
Junior School News: Week 3, Term 3, 2018

It was wonderful to see so many of you on Saturday at both rugby and football matches. Well done to the students, who played their hearts out and displayed great sportsmanship. Please see below some information from Mrs Ellem and Ms Cusack about happenings in Year 6 and Year 5.

Spotlight focus on 6 Blue Science – Mrs Ellem

Enjoying circuit building and learning about electricity – problem-solving is a cross-curricular focus and within these lessons, the boys were shown how to make circuits, given the tools to make circuits and then left to experiment.

After the second lesson, some really pleasing results were seen.

Information from Ms Cusack – Junior School students explore a variety of text types in their studies of English. Year 5 have been exploring and learning about the text type of procedure and adding a little magic to their studies. A magic trick is an example of a procedure. It can only be successfully orchestrated if steps are followed in the correct sequence. Year 5 have been practising and honing their skills and have been ‘wowing’ their classmates and fellow Junior School students with their magical ability and knowledge of a procedural text.

Every day we are reminded that there are many people in our community who for a variety of reasons have no permanent home. Organisations such as Karinya House and Home in Queanbeyan are there to support those in our local community who have nowhere to call home. This term students from Years 6-12 are being invited to take part in “Eddies sleeps out for House and Home”.  Students are asked to sleep for one night in the College Gymnasium to gain a very small insight into what it is to sleep rough. On the night the boys will participate in awareness raising activities of homelessness.

Blessed Edmund Rice reminds us that to serve a neighbour for the love of God, is a prize worth more than silver or gold.  This term to serve our neighbours in need the Junior School is asked to contribute towards “The Eddies Sleep out”. For every $10 a student’s contributes his name will go into a draw. The winner will be able to choose to perform an adult’s role in the Junior School that they would like to do for a day. There will be one winner per year level who is able to select their dream job, for example, their classroom teacher, Mr Kelly’s role or possibly Mr O’Rourke’s role in the library. The money raised will be used to purchase two baby cots for Karinya House and personal care supplies for Home in Queanbeyan.

The invitations to the Father’s day mass have been sent home this week, all fathers, grandfathers and guardians are most welcome. If you are able to attend please send back the return slip to your son’s classroom teacher by August 24th.

Quicksmart/MacqLit Instructors Wanted – We are really happy with how our numeracy and literacy support programs are progressing. At the moment we have a few dedicated volunteers who help keep these programs running. We would love to open up these programs to more students if possible. If you are interested (or any grandparents) in assisting with Literacy (anytime) or Numeracy (Mon/Tues 11.30am – 12.45pm) please contact Leonie Owens – lowens@stedmunds.act.edu.au

Wednesday 8 August – Parent/Teacher Evening. Bookings through link sent with reports last term.

Homework Club – Mrs Ellem will be running homework club from Weeks 2-9 this term on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Please email her hellem@stedmunds.act.edu.au with a day’s notice should you wish to book your son/s in.

Moderation Day 2, Thursday 9 August – Please note that as per the school calendar this is a pupil-free day.

David Kelly (Head of Junior School)