
Faith and Mission – Key Dates and Sleep Out

Term 3 Dates

15th August – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass 1.15pm in College Chapel

17th August – Catholic Leaders Formation Network Symposium https://csymi.com/about/catholic-leaders-formation-network/

31st August – Father’s Day Mass (Junior school) College Chapel

31st August – St Edmund’s Sleepout 7pm in Gymnasium

16th – 23rd September – Darwin and Tiwi Mission Trip

22nd  September – 4th October – India Immersion trip

14th October – Marian Procession St Clements Galong http://cgcatholic.org.au/marian/

St Edmund’s Sleep Out

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Matthew 25:35-36

The first St Edmund’s ‘Sleep Out’ will be held on August 31st, as we prepare for this event we pause a moment in reflection and consider those who have slept rough through this cold winter in Canberra. The College has had a strong link with HOME and Karinya House for many years and as our Social Justice focus this term is for local charities, we will endeavour to support both Home and Karinya House through fundraising and raising awareness of the great work that both organisations do in the Canberra Community.

Boys from Years 6-12 will Sleep in the school gymnasium and participate in various activities to become more aware of the issues that Homeless people face every day. Throughout the night we will hear from a guest speaker from HOME who will explain how people become homeless and are forced to sleep rough. The senior boy’s, Years 10-12 will be watching a documentary ‘Oasis’ that outlines some of the difficulties that some young people are facing in Australia currently around homelessness. The boy’s Years 6-9 will participate in activities run by St Vincent de Paul aimed at educating the boys how someone sleeps rough.

Dinner should be eaten prior to attending the night and snacks are allowed to be brought and shared with others. Breakfast will be supplied and boys will be allowed to depart school from 7am on the Saturday.

Date: Friday 31st of August

Meeting time: Friday 7pm in the Gymnasium

Dismissal from school: Saturday 7am.

Donation: $10 to donate to HOME and Karinya House (7-12 boys only). Year 6 boys to fundraise at school, please see Ms Cusack.

What to bring/ Dress: Casual clothes/ Sleeping equipment.

Teacher/s in Charge: Mr Monagle/Ms Cusack

If you have any concerns about this excursion please contact me at the College on (02) 6239 0628. Forms are available from RE staffroom or from Ms Cusack. Please return form by the 24th August to Ms Cusack or RE staffroom.

Michael Monagle (Director of Mission and Identity)