
Game Day Faces

Let’s get our game day faces on for lockdown and face it with strength, courage and community.

As we’ve been swept into lockdown it is very important to develop a routine to ensure we can maximise our health, schoolwork and happiness.

I encourage all boys to participate and engage as much you can in online class and try to make the most of online learning. To best help your study, consider setting up a study space free from distractions where you can zone into your schoolwork, and when you are done you can leave this space and unwind.

But this engagement in online school shouldn’t mean we let our computers run our lockdown, so if you’re ever feeling tired or worn out from staring at your computer all day remember you can pick up a book, board game, go out to the garden or do a range of other little hobbies to enrich your day.

We each have 1 hour of time outside the home (if we’re not in quarantine) and I encourage everybody to use that to your benefit whether that be walking the dog, going for a run or just simply shooting hoops to work on your jump-shot for the return of the lunchtime b-ball comp.

I understand that in difficult times it may be easy to fall into a pattern of only focusing on ourselves, but it is essential that we look out for each other, so whenever you can please check in on your mates and even your teachers at the beginning of classes as these times may not be easy and our community and brotherhood can help us through it. Never forget to help your loved ones in and around the home and hopefully we can come out of this with stronger relationships than when we went into it.

I understand with the sudden stopping of co-curriculars we may find ourselves lost in what to do outside of the virtual classroom, but we must all remain positive and utilise this time to our benefit and do what is asked of us so we can come out of lockdown as soon as possible.

I’m not trying to say this time will be easy, but after all diamonds are made under pressure, so let’s all use the pressure and challenge of lockdown to develop ourselves, our abilities and relationships into the diamonds they can be.

Furthermore, we should be appreciative for the circumstances we are in as there a range of worse positions to be in, and we are fortunate enough to have school prepared for this transition, and fortunate enough to have our mates check in on us.

I would like to leave you with this message. It is okay to not be okay, but please keep talking to your loved ones and mates and touch base with each other as the simple gesture of reaching out and letting somebody know that you are there for them, may make all the difference. Our Brotherhood with each other and relationships with family and self will get us through these tough times so ensure we are fostering these relationships and looking out for one another.

Edmunds to the Fore.

Baden Godfrey
College Captain