
Junior School News: Week 3, Term 4, 2020

Last week was very much a bright spot for Junior School students in 2020. We had many engaging events and the week culminated in a wonderful community day at Friday’s Market Day. The College Musical was absolutely jaw-dropping. My family thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope many of you got the opportunity to view it as it will go down as the greatest production in the history of St Edmund’s College. Thank you also to the students from St Clare’s and Canberra Girls Grammar School. It was clear that this was a talented group and they worked so well together. Junior School students Owen Clausen, Andre L’Aimable, Aidan Moloney, William Clausen, Brody Grainger and Douglas L’Aimable were brilliant as wolves and villagers. It was really great to see our youngest students working with some of our oldest students in such a quality production.

On Wednesday our students enjoyed an incursion from Questacon and were able to witness lots of interesting demonstrations and experiments.

Our Book Week Parade was a huge success. Thank you to families as I know Book Week can cause an element of stress in households in the days leading up to a parade. However, the result is a fantastic amount of energy and recognition of the role books play in our lives. Continually focussing on the positive impact of books will help our young men appreciate literature long into the future. Congratulations to our raffle winners and alternate book cover winners. It was also great to have Mr Zavone present awards to students who had performed well in the Principal’s Reading Challenge. Please see below for names of our prize winners.

Costume Raffle Winners: Roman Spano (4 White), Blake Sixsmith (5 Blue), Patrick Kelly (6 White)

Best Dressed: Dale Fisher (4 White), Jules Wake (4 Blue), Lucas Regan (5 Blue), William Walsh (5 White), Cameron Thornley (6 Blue), Chase Tiffen (6 Gold), Henry Martin (6 White)

Alternate Book Cover Winners: Lokomalani Faupula (4 Blue), Thomas Peterson (5 White), Thomas Keillor (6 Gold)

Alternate Book Covers (honourable mentions): Ewan McDonald, Adrian Kendon, Jay Dalliston, Phillip Wekesa, Darcy Borghouts, Campbell Madden, Mitchell Graham, Edmund O’Donohue, Oliver Neave, Phillip MacNamara

Principal’s Reading Challenge Top 6: Edmund O’Donohue (4 White – Treacy). 16 Books read. Mateo Waisman Posadilla (4 Blue – Treacy). 27 Books read. Abner Khatri (6 White – Mulrooney). 36 books read. Rafael Guarin (5 Blue – O’Brien). 47 Books read. Ian Scott (6 Blue). 47 Books read. Hunter Small (5 Blue – Treacy). 96 Books read.

Principal’s Reading Challenge Effort and Participation: Ezra Taiatini (5 White), Alexander Paras (5 White), Max Riva (4 Blue), Harry Locker-Lloyd (4 Blue), Matthew Bool (5 White), Oliver Neave (4 Blue), Byron Wright (4 White), Roman Spano (4 White)

Market Day on Friday was a terrific day and Junior School students were able to mingle with the older students and participate in the many different activities and visit some of the stalls. A real highlight for our Junior School students was witnessing the tug-o-war between the students and teachers at the end of the day.

The School Christmas hamper appeal for St Vincent de Paul and Karinya House has had a very strong response.

Foodstuffs for St Vincent de Paul

Rice, Pasta, Tinned foods (peas, beans, spaghetti hoops, tinned fruit), Tea, Coffee, Festive Foodstuffs, Selection Boxes, Biscuits, packet cake mix,  long life custard/ powder, pasta, pasta sauce, Sweets, Crisps, Popcorn, Christmas decorations and serviettes.

Some Students are also taking part in “Chores for Charity” where they do chores for family/friends and receive a token payment for completing the chore.

The money collected is returned to school and at the completion of the appeal this money is then spent purchasing more items for both our charities. I would like to acknowledge and thank you for your ongoing and very generous support of the appeal. The College touchstones of Inclusive community and Gospel Spirituality are very evident in the Junior School at present. I hope that we can continue with this generous spirit.

Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 8 December @9.15am.

Our ceremony will be held from 9.15am – 10.15am. On this occasion award recipients (first, second and third) for each class will be recognised, along with other major awards including sportsman of the year, a music award and improvement awards for each class. All Year 6 students will receive a certificate for completing their Junior School studies. At this stage we are still working out logistics in order to include as many parents as possible at this event. More information will be provided closer to the date. Please note that on this day Years 4-11 classes will cease at 1.00pm. If parents/carers wish to take their son/s home after our Presentation Ceremony, please just send an email to studentservices@stedmunds.act.edu.au

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School