
Language Selections for Students in Years 7 and 10

It is an important time of year for students in Years 7 and 10 who are making language selections at the moment. At the end of Semester One, Year 7 students will have studied one term each of Japanese and French. In Semester Two, they will specialize in the language of their choosing and study it until the end of Year 8. It is a big decision to make and we encourage all students to think carefully and to see their language teacher or Mr Taylor if they need advice.

Students in Year 10 also no doubt have a lot of thinking to do as they consider options for senior study next year. Students who have been doing a language since Year 8 have the option of taking a Continuing Language course in their senior years, and those studying Japanese who really want to extend themselves can apply to enter the ANU H Course program. It is less well known that Beginning Language courses are also available in the ACT BSSS system. These are for students who have studied a language cumulatively for one semester or less in years nine and ten. Two years of study at the Senior level allows students to develop a good level of ability in a language and will create opportunities for them, not least of which as a way to score bonus points for their ATAR. Any student considering either of these options is encouraged to see Mr Taylor or any other language teacher to discuss further.