
Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 2, 2023

“Everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. Everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:9-10

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

I extend a very warm welcome to all of our families for the 2023 school year, and a very special welcome to all of our new families.  I trust all members of our community had an enjoyable holiday and that our students enter the new school year with a renewed sense of energy, vigour and application.

I had the pleasure of personally welcoming our new Junior School parents to the College last week. I highlighted the fact that we are a school that values communication and community, and I extend that sentiment to all our parents.  Please do not hesitate to contact the College should anything need clarification or explanation, whether it be from a curriculum perspective, a pastoral matter, a co-curricular matter or an organisational matter. I also encourage all our parents to engage with the school as much as you can, getting to know staff and other parents, and contributing to the energy and life of the College and to the positive experiences of your sons.  Please make sure that you follow the College social media pages on Facebook and Instagram, where you can easily catch up on the life of the College and celebrate our events and achievements.

I look forward to either commencing or continuing the positive relationships we have with you in being partners in the education of your son.

The focus of my address to students at the first College Assembly last Tuesday was how we all have an important part in contributing to a positive and inclusive learning culture. This includes being respectful of others (students and teachers), showing kindness, understanding and compassion, and being open to new ideas and perspectives. By being kind and respectful to each other, we can foster a positive and supportive atmosphere where everyone can thrive, whether it be in the classroom, on the sporting field, on stage, in the quad and on the ovals at recess and lunch, and outside of school.

I also extend a very warm welcome to our new members of staff and wish them every success as they work with our boys:

Pauline Carnovale            Canteen
Frederick Clark                  English
Lisa Davis                             Head of Science
Robert Dix                           Head of Treacy House / Health & PE teacher
Joachim Fatiaki                  Religious Education
Narelle Gervink                 Diverse Learning
Emma Gibson                    English / Diverse Learning
Rhys Hekimian                   Creative & Performing Arts
Von Langtry                        Canteen
Eliza Mackenzie                English / HASS / Science
Peter Marrapodi               Health & PE
Leanne Thomas                Creative & Performing Arts
Rachel Rasmussen           Head of Creative & Performing Arts

We welcome back Mrs Carmela Wilson (Head of Religious Education) and Mrs Holly Ellems (Junior School teacher) following their maternity leave.  We also congratulate Ms Ashleigh Kerin (Head of English) and her husband on the birth on their daughter born last week.

Student News

We were very pleased with the achievements of our students from the Class of 2022.  In particular, we congratulate Eric Liehne (our 2022 Dux), Joshua Wink and Samuel Greenwood for their very strong academic achievements.  Eric intends to study Computer Science at ANU; Joshua intends to undertake a Bachelor of International Security Studies at ANU and Samuel plans to study Advanced Computing at ANU.  Profiles of each of these students can be found on our Facebook page.

In the holidays we were informed of some wonderful achievements in the creative and performing arts. Congratulations to Connor Moloney (Year 12) and Daniel Isherwood (Year 12 2022) for their recognition at the Canberra Area Theatre (CAT) Awards, receiving a Recognition of Excellence in Acting for their performances in last year’s musical production of Little Shop of Horrors. Paul Oscar Brown (Year 12) was one of eight artists who has been selected to represent The Q (Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre) in 2023 as a Young Ambassador. Paul Oscar Brown was selected by actress Kate Mulvany OAM for his acting prowess and passion for theatre.

Congratulations also to BJ Darmody (Year 11) and Emmett Smith (Year 11) on their success in being selected for the Harold Matthews Cup Squad (Raiders) for 2023.

Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers

All EREA schools are expected to have a Code of Conduct for parents and carers. Parents and carers are valued members of the St Edmund’s College community, and we ask parents and carers to adhere to this Code of Conduct to help us promote positive, productive and respectful relationships within our community. This Code of Conduct applies to all parents and carers.  The Parent Code of Conduct can be found as an attachment to this week’s Vortex and will also be available on our website very soon.

St Edmund’s College fulfils its mission in partnership with parents and carers who are the first educators of their children. We recognise that parents and carers are valuable participants in our community, and we want to work in partnership with parents and carers to provide and support the safe and positive education and care of students.

St Edmund’s College comprises a wide variety of individuals who work together to help our students become confident, well-educated community members who can contribute as good citizens, co-operate with others and act reflectively and ethically. Our shared values and an understanding of acceptable behaviours enable members of the St Edmund’s College community to work together with respect and appreciation for each other.

We recognise our legal obligation to ensure the ongoing health and safety of students, staff and families within our community. We encourage parents and carers to support our educational environment that exemplifies our Edmund Rice tradition, encouraging our students to grow into the fullness of their humanity where they feel welcomed, accepted and valued.

It is a requirement that all St Edmund’s College families adhere to principles and practices as outlined in the College’s Enrolment Policy and Conditions of Enrolment, as signed by parents.

This Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers clarifies the way the College expects parents and carers to conduct themselves in their interaction with all members of the College community including but not limited to all staff, students, other parents and carers and volunteers.

Starting School

A few weeks ago, principals of a range of high schools across Canberra (including myself) were asked by The Canberra Times to provide some advice, tips and suggestions as to the successful start of the new school year for senior students (Years 11 & 12).  Below are my responses which hopefully will be of some help to you in getting the year off to a great start.

What are the common issues that senior students face?

Many seniors face a sense of uncertainty – for example, not knowing whether their suite of subjects in Years 11 & 12 will serve them well for their chosen career or their chosen tertiary studies. This is why we always suggest that students choose a package of varied subjects, not something that will lock them into a particular discipline.  Added to this is the stress of doing well.  Luckily we are slowly moving towards university entrance that is based on more of a personal profile than just an ATAR, but we still have a long way to go in this area.  I have great concerns at the end of every year when schools advertise their great ATAR scores and publish their wonderful achievements (we are also guilty of doing this) when we are also reiterating to Year 12 students that there is more to life than an ATAR.  Somehow we need to strike the right balance here.

What is your top piece of advice for senior students?

Talk, talk and talk.  Talk to your teachers about any uncertainties you have in your studies and how best to prepare for assessment tasks; talk to your wellbeing staff about how you are feeling and acquiring strategies to cope; talk to your parents and your friends about whatever thoughts you have, so you are sharing not storing.  There are so many people in school and out of school to talk and with whom to and share thoughts and feelings.  It’s amazing what talking to someone can achieve.

What qualities or habits do successful students have in common?

Successful students are not only successful in their studies, but they are also very effective in planning their time; prioritising their tasks and seeking assistance and clarification.  Most successful students also get involved in the life of the school; they add to the energy of the school and have an outlet rather than just focusing solely on their study.

Do you have a motto or saying that you live by?

If you don’t laugh, you cry.  Seeing the lighter side of life gives you a particularly good sense of wellbeing.

What do you hope your students will have learned by the end of their school career?

We have a brief statement at the College that encapsulates what we would like our students to have – a vibrant spirit, a good character and tailored learning.  Basically, having a good energy about yourself and others; being a good person and having a study pathway that suits you so you can move into any direction you wish.

Second Hand Uniforms

It is so encouraging to see that our second-hand uniform collection has grown from literally nothing to a very well stocked collection within the last few years. I would encourage you to please consider donating pre-loved uniform items to our collection so we can continue to assist those families in need. I am aware that there are other alternatives to explore with second-hand uniforms, some of which provide you with a small financial gain, so I am very appreciative to those parents who donate their uniform items to the College to help those families and students who are struggling at this time.  Pre-loved uniform items can be left at Reception, and we would ask that uniform items are cleaned and pressed prior to being donated.

 Vortex distribution

Please note that a full edition of the Vortex will be published once every fortnight from now on. The alternate week will have a very basic edition of the Vortex outlining important dates and events.

2023 Scriptural Theme

“Everyone who asks, receives.

Everyone who seeks, finds.

Everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Luke 11:9-10

 This is our scriptural theme for 2023. Every year we have a scriptural theme to provide us with direction and guidance throughout the year.  This year’s scriptural theme is found in Luke’s Gospel and comes after Jesus has taught the crowd how to pray the Our Father, as a response to being asked by the crowd how to pray. Jesus then continues to speak to the crowd about prayer and about having faith in God, but not just to sit around and expect God to intervene in our lives.  We need to be active and know what we are asking for in prayer – we need to ask, seek and knock, and in doing so our questions will be answered, we will find what we are looking for and we will have doors opened.

Jesus provides the crowd with a very simple explanation of prayer. I explained to our staff at our opening meeting that in 2023 we can perceive Jesus’ instruction in a more contemporary context. We are God’s people on earth, and we are the body of Christ, therefore, when people ask, they are asking help from us; when they seek, they are seeking of us and when they knock, they are knocking on our doors.  How then do we respond to this? How do we answer their pleas; how do we provide what they are seeking and what are we providing when we open our doors? Whilst these are questions that do not require an immediate answer, they are certainly questions for us to discern and contemplate.  As a Catholic community, we are a community of service, and these questions should be at the forefront of what we do and say.

I am hoping our scriptural theme will provide us with many opportunities for discussion and discernment throughout the year.

 Prayer for the Beginning of the School Year

Loving God,
We come to You today with grateful hearts and open minds,
asking for Your divine guidance and protection.
As we pray, we remember the words of Jesus in Luke 11:9-10,
where he taught us to ask, seek, and knock,
and to have faith that You will answer our prayers.
We ask that You grant us the wisdom and courage to seek Your will in all things,
and to trust in Your perfect plan for our lives.
Help us to approach every situation with humility and grace,
seeking Your guidance and direction at all times.
We also ask that You bless us with your peace and comfort,
filling our hearts with Your love and joy.
Help us to remain steadfast in our faith,
no matter the challenges that may come our way.
Thank You for Your unwavering love and support,
and for always being there for us.
We pray this in Jesus’ name,

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea