
Junior School News: Week 9, Term 2, 2018

As Term 2 draws to a close, I would like to thank all the dedicated staff who have given so much of their time for the boys. At the moment the staff are busy marking assessment tasks and writing reports while still delivering a high level of quality teaching and learning.

Reports will once again be available online on Wednesday 4 July in the afternoon. Information on how to access reports will be sent via email. An opportunity to discuss your child’s progress has been scheduled for Week 3 next term, you will simply need to book in a parent/teacher interview. Information about how to do this will also be sent out.

We thank and farewell to Mr Tom Pilkinton who has been an awesome teacher for the boys in 6 Blue. We wish him well overseas and hope he has some wonderful adventures. The boys in 6 Blue have met with Mrs Ellem and she will return from maternity leave as of next semester.

Junior School Leaders update – congratulations to Ben Martens (6 White), James Isherwood (6 Blue) and Ronan Love (6 Gold) on being selected as Junior School Leaders for Semester Two. We look forward to their contribution to the Junior School community. House Leaders and Service Leaders are also being selected this week and successful students will be informed before the end of term.

Just a reminder that St Edmund’s College breaks from this Friday 29 July and our first day next term is Monday 23 July.

Junior School Holiday Program

Team H.E.A.T and FunFit Sports are very pleased to offer a 2-day holiday program for boys and girls aged 8-12 years on Monday, July 9th & Tuesday, July 10th.

The program will incorporate a wide range of fun and exciting activities based on a theme of Science & Technology. Participants will work through computer coding & robotics, engineering challenges such as Demolition Derby & Scrapheap Challenge, as well as a variety of exciting science experiments and games.

The program will take place at St Edmund’s College and all activities will be facilitated by fully qualified Primary School teachers.

If you would like any further information, please contact Mr O’Rourke via email team_heat@outlook.com

I hope you have an enjoyable break and we look forward to seeing you back next term.

David Kelly (Head of Junior School)