
Junior School News: Week 7, Term 4, 2020

Last Friday the Junior School helped farewell our Year 12 cohort with a guard of honour. It was the first time we have done this and it was very successful. It was wonderful to see our youngest boys congratulate our eldest in such a way and the emotion on the Year 12 students’ faces showed what it meant to them. Sonny Lauvao (Year 6 Gold) spoke brilliantly at the graduation assembly and thanked the Year 12 students on behalf of the Junior School.


As the term is coming to a close we are hoping you can assist us with the return of your son’s Library books?

Many boys have outstanding books but are forgetting to bring them in and as the stocktake is planned for Monday of Week 8 we really need those books to be returned to the Library this week. Any books being returned can be placed in the returns box in the library.

Thanking you in advance!

Junior School Big Splash excursion – Monday 7 December. On this day students of the Junior School will attend Big Splash Waterpark in Macquarie, ACT. Students will catch a bus to and from the venue. Students may wear mufti clothes on this day. Please return your son’s note as soon as possible to his class teacher.

Junior School Presentation CeremonyTuesday 8 December @9.15am. The time of our ceremony will be 9.15am – 10.30am. On this occasion award recipients (first, second and third) for each class will be recognised, along with other major awards including sportsman of the year, a music award, language awards and improvement awards for each class. All Year 6 students will receive a certificate for completing Junior School studies. Unfortunately we can only have a maximum of one guest per Year 6 student and two guests per award winner (these parents have been emailed so they are aware). No other guests or parents will be allowed to attend and there will be a sign in sheet on the day. I understand this is not ideal but unfortunately we can only fit a set number of adults in the hall. The prospect of a live stream was investigated but unfortunately has been deemed impractical due to resource levels. We have had a few questions about whether family members can take their son’s out for lunch afterwards…this is of course absolutely fine. If your son will be leaving after the ceremony, please email your son’s teacher or student services in advance. Please note that class will cease at 1.00pm on this day.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School