
Junior School News: Week 7 Term 4, 2021

We reflected on Remembrance Day with a prayer and service last Thursday in the main quadrangle. The students were reverent and respectful of this special time and I would like to thank William Charles for his part in the service in which he read beautifully. Our thanks to Ms Galvin for organising this event for our students.

COVID 19 Reminder
Please note that although there is an easing of restrictions in the ACT that came into effect from late last week, restrictions in schools haven’t changed.

Christmas Appeal – Thank you to all the families who have been able to contribute to our Christmas Appeal and well done to boys who have been participating in Chores for Charity. Keep up the good work.

Year 6 2022 – Parents/carers are reminded our school BYOD program begins in Year 6. Technical specifications are listed on the school website: BYOD Program (sec.act.edu.au)

End of Year Events – Please note we are endeavouring to hold the majority of our end of year events, with scalable options to abide by health advice. Certain events such as the Christmas Concert will not be able to go ahead due to issues with numbers and our ability to prepare performances across year groups in time.

Year 6 into 7 Transition – all Year 6 into Year 7 transition events will still be able to occur with the exception of the Year 7 2022 Orientation Day. As this day involved mixing too many students from different schools, it was deemed safest to move this to the first day back in 2022, with other days during the first few weeks of 2022 dedicated to transition and initial testing. All Year 6 students continuing into Year 7 were able attend the House farewells on Friday 12 November. This Friday, during the weekly formation session, Year 6 students will be spending time with their Head of House and should have an opportunity to get a taste of what being in High School will be like. We usually celebrate our Year 6’s with an excursion to Big Splash Waterpark on the second last day of Term 4. Planning and consideration is being given to whether this excursion can go ahead. Please note that students identified as needing a little more transition will be included in our pre-Eddies preparation group, which will be run by Lisa Millar.

The Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 7 December at 9.15am – 10.30am in the Hall – Last year we were only able to have one parent per award winner and Year 6 student attend. There is hope that restrictions will ease on 29 November this year to allow us to have two parents of Year 6 students and award winners. Parents/carers of award winners will be notified via email in the next few days.

Semester 2 Reporting


Despite the unusual circumstances we have encountered in Semester 2, Junior School reports will show grading in most subjects. There may be some subjects that we just could not assess and reports will reflect if this is the case. The report will include a comment although it may not be as detailed as in past semesters. The reports will be available electronically in Week 10.

Team HEAT Holiday Program

St Edmund’s College Junior School will be hosting a fun and exciting Team H.E.A.T holiday program in the upcoming school holidays. This will take place on Monday 13th December through to Friday 17th December and is run by an external provider.

Please note that at this stage only St Edmund’s Junior School students may attend this program due to current Covid-19 restrictions. Numbers are limited.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact team_heat@outlook.com

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School