
Dragon Boating Season Wrap Up

To finish the Dragon Boating season over the term break Angus Jones Year 11, Alister Hobson Year 12, Tom Farrell Year 8 and Xavier Dejuliis Year 12 competed in the National Dragon Boating Championships. The boys did exceptionally well competing in both State (ACT Fire) and Club (Joey’s) level competitions.  The boys achieved the following results:

Angus Jones Year 11 

ACT Fire Silver U18 open 10s 500m

ACT Fire Silver U18 Mixed 20s 500m

Joey’s Bronze U18 Open 10s 2km

Alister Hobson Year 12

Joey’s Gold U18 Mixed 10s 500m

Joey’s Bronze U18 Open 10s 2km

Tom Farrell Year 8

ACT Fire Silver U18 open 10s 500m

ACT Fire Silver U18 Mixed 20s 500m

Joey’s Gold U18 Mixed 10s 500m

Joey’s Gold U18 Mixed 10s 2km

Joey’s Silver U18 Mixed 10s 200m

Joey’s Bronze U18 Open 10s 2km

Xavier Dejuliis Year 12

ACT Fire Silver U18 open 10s 500m

ACT Fire Silver U18 Mixed 20s 500m


Best of luck to Angus and Tom who will be presenting Australia in Thailand as part of the U18 Auroras crew in August. If your son is keen to join the Dragon Boating team next season please email his interest to ahausen@stedmunds.act.edu.au


Alex Hausen