
Eddies Sleepout 2018

On the night of Friday 31 August, 45 boys from Year 6 to 12 slept out in the College Gymnasium and learnt about homelessness. We were lucky to have Matthew Owen, Board Member from HOME in Queanbeyan and Therese Canty, School Liaison Officer from St Vincent de Paul present on the night to dispel some of the myths about homelessness and the reasons that people are sleeping rough.

The money the boys raised will be donated to HOME in Queanbeyan and Karinya House, which are the organisations for our Term 3 Social Justice focus. A big thank you to the staff who assisted in organising this event and supervising on the night. This initiative was a first for the College and given its success will become a permanent fixture on our College calendar.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.

– Matthew

Michael Monagle (Director of Mission and Identity)