
Junior School News: Week 1 Term 3, 2022

This week we have had ten new students begin with us in Junior School. As Mr Zavone mentioned to the school during an assembly on Tuesday, this is a good reflection of the direction of the school and the work, improvement and achievements of our current students. It is never easy beginning at a school during an academic year but we wish all of our new students the smoothest possible start.

As we begin Term 3, it would have been preferable to be operating our school in a typical way. However, given predictions of a rise in Covid-19 infections over the next few weeks, decisions around typical school activities may need to be made. Please note the College Leadership Team is cognisant of the fact that students have not had many opportunities recently for camps, excursions and other whole-school events. At this stage, where we can, we intend to implement appropriate safety measures and minimise risk so that important excursions, camps and events can continue. However, if we do receive new health information or guidance, this stance could change.

Please note that so far this year our Junior School has been able to cope with minimal teacher shortages. Term 3 will continue to pose some challenges in this regard, and we will use all available strategies and resources we have before any consideration is given to remote or online teaching and learning. We have a few events on the horizon to look forward to.

Touch Football 5/6 Gala Day. Wednesday 27 July – Parents of students who showed an interest in this opportunity have been sent a notification to complete an online permission through the parent portal. Please contact IT if you have difficulty accessing your account.

Oz-Tag Gala Day. Tuesday 2 August – Two teams of interested Year 6 students and one team of interested Year 4 students have been selected for this opportunity. Parents of these students will be able to complete an online permission through the parent portal. Please contact IT if you have difficulty accessing your account.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School