
Memory Lapse

Through technology our world has more access to information than ever before. There is so much content that can be found using our phones, laptops and various other devices. Over the course of our lives we are digesting lessons from a diverse range of sources including our families, our schools, our friends, our faith, the bible and of course the internet. There are so many lessons that we have been taught over the years and there are some that we retain and others that we dismiss. Our memory is key to retaining these lessons of value and sometimes we can easily forget these.

To use our memory effectively we need to ‘record, retain, retrieve’ what is important and put it into practice. Last Thursday the Gospel reading had this wonderful passage that hopefully all who are reading this can relate to. At times we can find ourselves in a malaise as we try to cope with all that is happening in our lives. This is reflected in the Gospel from Matthew;

“You will listen and listen again, but not understand,
see and see again, but not perceive.
For the heart of this nation has grown coarse,
their ears are dull of hearing, and they have shut their eyes,
for fear they should see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their heart,
and be converted
and be healed by me.”

Matthew 13:10-17

The Gospel of Mathew outlines the general discomfort that we can all feel when life seems a little troublesome. Perhaps it is simply that we have lost sight of Christ in our lives and have tried to set a path without God’s help in an individualistic pursuit that does not have time for others. Our scriptural theme for the year suggests that we should put into practice the lessons from Christ. With this in mind we are encouraged to choose a path that is best for us with his help. To try and do it on our own would be more difficult, though with prayer and humility our plan and God’s can be one and the same.

Liberating Education 2020

Dear Lord,

We pray that we may not lose sight and forgot about God in our lives.
We pray that we may record in our memory the learnings from Christ.
We pray that we may retain and receive all the love that God has for us.
We pray that we may retrieve the lessons from Christ regularly so as to encounter His presence.
As the Gospel reading suggests ‘But happy are your eyes because they see, your ears because they hear! I tell you solemnly, many prophets and holy men longed to see what you see, and never saw it; to hear what you hear, and never heard it.’ God’s love is offered to each of us no matter our history. We pray that we make take up his offer and that all may know the unconditional love that he has for each of us.

Blessed Edmund Rice …Pray for us.

Live Jesus in our hearts…forever.

Michael Monagle
Assistant Principal – Mission & Identity