
Just Keep Swimming

Just keep swimming

Yet another week in lockdown and we’re still kicking on. It’s been reassuring and encouraging to see the boys still buying into the atmosphere of the College from home despite lockdown, with many boys demonstrating their skills in the online trick shot challenge. This has been mood boosting to see these responses and participation in College life from the boys within the limitation of their homes.

As we begin the final week of term 3, I encourage everybody to keep persisting with their schoolwork and when it comes, enjoy your well-earned rest. But it’s also important to still take a break from your online learning through this week, so in the afternoons, free periods or recess/lunch try get outside and away from the screens. This will help to keep you in a positive state of mind, help you stay active and help keep you motivated.

I’d also like to say an enormous thanks from all of year 12 to Mr Langtry and the College staff that helped reschedule the Year 12 formal to November, we all really appreciate the massive effort that was put into this and we’re all greatly looking forward to the night (and Mr Langtry on the dance floor).

I would also like take this time to thank the teachers and college staff for continuing their great work throughout this entire lockdown to ensure our continued learning. This thanks is also extended to the families of the College whose endless support for us boys has definitely improved our time in lockdown.

Lockdown hasn’t been easy on anybody, so especially to the boys of the College ensure that you are continually checking in on your friends and family to see how they are doing and try your best to make things easier for your family in lockdown. This could be as simple as helping out with dinner, cleaning a room of the house or taking your siblings for a walk to give your parents a little break. There is strength in numbers, so by working together with your friends and family I know we will all get through this difficult time and return to school as more persistent and resilient people. So, keep putting the effort in, keep looking out for those around you and just keep swimming throughout this lockdown.

Edmunds to the Fore.

Baden Godfrey
College Captain