
Creative and Performing Arts

Week three is an exciting week for the Creative and Performing Arts department. As the school slowly comes back to life with the year 11 and 12’s returning to face to face teaching, it is a time for all the hard work undertaken during online teaching to be realised practically. Drama, Media, Music and Visual Arts all have major assessments due in the coming weeks and the challenges that the boys have faced whilst being away from the school do not stop once they re-enter the class room. With the mask mandate in place, this places more challenges for practical Drama assessment and Music performances. How do you perform an emotional piece of drama or play the clarinet whilst wearing a mask? One of the joys of the Arts is the idea that limitations breed creativity.

The time away from school and the limitations placed on the students with lack of Art resources and equipment, the use of the masks for Drama and Media performances and the restrictions  placed on the Music boys, with that quote in mind  we should be in for a very creative last 4 weeks with the year 11 and 12 students.

Nigel Palfreman
Head of Performing and Creative Arts