
Mufti Day & Donation Drive

Mufti Day and Donation Drive: A Community Effort for HOME and Karinya House

Last Friday, our school came together for a special Mufti Day and donation drive, raising over $1500 for HOME in Queanbeyan and Karinya House. This event was not only a testament to our community spirit but also an important opportunity for our boys to embody the values of an Edmund Rice school.

The day was filled with energy and enthusiasm as students and families contributed an incredible array of goods for the clients of both organisations. The boys worked diligently to sort through the generous donations on Friday afternoon, ensuring that each item was properly organised for delivery. Today, a group of students proudly took some of these items to HOME, continuing their commitment to service and support.

This initiative highlights the essence of our school’s mission – to look out for others and “give to the poor in handfuls” as Blessed Edmund Rice taught us. It also serves as a powerful reminder of our scriptural theme for this year: “I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Through actions like these, our boys learn the importance of giving back to the community and living out these values in their daily lives.

A special thanks to our guest speakers, Zoe from HOME and Sarah from Karinya House on Friday afternoon. It was wonderful to see the boys engage so positively and ask some insightful questions about the work they do. Also a special thank you to Miss Bridget Cusack for her efforts in organising our Stay, Sort and Serve event and driving the donations all term.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the families who donated and participated in this event. Your generosity and support make a significant difference in the lives of those served by HOME and Karinya House. Let’s continue to strive towards creating a compassionate and caring community.

Carmela Wilson
Assistant Principal – Mission & Identity