing important boundaries.

The final part of my address to students at the Opening Assembly was about the importance of greeting one another in a positive manner. This is an element which unfortunately is becoming less and less important in the wider community, but which we wish to continue reinforcing within the College.  We have expectations around the way that students greet their teachers and other members of staff. In particular, I reinforced with students that I would like them to greet me with a handshake.  This is more than just saying hello – a handshake implies a significant social contact and connection as well as creating an emotion.  A handshake might be “old school”, but it is a custom that speaks volumes about your character.  I am so pleased to say that in the last few days a great number of our young men have taken up this challenge in a positive way.

2023 Year 12 Results
Our Year 12 Tertiary Pathway students finished their academic year in a very strong manner. The group achieved very strong ATAR scores, which is of course a great testament to their diligence and maturity.  Congratulations to our Dux, Lachlan Vearing, for achieving an ATAR of 99.3. Closely following this strong score was Toby Francis with an ATAR of 99.2, with Tristan Borghouts achieving an ATAR of 98.05. 20% of our ATAR cohort achieved an ATAR above 90, and nearly 40% of our students achieved an ATAR above 80.  We congratulate our 2023 Year 12 students for their significant academic achievement and look forward to celebrating with them at our High Achievers Assembly later this term.

Congratulations to Steve Nealon (Year 11, Haydon House) for his outstanding efforts with the Australian Schoolboys 16s Football team UK tour during the holidays. Steve was the team’s top goal scorer of the tour, even though he was originally a shadow player and called into the side at late notice.  The team defeated the national schoolboys’ teams of England, Wales and Ireland and drew with Northern Ireland and Scotland national youth sides.  This is a great achievement for a team that literally gathered together for the first time a couple of days prior to boarding the plane for their UK trip.

This was a wonderful opportunity for Steve both in terms of his sporting skills and as a life learning opportunity, and we wish him the very best for his exciting future with Football.

Parent Code of Conduct
St Edmund’s College comprises a wide variety of individuals who work together to educate our students to become confident, well-educated members of the community who are prepared to contribute as citizens, to cooperate with others and act reflectively and ethically. Our shared values and an understanding of acceptable behaviours enable the St Edmund’s College community to work together with respect and appreciation for each other.

At St Edmund’s College we recognise our legal obligation to ensure the ongoing health and safety of students, staff, and families within our community. We encourage parents and carers to support our educational environment that exemplifies our Edmund Rice Tradition, encouraging our students to grow into the fullness of their humanity where they feel welcomed, accepted and valued.

St Edmund’s College fulfils its mission in partnership with parents and carers who are the first educators of their children. We recognise that parents and carers are valuable participants in our community and we want to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide and support the safe and positive education and care of students.

The Parent and Carer Code of Conduct sets out the way the College expects parents and carers to conduct themselves in their interaction with all members of the College community including but not limited to all staff, students, other parents and carers and volunteers.

It is a requirement that all St Edmund’s College families adhere to principles and practices as outlined in the College’s Enrolment Policy and Conditions of Enrolment, as signed by parents.  The Parent And Care Code of Conduct can be found by clicking here.

New staff
We welcome the following new members of staff to the St Edmund’s community in 2024:

  • Mr Hamish Chapman – Ministry and Performing Arts assistant
  • Mr Brendan Dahl – HASS teacher
  • Ms Alessia Di Antonio – Italian teacher
  • Ms Carla Fahey – HPE teacher and Assistant Head of Rice House
  • Mr Matthew Giddings – Science teacher
  • Mr Yakabi Seeto – Diverse Learning learning support assistant
  • Mr Joseph Sidorko – Junior School teacher

We also welcome current members of staff who have been appointed to leadership positions:

  • Ms Carmela Wilson – Assistant Principal (Mission and Identity)
  • Mr Oliver Burke – Head of English

Prayer for the Beginning of the School Year
Loving God,
As we begin this new school year,
we thank you for the renewal of the past months and our safe return to this place.
We thank you for the promise of the days ahead and for the blessing of your accompaniment.
Be with us this year.
Open our hearts to become people with and for others; people of Edmund Rice.
Help us to be studious, open to growth, loving and committed to doing justice.
Keep us safe in body and spirit.
Let us be gentle with ourselves while striving to serve your greater glory.
And may we always be a source of support, encouragement and love to others.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea