
Mr Zavone’s Christmas Message

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

As we approach this Christmas season of joy and hope, I want to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to you all. Christmas is a time of reflection, gratitude, and togetherness – a moment where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the boundless love He brings into our lives.

At this special time of the year, we remember that St Edmund’s College thrives on the support, dedication, and involvement of each parent and carer. Your continuous encouragement and partnership in nurturing our students academically, spiritually, and emotionally are invaluable.

We have journeyed through a year with moments that tested our resolve and celebrated our triumphs. Such ebbs and flows are inherent in the tapestry of any community or family. What distinguishes a resilient community is how we navigate these highs and lows together. Our community’s resilience lies in our ability to come together at these times, extending unwavering support to each other, whether consciously or unconsciously. This support manifests in various forms for different individuals, yet it is the unifying thread that binds us. I have witnessed this collective strength within our community time and again.

Even as recently as this Monday I was deeply moved by an incredible display of generosity and support as we presented our hampers to the Narrabundah chapter of St. Vincent de Paul. This year, we contributed the largest number of hamper donations to Vinnies, despite the challenging cost of living that affects most of our own families. I extend my sincere thanks to all our students and their families for transforming this year into an exceptionally meaningful one for the numerous families supported by our local Vinnies.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our students, our dedicated staff members, and our broader community, whose collective efforts have fostered an environment of positivity and growth.

As we embark upon 2024, buoyed by increased enrolments and waiting lists in certain year groups, we do so with a renewed sense of purpose and a clear vision. Collaborating closely with our parent community, we strive to nurture young men of strong character and vibrant spirit. Our commitment to forging tailored learning opportunities, hand in hand with our passionate teachers, remains unwavering. Additionally, our engagement with the broader College community through our diverse co-curricular program remains a priority.

The anticipation of commemorating our upcoming anniversary – a remarkable milestone of 70 years as Canberra’s oldest continuing Catholic school – fills us with excitement and pride.

Instead of concluding with a prayer, which is customary in Vortex, I would like to share an excerpt from the writings of Joan Chittister, a revered American Benedictine nun known for her prolific contributions as an author and speaker. I have many of Joan’s works and they hold a special place in my bookcase, serving as a perennial source of inspiration whenever I seek rejuvenation. The passage I am sharing with you is from her book, “Aspects of the Heart: The Many Paths to a Good Life” (Garratt Publishing, 2012).

A Wise Heart.

In the Book of Provers, we are instructed to “get wisdom.” Wisdom, in other words, is not a free gift.  We are told to develop it.  We are, then, required to seek meaning in life, to understand that life is not a series of events.  Life is a series of learnings.  Wisdom is what we are meant to cull from every event in life.

Wisdom is the depth of soul that enables us to understand what must remain in our lives when everything else – the job, the health, the security, the excitement – goes, as all those things someday, inevitably will.  Lin Tang says, ‘The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of the nonessentials.’

It is through what we believe spiritually that carries us through life. It is the well of wisdom from which we are meant to draw.  We must be careful as we seek wisdom not to confuse the spiritual with the religious. Religious rigidity and self-righteousness have destroyed a great deal in life.  Only that which nurtures the truly spiritual in us, the search for the presence of God in every small dimension of life, is a real wisdom.

If, by the time we die, beauty has moved the silent centre of us, love has wracked our hearts, and the word of God has seeped into our heart, we will be as wise as any human being can ever hope to be.”

May this Christmas season fill your hearts with peace, love, and happiness. Let us cherish the precious moments spent with loved ones, spreading kindness, and embracing the spirit of giving. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, may His blessings guide us through the coming year, filling our lives with purpose and grace.

Wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas filled with great blessings and a New Year brimming with love and happiness.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea


Principal’s Message: Term 4, Week 8, 2023

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

We celebrated our Year 12 Graduation Day last Friday, and it truly marked a momentous occasion for everyone involved. Throughout this emotional day, we followed a series of special traditions, each one representing a pivotal moment in the lives of our graduating students.

Our first tradition was the Eucharistic Mass held at St Christopher’s Cathedral. This held great significance, symbolising the culmination of years of work and effort by our Year 12 students. Linking the Eucharist to this milestone highlights the deep gratitude for the knowledge gained, the support received, and the transformative journey these students undertook during their time at the College. The Mass was a profound acknowledgment of the spiritual dimension intertwined with the remarkable achievements of our young men, offering prayers and blessings for their futures beyond graduation.

Following the Mass, our Graduation Assembly took place in the College Hall, where each student was individually recognised before the entire College community. A poignant tradition unfolded as each student, upon being presented to the community, rang the bell – a symbolic act marking their final day. It’s a moment that honours their school experiences and signifies the pivotal junction they now face.

The Graduation Dinner, hosted at the Hellenic Club, gathered students, parents, and staff. Here, we not only presented awards recognising outstanding achievements but also upheld the tradition of students transitioning from their old school tie to the old boys’ tie. This shift in tie symbolises their transition from current students to old boys. In a touching display of symbolism and significance, the person who initially helped the students put on their school tie also assists in putting on the old boys’ tie – a very touching symbolic gesture.
I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our Year 12 students for not only completing their final weeks with grace, dignity, and a sprinkle of fun but also for fostering positive engagement with their teachers and peers.
Graduation Day for the Class of 2023 was a day filled with reverence, tradition, and heartfelt moments, marking a poignant conclusion to this chapter of their educational journey.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to Deveraux Tapelu, the 2023 College Captain, and Liuaki ae Lotu Percival, the College Vice-Captain, for their proposal for a new initiative starting next year. Deveraux and Liuaki hold the distinction of being the first students of Pasifika descent to assume significant student leadership roles. This milestone holds immense significance for them and their families. In acknowledgment of their achievement, Deveraux and Liuaki will inaugurate an annual award from 2024. This award aims to recognise and acknowledge a student of Pasifika heritage in Years 9 – 12, recognising characteristics of strong leadership and active community engagement. Their commitment to establishing this award resonates with their belief in the College community’s unwavering support throughout their time here, and it reflects their desire to reciprocate this support. Their decision to give back through this award stands as a remarkable and generous gesture, embodying the spirit of gratitude and fostering a culture of empowerment within the College community.

Special Awards – Class of 2023

Blessed Edmund Rice Award

(significant contribution to the vibrant spirit and positive culture of the College)

Kalen Billiards, Paul Oscar Brown, Scott Dolvin, Thomas Hickey, Callum Hicks, Damian Jelfs-Smith, Lorcan Jennings, Jacob MacDonald, Hayden Martinussen, Joseph McBride, Liuaki ae Lotu Percival, Tobias Saunders, Charlie Sneddon, Rhys Spence, Lachlan Vearing.
The College Award for Vocational Studies

(excellence, commitment and application to vocational studies)

Aaron Ciuffetelli
The Adam Darmody Award

(consistency and role model in Performing Arts)

Connor Moloney
The Sportsman of the Year

(outstanding performance in the student’s chosen sports)

Deveraux Tapelu
The Bishop O’Brien Cup

(outstanding Christian leadership)

Connor Moloney
The Denyse Gibbs Award (achievement, integrity, determination, overcoming adversity)Roy Kuchel
The Oldfield Cup

(outstanding commitment to community service)

Hamish Chapman
The Byrne Award (personal integrity and initiative)Deveraux Tapelu
The Blue and White Award

(selected by Year 12 students to a peer who best represents the qualities of an Eddies boy)

Deveraux Tapelu

Presentation of Awards, Tuesday 5 December
Parents will soon receive details regarding the Presentation Ceremonies for both the Junior School and Years 7 – 11. These significant events are scheduled for Tuesday 5 December.
Separate communication has been distributed for Junior School parents.

The Presentation Ceremony for Years 7 – 11 will commence at 11.30 conclude approximately at 12:30 pm. Following this, there will be no further classes for high school students. Those who remain on campus will have the opportunity to assist staff members with various organisational tasks such as moving and cleaning. High school students who intend to leave school after the Presentation Ceremony must ensure their parents have notified Student Services (studentservices@stedmunds.act.edu.au) by Monday afternoon at the latest.

I eagerly anticipate celebrating the diverse array of academic accomplishments during both Presentation Ceremonies on Tuesday. It promises to be a fitting conclusion to our school year, commemorating the achievements and hard work of our students across all levels.

Pre-Loved Uniforms
As we approach the year-end, I kindly urge parents and carers to consider contributing any school uniform items to our second-hand uniform collection. The generosity of our parents in the past has greatly supported this initiative, and we are continually seeking to replenish our supplies. Please feel free to drop off any pre-loved uniforms at the Reception, ensuring they have been washed and pressed.
While I recognise there are alternative methods for disposing of pre-loved uniforms that may offer financial incentives to parents, I am sincerely grateful to those who choose to donate to us. Your contributions enable us to share these uniforms with families in need. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Prayer for the Graduating Class of 2023
Loving God,
We thank you for all our Year 12 students who have graduated from St Edmund’s College.
You have blessed them during their years in school with wisdom, friendships, and skills.
You continue to challenge them to make this world a better place because of their education.
Help them to look forward to their next steps: continuing in their education or entering the work world.
Give them faith and a sense of purpose in their next steps.
Show them how to serve others in effective ways.
In all their endeavours, instil within them the awareness that fulfilment lies in aligning their actions with your will.
May they carry the assurance of your perpetual presence, knowing that the good work you have initiated within them will be brought to completion.
May they be guided by compassion, inspired by wisdom, and empowered by the spirit of service. Bless them abundantly as they navigate the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea

Principal’s Message: Term 4, Week 6, 2023

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

We were saddened to learn of the recent passing of Colin Dwyer, who served as the Principal of St Edmund’s College from 1995 to 2004. Colin held the distinction of being the first lay principal in the history of the College. Colin was well known for numerous accomplishments during his time as Principal. He was renowned for his building and renovation program as well as his unwavering commitment to fostering a vibrant liturgical life within the College. In the late 1990’s, Bishop Pat Power once commented that “Mr Dwyer had promoted Blessed Edmund Rice, as a witness to the message of Christ, so well that the College community now knew Edmund better than any other time in its history”.
Colin passed away surrounded by his family. As we bid farewell to a remarkable individual, we fervently pray, “Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
Colin’s funeral was held at St Christopher’s Cathedral, Forrest, on Monday 30 October, at 1:30pm, attended by a contingent of staff as well as our student leadership team who formed a guard of honour on the steps of the Cathedral.

Memorial Service

We held a profoundly meaningful memorial service at the College last week, dedicated to celebrating and cherishing the life and contributions of Ms. Ashleigh Kerin. The gathering proved to be a poignant and emotional tribute, underscoring the indelible mark left by this exceptional member of our staff on the life of the College’s.
In attendance were not only our College community but also Ashleigh’s parents, her sister and brother-in-law, who graciously joined us for this special commemoration of Ashleigh’s legacy. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Kylie Rose and Hamish Chapman of Year 12, who eloquently shared their memories and reflections on Ashleigh, encapsulating the essence of her impact in their heartfelt words of remembrance.
The funeral for Ashleigh was held on Monday 13 November.

Year 12 Farewell Rites of Passage Week

We entered last week with a great sense of excitement and anticipation, knowing that our Year 12 students were in their final week of classes. A few years ago we commenced an important tradition at St Edmund’s College during this final week for Year 12 – the “Farewell Rites of Passage Week”.  This was initiated to give our leaving students a sense of meaning and purpose in their last week, with a series of structured farewell activities.  The “Farewell Rites of Passage Week” has always commenced with a breakfast organised by the Old Boys and Friends Association, where Year 12 students are inducted into the Association and are presented with an Old Boys cap.  We always have a farewell lunch with Year 12 students from St Clare’s, signalling the end of that particular relationship with the two cohorts. We have a structured affirmation activity towards the end of the week where Year 12 students bring in a school shirt and have it signed by their peers.  Importantly this is conducted in a liturgical context, signifying the importance of affirmation and friendship.  Also during the week Year 12 students experience their final session with Brent Sanders, who they first met when they were in Year 9.  Brent presents his final session with this group, focusing on the many facets of positive relationships. Brent is one of Australia’s most respected communicators in the field of workplace harassment, bullying and discrimination as well as issues to do with personal safety.

Of course the week always culminates in the House Farewells on Friday, where Year 12 students are fare welled in front of their House groups and parents, with their tutor group teacher fare welling them by saying a few words about each student and presenting them with a small gift.  This is always a highlight of the year as each student is fare welled in a significant and personal manner.

We have packaged all of these activities under the banner of “Farewell Rites of Passage” as each activity covers a different aspect of development and maturing.  The term “rite of passage” was first coined by French anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep.  His work explains how cultures and communities once ritualised and guided the transitions in life from infancy to old age. “For every one of these events (rites of passage) there are ceremonies whose essential purpose is to enable the individual to pass from one defined position to another which is equally well defined.”  Initiation is a human need; it helps us to understand and mark transitions, as well as embrace and live our identities within a living community, but the rites of passage which were once a hallmark of ancient cultures have been lost in our contemporary society. We hope that the “Farewell Rites of Passage Week” we have created here at St Edmund’s goes some way in helping our Year 12 students adjust to the new life upon which they are about to embark, and leave the school in a positive, respectful and meaningful way.

We wish our Year 11 & 12 students the very best for their examinations this week and we look forward to Year 12 Graduation Day events on Friday 24 November.

Pre-Loved Uniforms

As we approach the year-end, I kindly urge parents and carers to consider contributing any school uniform items to our second-hand uniform collection. The generosity of our parents in the past has greatly supported this initiative, and we are continually seeking to replenish our supplies. Please feel free to drop off any pre-loved uniforms at the Reception, ensuring they have been washed and pressed.

While I recognise there are alternative methods for disposing of pre-loved uniforms that may offer financial incentives to parents, I am sincerely grateful to those who choose to donate to us. Your contributions enable us to share these uniforms with families in need. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea


Principal’s Message: Term 4, Week 4, 2023

As many of you already know, last week we experienced the loss of a cherished member of our staff, Ms. Ashleigh Kerin. Ashleigh, who served as our Head of English & Languages, had been on maternity leave this year after welcoming a beautiful daughter in February. This is undoubtedly a challenging time for Ashleigh’s family, her colleagues, and the students whose lives she touched.

Ashleigh’s impact on the St Edmund’s community was profound. During her time here, she made invaluable contributions through her work in Diverse Learning, her dedicated teaching of English and French, her role as a liaison for our Indigenous families, and her leadership as Head of English and Languages. Her work was characterised by a genuine passion, boundless enthusiasm, and a deep love for the students she served. Whether she was instructing entire classes, working with small groups, or assisting individual students, she consistently engaged with them in a positive and authentic manner.

Ashleigh’s influence extended beyond her students to her colleagues. Anyone who had the privilege of working alongside her bore witness to the radiant light she brought into our lives, making us feel comfortable and reassured in her presence.

The loss of a life is an immensely emotional and challenging experience. We have been grateful for the unwavering support from the College’s community of families and the broader educational community in Canberra during this trying time. The Mass offered to Ashleigh’s life last Thursday morning was a moving and meaningful experience.

As we navigate the remainder of the term, the void left in our collective hearts by the absence of our dear friend and colleague Ashleigh is palpable. Both students and staff feel the tremendous impact of her absence, and her memory will forever hold a special place in our hearts. We also hold a special place in our hearts and prayers for Ashleigh’s husband Chris and daughter Eleni at this time.

Please note that the day of Ashleigh’s funeral will be designated a student-free day, to ensure our staff members can attend and pay their respects appropriately.  The funeral date has not yet been determined.  We will inform parents and carers as soon as possible once we learn of the funeral date.

Prayer for Ashleigh Kerin

Loving God,
The death of Ashleigh Kerin is very difficult for us. We can no longer follow as Ashleigh shares your eternal life. We know that your love is far greater and more powerful than ours.
We pray that you give our friend Ashleigh your peace and your joy. Let her memory be a light that shines within each of us as we continue our earthy journey.
We put our pain and sorrow before you, Lord, as we know that you are the source of comfort. We ask this through Jesus, your Son.

Eternal rest grant unto Ashleigh, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea


Principal’s Message: Term 4, Week 2, 2023

Parents and friends of the St Edmund’s College community,

Returning to the Eddies community after my extended absence has been an absolute delight. It has been quite a while since I was last here (almost 8 months). However, starting this week has felt like a heartwarming homecoming. The warm and gracious reception I have received from staff, students and parents has been truly exceptional. As we venture into Term 4, I eagerly anticipate a productive and successful time working alongside all our community members.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Ian Garrity and Ms. Margie Maher, who assumed the roles of Acting Principal and Acting Deputy Principal in my absence. I am well aware of the tremendous time and energy they dedicated to ensuring the smooth operation of the College and the well-being of our community, and their contributions have been invaluable. Ian and Margie now return to their respective roles of Deputy Principal and Assistant Principal (Innovation and Technology).

I’d also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the members of our community who offered their sympathy, prayers, and thoughts at the start of the year when I experienced the loss of two close family members. The support from parents and students was deeply touching and is a testament to the extraordinary spirit that defines St. Edmund’s. Following this challenging period, my wife and I embarked on a journey overseas, exploring England and Scotland for three weeks and then spending another three or so weeks in Sicily, Italy.

One of the most cherished moments of our trip was when, on the last day in Sicily, I had the opportunity to visit my mother’s hometown, Spadafora, a beachside town just outside Messina. I located the very street my mother grew up on and spent a significant amount of time immersing myself in the surroundings, pondering what life might have been like there many years ago. This experience was profoundly special and emotional, leaving a lasting imprint.

While our overseas adventure brought immense joy, returning home was equally delightful. Since coming back to Canberra, I have discovered two new passions in my life – welcoming a new Groodle puppy, Stella, into our home and exploring the local area on my newly acquired e-bike. I’m thoroughly enjoying both of these new pursuits and relishing the simple pleasures they bring.

Student Leaders Presentation

Last Wednesday, we had the distinct honour of formally introducing our new junior and senior student leaders to the entire school community. Parents and families joined us as our special guests and gathered with us for morning tea. It was an immensely gratifying experience to extend our congratulations to the newly appointed leaders in front of the entire College community. I am eagerly looking forward to collaborating with them as we embark on our 70th anniversary year.

As a token of our appreciation and recognition of their significant roles, the new leaders were presented with a Celtic cross keyring and an Edmund Rice pin. These symbols underscore our deep-rooted heritage and affiliation with the Christian Brothers, as well as our commitment to the charism of Edmund Rice. Their formal induction into their positions will take place during our opening College Mass early next year, a moment we are all anticipating with great enthusiasm.

The list of our new student leaders has already been published in a previous edition of Vortex.

In the process of welcoming our new student leaders, I also had the opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to our current student leaders for their dedicated efforts throughout the year. Their contributions have enriched the College in countless ways, and we are immensely appreciative of their valuable contributions.

Old Boy Gift

We now proudly exhibit two framed original College blazers adorning the walls of our main corridor, generously donated by one of our foundation students, Rod McCauley. Rod embarked on his journey at St Edmund’s College in 1954, and in a gracious gesture, has contributed his two school blazers.  These blazers now stand as a vivid and enduring testament to the rich history and tradition that have shaped our College.  I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Rod for his generous gift, which now graces our corridors for all students to view and reflect on.

Second Hand Uniform Collection

Now that we’ve transitioned out of the winter uniform season, I kindly request parents to consider contributing to our second-hand uniform collection. Your generous donations help support families in our community who are in need. To ensure the items are in good condition, we kindly request that you clean and iron them before dropping them off at the reception. Your contributions are greatly appreciated, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.

Liturgical Reflection

Second Reading of Sunday 15 October 2023

In the second reading at last week’s Mass, we read Paul’s reflection on contentment in Philippians 4:12-13, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” (Philippians 4:12).  The key word here is “learned”. Paul writes that he learned the secret of being content in all situations. He wasn’t just born with the ability to shrug off everything that came his way, always being satisfied. Imagine what it would feel like to go through life being content in “any and every situation”.  What is this secret? Paul shares it in verse 13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Paul learned that his satisfaction, or fulfillment, or sufficiency, could not be consistently found in the material things around him. But in Christ, he could enjoy peace and purpose at all times. Christ is constant. If our contentment is anchored to money, jobs, cars, health, relationships, and other material goods, anything except Christ – we are in for a rough time.

I am sure there are things around all of us that give us reasons to be discontent. We just have to learn this same challenging lesson that Paul learned: to get our eyes off of ourselves and our external circumstances, and instead look to Christ. In Christ, we can do all things and find contentment. Our College motto “Christus Lux Mea” (Christ is my light) points to this – we can use the values, words and actions of Christ as our compass and guide.  This allows us to always recognise what is good and just, as without this we quickly start to fail in recognising what is wrong and unjust. I spoke about this concept at last week’s College assembly, if we forget what is right, we lose the ability to identify what is wrong. We use the light of Christ as our compass, striving to maintain a resilient community that remains content in any and every situation.

Prayer for Peace in the Middle East

God of mercy and compassion,
of grace and reconciliation,
pour your power upon all your children in the Middle East:
Jews, Muslims and Christians,
Palestinians and Israelis.
Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope,
oppression to freedom, occupation to liberation,
that violent encounters may be replaced by loving embraces,
and peace and justice could be experienced by all.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea


Principal’s Message: Term 3, Week 10, 2023

I hope that you have had a successful Term 3 and you are looking forward to the mid-semester break. Term 3 has been busy. In addition to the demands of the day to day timetable, the College’s co-curricular program peaks in Term 3 each year. We had a wonderful celebration of our performing arts talent in the Cabaret in August, as well as the finals and conclusion to our winter sports seasons. All of these activities take time and commitment from many people: staff, students and families. I would like to thank everyone involved with the co-curricular program.

It was pleasing to see many parents attend the parent-teacher interviews last night. Communication about each student’s engagement and progress between school and home is an important ingredient in helping our boys achieve their potential. I hope that the feedback was useful for parents and carers to support and engage with their son’s academic work for the remainder of the year.

Our Year 12s are approaching their finish line. They have their Formal this Friday night at the Arboretum and will only have five weeks of classes next term before they commence their exams. We wish them well for a positive and successful finish to their time at Edmund’s.

We will be holding a parent information night for our current Year 12 parents and carers on Wednesday 11 October in the Edmund Rice Centre from 6.00pm – 7.00pm. We ask that at least one parent or carer attends this evening. Mr Zavone will be outlining end of year processes and expectations.

We look forward to Mr Zavone’s return to the College at the beginning of Term 4. I would like to acknowledge two staff who have taken on leadership roles in Joe’s absence. Firstly, Margaret Maher, as acting Deputy Principal. Margaret has worked tirelessly in the role to ensure that the school has continued to run smoothly and progressed several initiatives. I would also like to thank Kylie Rose who has been busy with some of our day-to-day operations in the Operations Coordinator role since the middle of Term 1.

As we approach the end of 2023 we are already preparing for the beginning of 2024. In recent weeks, our Year 11 students have gone through the selection process for our senior leadership positions for the High School for 2024. This process involved a focussed leadership day exploring servant leadership, a series of interviews, and a speech presented in front of their Yr 11 or House peers.

Once again, we have been very impressed with the quality of our elected leaders and look forward to working with them in 2024. I am extremely confident they will do an outstanding job. Our Junior School leaders for 2024 are currently in the middle of their selection process. All leaders will be presented to the whole school at an assembly on Wednesday 11 October.

Our 2024 High School Leaders

  • Ben Martens – College Captain Inclusive Community
  • Clay Meddemmen – College Vice-Captain Justice and Solidarity
  • Rory Forbes – College Vice-Captain Liberating Education
  • Noah Hamels – College Vice-Captain Gospel Spirituality


  • Clancy House Captain – Harvey McLean
  • Clancy House Vice-Captain – Thomas Henningsen


  • Mulrooney House Captain – Finn Gibson
  • Mulrooney House Vice-Captain – Ethan Guthrie


  • O’Brien House Captain – Bronson Brown
  • O’Brien House Vice-Captain – Thomas Hatchman


  • Haydon House Captain – Isaac Dokonal
  • Haydon House Vice-Captain – Tipa Vaili


  • Rice House Captain – Zeal Taiatini
  • Rice House Vice-Captain – Lachlan Hardy


  • Treacy House Captain – Henry Meggitt
  • Treacy House Vice-Captain – William Gabriel

Dear Lord,
Grant that we may live each day to the full, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Let us cast away all worries and concerns into your divine care.
Christus Lux Mea
Give us strength to confront all challenges that we face with hope and faith.
Let our community seek truth in all that we search for.
Christus Lux Mea
Let us stand for others always giving generously without counting the cost.
Blessed Edmund Rice
Pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts

Best wishes for a relaxing and safe mid-semester break.

Ian Garrity
Acting Principal
Christus Lux Mea


Principal’s Message: Term 3, Week 6, 2023

Although each term seems to be busy, Term 3 seems to be the busiest term at the College. The reason being, that nearly all of the co-curricular activities are in full swing, with a number of activities approaching their semi and grand finals.

One of the ‘finals’ in the Performing and Creative Arts co-curricular program is the upcoming cabaret – A Night at the Movies. This cabaret will occur on Wednesday 30 August in the College Hall, commencing at 7.00pm. It will be a night where our Music, Dance, Art, Media and Drama showcase their talents as they perform for our community. It is one of the best nights of the year, so please book your tickets if you have not purchased them already. https://events.humanitix.com/a-night-at-the-movies-udxi6hnp

The co-curricular program at the College has a long and proud history. The College provides a broad range of activities on afternoons during the week as well as competitions on the weekends. We are a school for all and there should be at least one activity in our program for everyone. Activities include a variety of sports and cultural activities, as well as a broad range of clubs such as STEAM, Debating, Duke of Edinburgh, Cardestry and Chess.

As our community is aware, all students commit to participating in a co-curricular activity each year as a condition of their enrolment. There are many reasons why participation in the co-curricular is compulsory. Firstly, the program builds relationships and a spirited community as it encourages students to mix with students from different year groups and those outside of their regular friendship groups. Secondly, the program plays a vital role in the College’s approach to a holistic education. It compliments the formal academic and spiritual development of our boys that typically occurs in the classroom. Thirdly, co-curricular activities often lead to the development of a range of personal attributes such as teamwork, resilience, problem-solving, cooperation, leadership and creativity – all valuable skills for the 21st century. Finally, all of these benefits can contribute to an increase in confidence, self-esteem and engagement in the school community, which in turn leads to a well-rounded personality, strong character and more effective learning in the regular classroom.

Thank you to the staff, parents and carers who contribute to the program. Your generous contribution towards the program allows such a broad range of activities to take place. A special thank you to our older students who tutor, coach and manage our younger boys. This aspect of the College makes me incredibly proud of our students. It is impressive to see the relationships being built between the younger and older students, the appreciation of and looking up to the older boys, and the sense of satisfaction that the older students receive from their volunteering.

I hope to see you at the movies next Wednesday.


Touchstone Prayer

Gospel Spirituality

God of Love,

We pray that you will open our minds and hearts to the message of the Gospel and to the mystery of the cross. May our faith in you keep growing through every hour, day and year of our lives, in the lives of our students and the lives of our community.

In faith we pray.  Lord hear our prayer.


Inclusive Community

God of Life,

We pray that you will open our minds and hearts to the needs of all people, both near and far. May our faith help us to embrace every member of your family with wisdom and compassion.

In faith we pray. Lord hear our prayer.


Liberating Education

God of Freedom,

We pray that you will open our minds and hearts to the endless possibilities for good in your world. May our faith help us and those around us to enjoy the adventure of learning and discovery.

In faith we pray. Lord hear our prayer.


Justice and Solidarity

God of Truth,

We pray that you will open our minds and hearts to the reality of the world in both its beauty and its pain. May our faith help us to live lives for peace and justice, respecting creation, centred in you and not ourselves.

In faith we pray. Lord hear our prayer.


Blessed Edmund Rice. Pray for us.

Live Jesus in our hearts. Forever.


Ian Garrity
Acting Principal
Christus Lux Mea


Term 3, Week 2, 2023

Heritage Round / Reunion Day

What a day of sport, music and community it was! We hope everyone had a wonderful time at Heritage Round/Reunion Day.


Principal’s Message: Term 3, Week 2, 2023

Welcome to Semester 2

I hope that families were able to have a safe and restful break over the recent school holiday period. As is always the case, it was wonderful to welcome the boys back to the College last week and to feel the energy around the grounds. The semester has started well and we have now settled into our regular routines.

Heritage Round / Reunion Day

One of the significant events of the year is happening this weekend – Heritage Round. The annual rugby fixture at St Edmund’s versus Marist College has always been well supported and attended by both College communities. It is a healthy and positive rivalry between the two schools. The Heritage Round contains a full list of fixtures for Football and Rugby at the College. These fixtures conclude with the First XV playing Marist College on Owens Oval at 3.00pm and the First XI playing Woden on Standen Oval at 3.10pm.

The celebrations around Heritage Round have grown over recent years and the College uses the weekend to host a number of events and activities for our current and past families. These events are jointly organised and hosted by the Old Boys and Friends Association and the College. I would like to thank Matt de Jongh, President of the Association, and the many committee members, who have generously given their time in organising these events. Thank you also to the many staff involved in planning and running the various activities. It is a great team effort, and we are looking forward to the weekend. We have over 200 attendees for the Blue and White Ball on Friday night and several graduation classes have arranged to use the weekend to get together.

I encourage parents and carers to visit the College on Saturday for one or more of the following events.
10.00am             Mass in the College Chapel
11.00am              Morning Tea
12.00pm             Tour of the College
All day                Football and Rugby Fixtures across all College Ovals

The Heritage Round /Reunion Weekend supports a local charity. Funds will be raised through various activities on Saturday and a number of items will be auctioned at the Ball on Friday night. This year we will be supporting Rise Above Capital Region Cancer Relief. Rise Above provides financial assistance and support to cancer patients and family residing with them within the ACT, Queanbeyan and surrounds.

One of the items that will be auctioned on Friday night is a Heritage Round jumper. Each year, the First XV play in a unique jumper designed for the round. The jumper for this year was designed by College staff member, Mr Peter Fatupaito. St Edmund’s College embraces its rich cultural diversity. The 2023 Heritage Round jumper has been designed to celebrate our diversity. In Peter’s words, “The design on the jersey was influenced by a common Polynesian tattoo that covers majority of a man’s body, starting from the ribs, down to the knee caps. This significant tattoo is given to many men of importance who would receive it in a traditional manner. Each strip of pattern resembled the most common pattern/shape to each Polynesian country, hence each representing and being symbolic of the four Polynesian countries represented in the First XV team – Samoan, Tongan, Maori, and Fiji.” Supporter t-shirts with Peter’s design are available for students, parents and carers. I sincerely thank Mr Trent Masters and his colleagues for their vision and work with developing the partnership Rise Above and developing the items of clothing for this weekend. Thank you also to Mr Lee Boswell, our Co-curricular Manager, for all of his work involved with this weekend. It is a big day!

When I asked the boys at assembly this morning who was attending this weekend, about 80% of hands went up. This was really pleasing and was a great confirmation of the spirit that exists amongst our students. In addressing them this morning, they were encouraged to support in the right way, always showing support for our teams and displaying respect for the opposition and officials. They were also reminded of the expectation regarding their dress on Saturday. All students are to wear their full school uniform on Saturday which includes blazers for High School boys. Further information for Junior School boys is included in in Mr Kelly’s article for Junior School.

Edmund’s to the Fore!

Dear Lord,
Grant that we may live each day to the full, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Let us cast away all worries and concerns into your divine care.
Christus Lux Mea
Give us strength to confront all challenges that we face with hope and faith.
Let our community seek truth in all that we search for.
Christus Lux Mea
Let us stand for others always giving generously without counting the cost.
Blessed Edmund Rice
Pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts

Ian Garrity
Acting Principal
Christus Lux Mea


Principal’s Message: Term 2, Week 8, 2023

Sacramental Program

I was fortunate to experience a wonderful celebration last night, our Sacramental Mass for our 37 students who received the Sacraments of First Community, Reconciliation and/or Confirmation. These students completed their programs on Tuesday afternoons throughout Semester One and received their Sacrament/s at a Mass celebrated by College Chaplain, Fr Chris, at St Christopher’s Cathedral. Mass last night focused on the meaning of the three sacraments in our individual faith journeys, and how our motto, Christus Lux Mea, Christ be my Light, is central to the College’s mission and our day to day lives.

I would like to thank our Mission Team, Mr Michael Monagle, Ms Bridget Cusack and Mrs Carmela Wilson for leading this and other important programs and celebrations at the College. Thank you also to Miss Caroline Devlin and Mrs Rachel Rasmussen for their assistance with the Mass last night.

End of Semester

As we draw close to the end of a busy semester, I wish all students well in their semester final assessments and classroom activities. Our seniors have commenced exams and our Junior School and lower High School will be finishing off their final tasks over the next week or so.

Our first expectation from our Statement of Eddies Pride asks students to strive to achieve their personal best by showing resilience and engagement and our College Prayer asks ‘that we may live each day to the full’ and have ‘strength to confront all challenges that we face with hope and faith’. I ask parents and carers to have a conversation with their son about their learning in Semester One over the next couple of weeks and reflect on their effort and whether they are striving to be their best, making the most of each day, and are showing resilience and courage when faced with challenges. This conversation may be most effective when the Semester Report is distributed in Week 10. The report will indicate academic achievement for each subject, but just as importantly, it will provide information on student effort and application in each class.

Not all students can receive the highest academic results, but all students can achieve high effort and application grades for their classes. Please look at these two areas for your student and commend them if they are striving to achieve their personal best or challenge them if there is room for improvement with regard to application and effort.

The College offers a range of support options for students, and these may be worth considering for your son at the start of Semester Two. Parents can contact individual teachers for further information regarding application and effort in particular classes, parents can contact tutors to seek ideas about study skills for your son, students can attend the lunchtime study support sessions to catch-up on out of class assessment, and High School students can drop-in to the Library after school and seek assistance from teachers who are rostered each day.

Yr 11, 2024

A big thank you to Trent Masters, our Pathways Coordinator, who has worked in an effective partnership with St Clare’s College and their staff to organise a very successful Careers Expo last week. The event was very well attended by our Yrs 10-12 students.

Over the last few months, Yr 10 students have been engaged in a number of activities preparing them for Yr 11 aimed to increase their capacity to make informed decisions about their subject selections for Yr 11, 2024. Years 11 and 12 can be challenging years for students; we work very hard to prepare our students and support them through their last two years of secondary education.

We look forward to having individual conversations with our Yr 10 students and their parents next Monday 19 June about their study packages for the next two years. Please contact Mr Masters or Mr Bibbens if you would like any further information about senior studies and post school pathways.

Staff Professional Learning

Our staff engage in a professional learning program for Week 10 of Term Two. In the week after the last day of term for students, Friday 23 June, St Edmund’s Staff will participate in a range of professional learning activities that align with our strategic directions and targeted learning needs.

The professional learning program for this year includes:

  • formation in the Edmund Rice and Catholic Traditions,
  • school-wide focus on Literacy using the Writer’s Toolbox program,
  • faculty-based professional learning targeting faculty needs,
  • a range of compliance and professional responsibility modules, and
  • a range of workshops where individuals select the most relevant topics for their needs.

Thank you for your support of the College and your sons throughout Semester One.

Dear Lord,
Grant that we may live each day to the full, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Let us cast away all worries and concerns into your divine care.
Christus Lux Mea
Give us strength to confront all challenges that we face with hope and faith.
Let our community seek truth in all that we search for.
Christus Lux Mea
Let us stand for others always giving generously without counting the cost.
Blessed Edmund Rice
Pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts

Ian Garrity
Acting Principal
Christus Lux Mea