
MyWay Reminder for Schools

Families are probably aware, the month’s free travel period has come to an end. Paid services recommenced on Monday May 27, students are being reminded to top up their MyWay cards or purchase tickets to avoid fines of up to $181 for travelling without a ticket.

Tapping on and off is required by all customers travelling on light rail and buses, and also provides Transport Canberra with accurate data to plan and review services in the future.


Where can I get a MyWay card?A select number of newsagencies, post offices, and Access Canberra outlets. For the full list visit: https://www.transport.act.gov.au/tickets-and-myway/get-myway/recharge-agents
I’m a student, how much does it cost?A MyWay card is $2.50, and then you’ll need to top it up for travel.


Tertiary: $1.61

School student – school day: $1.22

School student – non-school day: $1.61

Weekday cap: $4.80

Weekend/public holiday cap: $2.17

I want to catch a bus and light rail – will it cost me two tickets? All MyWay fares include a free 90-minute transfer period so you can connect to a different bus or light rail service or commence your return journey using the same ticket within 90 minutes of purchase. Daily tickets are valid until midnight on the day of purchase.
What if I forget to tap on/off?If you don’t tap on, you could be fined up to $181.

If you don’t tap off after a trip, you’ll be charged a default fare.

My balance is low, how do I recharge? You can instantly top up your card at a recharge agent, set up an autoload direct debit online, or top up at a ticket vending machine at all light rail platforms and major bus stations.