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Feedback & Complaints


St Edmund’s College welcomes feedback – positive or negative – from all members of the College and broader community and will consider all ideas and views provided.

Feedback includes suggestions, ideas or opinions made to the College relating to our services or operations.

To provide feedback please email reception@sec.act.edu.au and include the following information:

  • If you are a student, parent/carer, ex-student, member of the broader community or other contact
  • The event, program or matter to which your feedback relates
  • The actual feedback you would like to provide

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. On receipt of your email we will forward it to the relevant staff member for their consideration.



St Edmund’s College welcomes feedback from all members of the College community and takes all complaints or concerns that may be raised seriously. This Complaints Handling Guide is designed to assist you to understand our complaints handling process.

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to St Edmund’s College, related to our services or operations, or the complaints handling process itself, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected.

St Edmund’s College’s Commitment

St Edmund’s College is committed to handling complaints effectively and efficiently. To manage complaints effectively, we have established a Complaints Handling Program in line with both the international complaints handling standard (ISO 10002:2014 Quality management – Customer satisfaction – Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations), and the Australian/New Zealand complaints handling standard (AS/NZS 10002:2014 Guidelines for complaint management in organizations).

Our program includes the establishment of an online complaints management system which allows us to effectively capture, manage and report on complaints. Regular analysis of complaints received and the implementation of rectification action, where deficiencies are identified, are key to the College’s commitment. Our internal complaints handling process are available at no cost.

Informal Complaints Resolution

The vast majority of issues causing concern in schools can be handled quickly and in an informal manner. In most cases these issues can be resolved through informal discussions with appropriate staff members. Even if an issue is able to be resolved informally, all staff are required to log issues through our complaints management system so we are able to identify any systemic issues arising, and take appropriate rectification action.

To make an informal complaint please contact the College on 02 6295 3598 or at reception@sec.act.edu.au.

How Do I Make a Formal Complaint?

If you have been unable to resolve a matter informally, or simply wish to make a formal complaint you can do so by any of the following means:

  1. Sending an email to complaints@sec.act.edu.au.
  2. Writing a letter to the College addressed to “The Complaints Manager”.
  3. Telephoning the College and asking to speak to the Complaints Manager.

All formal complaints will be logged into our online complaints management system and managed in accordance with our Complaints Handling Process.

EREA Complaints Handling Policy