
Junior School News: Week 7, Term 1, 2019

Junior School News Term 1 Week 7

Last Friday we enjoyed the first formal Junior School academic assembly for the year. Congratulations to all of the students who received certificates and to those that assisted with leadership, speaking and presenting roles. I spoke with the students about the importance of reading and how the launch of our book fair should assist boys looking to spark their interest in reading once again. The library looks fantastic and Mrs Larkin has done a terrific job in helping bring the books to life. I also spoke about challenging themselves in the classroom and not just accepting what they have been thinking is their potential in regards to learning.

MacqLit (literacy) and Quicksmart (numeracy) classes have begun and students selected are now well into these programs. Students are selected based on our own internal testing and teacher input. If you have any questions regarding these programs please don’t hesitate to contact Tracey Brown
(Quicksmart) or Krystal de Leon (MacqLit) on 6239 0705.

Library News

Thankyou to all the families who were able to support the Junior School Book fair. The boys, books and breakfast was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate reading and the opportunity for boys to visit the fair hopefully encouraged them to read more.

Thank you also to those families who have generously donated board games to the Junior School Library. It is great to see the boys engaging with one another with these lunchtime activities.

Matt Giteau Cup (Union) – Friday 22 March

Congratulations to the boys selected for this competition. St Edmund’s is sending one Year 4 team and one combined Year 5/6 team. Good luck to both teams.

Junior School Mass – Thursday 28 March at 10.00am in the Chapel. All welcome.

Junior School Athletics Carnival – Friday 29 March @ Owens Oval, St Edmund’s College

Please find the schedule of events for Friday below. Students selected in field events will be notified at school.


Friday 29 March 2019


9.20am Event 1a – Field Events qualifiers only group Lonergan Oval (selection process for College team)

– Shot-put

– Discus

– Long jump

9.30am Event 1b – Multi Sports

All students Years 4 to 6 who did not qualify for field events will participate in a multisport activity program.

Recess 10.45am.

11.20am Track Program will commence, this will allow students an opportunity to be selected for the College team.  It also provides students of all abilities an opportunity to participate in running events and house team activities.


 All Students Move to House Areas 
TimeEventAge Group
11.25am to









Events not completed proceed after  lunch

In age order 9 to 12 years


10 to 12 years


U9 years only

 LUNCH 12.45PM TO 1.35PM 
1.40pm to 3.10pm




In age order 9 to 12 years