
Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 6, 2023

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

Opening Mass and Commissioning of College Leaders

My highlight of the last two weeks was the 2023 Opening School Mass and Commissioning of College Leaders that was held at St Christopher’s Cathedral on Friday 24 February. Coming together as a school community to celebrate Mass at St Christopher’s is special.

There was a strong sense of Eddies pride on display by our students. They walked down to the Cathedral on a beautiful morning and engaged respectfully in the celebration. A memorable part of the Mass was the commissioning of our 2023 student leaders. The parents presented their sons with their leadership stoles and badges to signify the important responsibility of these roles in a memorable ceremony. The College is blessed to have such quality leaders in the High School and Junior School this year. We look forward to working with them this year.



Strategic Directions 2023 – 2025

The College worked on forming its new three-year strategic directions during Semester 2, 2022. In setting its direction, the College Leadership Team and School Advisory Council looked through responses from a variety of surveys completed by students, staff and parents in the previous twelve months, met with community members and engaged in a planning day at the College on a Saturday. The outcome of this process is a new strategic document with a refined vision and mission, and five key priority areas containing a number of identified growth opportunities for the College. Below are some of the key parts to the 2023 – 2025 Strategic Directions.


To develop boys into young men of vibrant spirit and strong character through tailored learning experiences. We do this in the context of authentic, dynamic and relational Catholic educational community.


Catholic school in the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice, we continually strive to nurture and inspire our students, challenging them to be the best they can be. We offer an innovative and liberating education, based on Gospel spirituality, within an inclusive community committed to justice and solidarity. We encourage young men to be aspirational regarding their future, to develop a social conscience, to think critically and contribute positively to a world beyond St Edmund’s.

Key Priorities and Focus Areas

  1. Mission and Identity: As a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice tradition, we recognise that spiritual and religious formation are foundational elements of our identity, reflecting the EREA Charter and Touchstones. We offer our community a lived experience of an engaged spirituality, inspired by the life of Jesus and in the tradition of Blessed Edmund Rice.
    1. Retreat and Immersion Programs
    2. Faith Formation and Service Learning
    3. Sacramental Life
  2. Teaching and Learning: We engage each student in relevant and dynamic learning experiences, so they can realise their full potential in an atmosphere of high-quality teaching, through a broad and tailored curriculum.
    1. Investing in Relationships
    2. Review and Refresh Curriculum Delivery
    3. Student Self-regulation
    4. Effective use of data to the wellbeing of each community member
  3. Wellbeing: The College is committed to the wellbeing of each community member (students, staff, parents and others) and provides an environment that builds and sustains dignity, respect, resilience and the capacity for quality relationships.
    1. Holistic growth and personal formation
    2. Connectedness and engagement
    3. Safeguarding Standards
  4. Community: We are a welcoming diverse and inclusive community that fosters right relationships and works towards the common good of our students, staff, parents, alumni and the wider community.
    1. Statement of Eddies Pride
    2. Partnerships and pathways
    3. Parent, staff and old boys engagement
  5. Stewardship and Sustainability: We aim to ensure long-term sustainability of the College in a competitive educational setting. This aim includes continuing to work towards strengthening our environmental stewardship, sustainable provision of ICT infrastructure and connectivity, and the development of responsible business and marketing plans, policies and practices for our continued growth.
    1. ICT systems and services
    2. Teaching and Learning resources
    3. Master Plan / Facilities

Staff at the College look forward to working towards these prioritise in our day to day work over the next three years. The full version of the Strategic Directions 2023 – 2025 can be found on the College website.

St Edmund’s College Prayer

Dear Lord, Grant that we may live each day to the full, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Let us cast away all worries and concerns into your divine care.
Christus Lux Mea
Give us strength to confront all challenges that we face with hope and faith.
Let our community seek truth in all that we search for.
Christus Lux Mea
Let us stand for others always giving generously without counting the cost.
Blessed Edmund Rice Pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts forever.

Ian Garrity
Acting Principal
Christus Lux Mea