
Moving into Term 4

I hope that all students and families had a restful holiday period. Term 4 is always a bit of a whirlwind and I have no doubt that this feeling will only be amplified in our current situation. I did want to take this opportunity to mention, in case it was lost in the shuffle, that at the end of Term 3 you should have received an email regarding Term 3 Progress Reports. If you did not receive the email, or have any trouble accessing the reports, please let me know (tbibbens@stedmunds.act.edu.au). You also should have received an email at the end of the holiday period giving you access to nominate a time for the virtual Parent / Tutor check-ins, which will take place on Wednesday, October 13th. If you did not receive this email, if you had any trouble accessing the system, or if you would like to touch base but can’t be available for a virtual meeting on the 13th, again please let me know.

Otherwise, while it has been a bit quieter on campus than a typical start to a term it has been nice to see some Year 12 students and we look forward (with fingers crossed) to a return to a full and bustling school in the coming weeks. With regards to Year 12, this is a good chance for yet another reminder about Thursday’s AST preparation, which promises to be a busy but productive day. All Year 12 Tertiary students are required to attend in school uniform. That being said, if any student is feeling at all unwell it is imperative that he stays home. Any student who doesn’t attend on Thursday should email me as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the AST test itself, please refer to the BSSS website https://www.bsss.act.edu.au/act_senior_secondary_system/assessment,_scaling_and_the_atar/act_scaling_test_ast

For any further questions about the AST, or the AST Preparation Day, please ask me (tbibbens@stedmunds.act.edu.au) or Ms Kerin (akerin@stedmunds.act.edu.au)

Kind regards,
Tim Bibbens
Assistant Principal Teaching and Learning